Even Socialists are turning on Obama!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, maybe there is hope after all:

A lie exposed

The Socialists have dug in deep analyzing the healthcare bill. And they say "Obama lied". Never thought SC Rep- Joe Wilson and the World Socialists would have anything in common!!

The Socialists say the healthcare bill is designed to lower healthcare costs for big corporations to keep them rich. They say the end result will be major rationing for the poor, and creating a system of elite care for the rich, and poor, rationed care from low paid doctors for everyone else.

Does Obama have ANY friends left????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You obviously don't read WSWS very often. The socialist media (you know, the newspaper/websites that are actually socialist, not the common american fantasy definition) have been pummeling Obama since even before the election.
There is a lot of misconception on this site about what EXACTLY is a leftist, a marxist, a communist, a socialist, a capitalist, a stalinist, a leninst, a neocon, a conservative and so on. You poor people have become so polarized you can't think clearly any longer.

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