Everybody has to be from somewhere...


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
SassyIrishLass , yes ma'am I spent quite a bit of time west/central Indiana... My question for you is... Ever been skinny dippi'n in Coal Creek? :04:

We lived half way between Brazil and Greencastle out in the giggleweeds not very far from the cemetery I mentioned...

Reason I mention Coal Creek is we (my ex-wife) have a friend that owns a rather large piece of property just southwest of Veedersburg that Coal Creek runs through... The property use to belong to Purdue but he (the friend) purchased it about 20 years ago... Some tillable, but mostly timber... He is a semi-retired lawyer who runs a Outfitting business... Beautiful Property...

I grew up not far from Coal Creek. My grandfather owned many acres of farm ground in the area you speak of and now my mother owns it, rents the tillable out but still raises livestock and she keeps our youngest's precious pony there for her.

Never skinny dipped in Coal Creek but when I was young I went coon hunting with my grandfather, father and uncles many times along it. I loved to listen to the hounds.

It's God's country to me and will always be my home no matter where my husbands career takes us. It's also political red and they dont take kindly to progtards. That helps explain my disdain for them...its in my blood

You're good people if you have the values from around there..
I'm from here -

"Rip Van Winkle" is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War in a village at the foot of New York's Catskill Mountains where Rip Van Winkle, a Dutch-American villager, lives. One autumn day, Van Winkle wanders into the mountains with his dog Wolf to escape his wife's nagging. He hears his name called out and sees a man wearing antiquated Dutch clothing; he is carrying a keg up the mountain and requires help. Together, the men and Wolf proceed to a hollow in which Rip discovers the source of thunderous noises: a group of ornately dressed, silent, bearded men who are playing nine-pins.

Van Winkle does not ask who they are or how they know his name. Instead, he begins to drink some of their liquor and soon falls asleep. When he awakens on the mountain, he discovers shocking changes: his musket is rotting and rusty, his beard is a foot long, and his dog is nowhere to be found. He returns to his village, where he recognizes no one. He arrives just after an election, and people ask how he voted. Never having cast a ballot in his life, he proclaims himself a faithful subject of King George III, unaware that the American Revolution has taken place, and nearly gets himself into trouble with the townspeople until one elderly woman recognizes him as the long-lost Rip Van Winkle.

King George's portrait on the inn's sign has been replaced with one of George Washington. Van Winkle learns that most of his friends were killed fighting in the American Revolution. He is also disturbed to find another man called Rip Van Winkle; it is his son, now grown up. Van Winkle also discovers that his wife died some time ago but is not saddened by the news. He learns that the men whom he met in the mountains are rumored to be the ghosts of Henry Hudson's crew from his ship, the Halve Maen. He also realizes that he has been away from the village for at least 20 years. His grown daughter takes him in and he resumes his usual idleness. His strange tale is solemnly taken to heart by the Dutch settlers, particularly by the children who say that, whenever thunder is heard, the men in the mountains must be playing nine-pins.
Lucy Hamilton

I am proud to be a Hoosier...

The US Secret Service has designated the code name "Hoosier" for US Vice President, former Indiana Governor, and Indiana native Mike Pence.[20]

On his podcast, retired Indianapolis Colts punter Pat McAfee defined the term as "a human who is willing to stand up in the face of adversity, chug two beers, and do anything he can to make America a better place. That's what a Hoosier is."[21]

Hoosier - Wikipedia
SassyIrishLass , yes ma'am I spent quite a bit of time west/central Indiana... My question for you is... Ever been skinny dippi'n in Coal Creek? :04:

We lived half way between Brazil and Greencastle out in the giggleweeds not very far from the cemetery I mentioned...

Reason I mention Coal Creek is we (my ex-wife) have a friend that owns a rather large piece of property just southwest of Veedersburg that Coal Creek runs through... The property use to belong to Purdue but he (the friend) purchased it about 20 years ago... Some tillable, but mostly timber... He is a semi-retired lawyer who runs a Outfitting business... Beautiful Property...

Brazil Indiana, lol! What a hole! You ever meet a dumbshit tweaked names William Fulk?
I was born to a singularity mom...

Brazil Indiana, lol! What a hole!

I have made quite a bit of fun re: the folks from Clay County... Some of it deserved, some of it in jest... I have been very fortunate in my life and have done a whole shitload of traveling... Everywhere I have been there has always been a hole... What attracted you to BFE, Texas? The pyramids?
Brazil Indiana, lol! What a hole!

I have made quite a bit of fun re: the folks from Clay County... Some of it deserved, some of it in jest... I have been very fortunate in my life and have done a whole shitload of traveling... Everywhere I have been there has always been a hole... What attracted you to BFE, Texas? The pyramids?

Lol, that’s a funny question. I was drug here back in the 80’s when I was a kid. I can not stand the Houston area at all. This latest fire out at the plants being one excample of why. That said, it’s always been home. I tracked allot to. Just always end up here. My time In Brazil was when I was driving trucks. The food I mentioned was supposed to check me out driving. Dood was a character. Honestly, if I would have been able to explore more of the town then the Loves truck stop I may have gotten a better impression.
Drugs, Hookers and indigestion!!! Oh yea maybe fuel... That's what you get at truck stop's...
If it wasn't for a Great Dane Trailer Plant and agriculture Brazil would have dried up years ago...
Drugs, Hookers and indigestion!!! Oh yea maybe fuel... That's what you get at truck stop's...
If it wasn't for a Great Dane Trailer Plant and agriculture Brazil would have dried up years ago...

Had lots of nice houses though. Old, but nice with plenty of potential. I still want to go to that area and explore. Aside from the loves, I only got to see the Hardee’s for a $6.00 burger that cost $7.50.

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