Europeans must pay their Taxes !


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I read recently that part of the problem with the European debt crisis is that, many Greeks,
and other Europeans, accept a lot of government hand outs, and they do not pay enough in Taxes. You can not continue as a country to pay out more than you are taking in.!
Europeans need to start paying their taxes. Put money in, if you accept government handouts. Its very simple.!!$$
I read recently that part of the problem with the European debt crisis is that, many Greeks,
and other Europeans, accept a lot of government hand outs, and they do not pay enough in Taxes. You can not continue as a country to pay out more than you are taking in.!
Europeans need to start paying their taxes. Put money in, if you accept government handouts. Its very simple.!!$$

And when you've solved the Greek financial crisis, will you be resolving your own deficit of $1.3 trillion? :eusa_whistle:
I read recently that part of the problem with the European debt crisis is that, many Greeks,
and other Europeans, accept a lot of government hand outs, and they do not pay enough in Taxes. You can not continue as a country to pay out more than you are taking in.!
Europeans need to start paying their taxes. Put money in, if you accept government handouts. Its very simple.!!$$

And when you've solved the Greek financial crisis, will you be resolving your own deficit of $1.3 trillion? :eusa_whistle:

Well at least we have begun to solve our economic problems, and have , a plan for deficit reduction and a constitution for the United States, but you Europeans still have not even begun to devise a plan to pay down
the huge debt that you people have created.
Making U.S. dollars more available will still not solve the fundamental problem of European
economic debt.

And it is not our responsibility to solve Greek debt problems.
I read recently that part of the problem with the European debt crisis is that, many Greeks,
and other Europeans, accept a lot of government hand outs, and they do not pay enough in Taxes. You can not continue as a country to pay out more than you are taking in.!
Europeans need to start paying their taxes. Put money in, if you accept government handouts. Its very simple.!!$$

And when you've solved the Greek financial crisis, will you be resolving your own deficit of $1.3 trillion? :eusa_whistle:

Well at least we have begun to solve our economic problems, and have , a plan for deficit reduction

Really now? Just what have we done to address the deficit and what is this plan you are talking about?
The problem in Europe and Greece is entitlement's just like here in the US.
They pay plenty of taxes but they and here in the U.S. have unsustainable entitlements.
This is why Socialism fails, it brings more and more entitlements and then gets to the point where it costs way too much and gets out of control.
It still doesn't work even if the government took all of your money. The more tax they get, they put in more and more entitlement programs.
The problem in Europe and Greece is entitlement's just like here in the US.
They pay plenty of taxes but they and here in the U.S. have unsustainable entitlements.
This is why Socialism fails, it brings more and more entitlements and then gets to the point where it costs way too much and gets out of control.
It still doesn't work even if the government took all of your money. The more tax they get, they put in more and more entitlement programs.

Entitlements are there because the government took deductions from pay to establish
the "entitlement". Entitlements are not a government handout. So , when I hear people
talk about the problem is with entitlement, I say thats all a big lie, entitlements are not
some form of socialism, money was taken out of workers pay to fund many of those entitlements.

The problem is government spends money on defense, and on other programs at a higher rate, and does not adjust entitlement deductions with regards to current inflationary cost
of living.
I read recently that part of the problem with the European debt crisis is that, many Greeks,
and other Europeans, accept a lot of government hand outs, and they do not pay enough in Taxes. You can not continue as a country to pay out more than you are taking in.!
Europeans need to start paying their taxes. Put money in, if you accept government handouts. Its very simple.!!$$

And when you've solved the Greek financial crisis, will you be resolving your own deficit of $1.3 trillion? :eusa_whistle:

Well at least we have begun to solve our economic problems, and have , a plan for deficit reduction and a constitution for the United States, but you Europeans still have not even begun to devise a plan to pay down
the huge debt that you people have created.
Making U.S. dollars more available will still not solve the fundamental problem of European
economic debt.

And it is not our responsibility to solve Greek debt problems.

You Europeans? You need to read up properly on the issues rather than form conclusions from a quick scanning of headlines. I live in Britain which has had a plan for deficit reduction in place for almost a year. Your generalisation also seems to miss the point that not all countries in Europe are in the Eurozone.

You demonstrate well the fact that a little information is a bad thing.
Unemployed/underemployed workers cannot pay taxes.

I'd have thought that problem would be rather obvious.
And when you've solved the Greek financial crisis, will you be resolving your own deficit of $1.3 trillion? :eusa_whistle:

Well at least we have begun to solve our economic problems, and have , a plan for deficit reduction and a constitution for the United States, but you Europeans still have not even begun to devise a plan to pay down
the huge debt that you people have created.
Making U.S. dollars more available will still not solve the fundamental problem of European
economic debt.

And it is not our responsibility to solve Greek debt problems.

You Europeans? You need to read up properly on the issues rather than form conclusions from a quick scanning of headlines. I live in Britain which has had a plan for deficit reduction in place for almost a year. Your generalisation also seems to miss the point that not all countries in Europe are in the Eurozone.

You demonstrate well the fact that a little information is a bad thing.

Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.
Well at least we have begun to solve our economic problems, and have , a plan for deficit reduction and a constitution for the United States, but you Europeans still have not even begun to devise a plan to pay down
the huge debt that you people have created.
Making U.S. dollars more available will still not solve the fundamental problem of European
economic debt.

And it is not our responsibility to solve Greek debt problems.

You Europeans? You need to read up properly on the issues rather than form conclusions from a quick scanning of headlines. I live in Britain which has had a plan for deficit reduction in place for almost a year. Your generalisation also seems to miss the point that not all countries in Europe are in the Eurozone.

You demonstrate well the fact that a little information is a bad thing.

Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.

So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:
You Europeans? You need to read up properly on the issues rather than form conclusions from a quick scanning of headlines. I live in Britain which has had a plan for deficit reduction in place for almost a year. Your generalisation also seems to miss the point that not all countries in Europe are in the Eurozone.

You demonstrate well the fact that a little information is a bad thing.

Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.

So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:

Don't pay 52ndStreet any mind Colin, hes an ignorant racist with a brain the size of a marble.
You Europeans? You need to read up properly on the issues rather than form conclusions from a quick scanning of headlines. I live in Britain which has had a plan for deficit reduction in place for almost a year. Your generalisation also seems to miss the point that not all countries in Europe are in the Eurozone.

You demonstrate well the fact that a little information is a bad thing.

Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.

So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:

We can print those dollars though to offset any deficeit my good fellow.
What are you Europeans going to do about that huge debt?
Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.

So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:

We can print those dollars though to offset any deficeit my good fellow.What are you Europeans going to do about that huge debt?

Wow you are off your rocker, just printing out money to offset a deficit sends the value of that currency into the toilet and makes the situation 100 times worse, look at Zimbabwe as an example. Mugabe tried the same thing and completely cluster fucked the economy over there.
Yes not all countries are in the Eurozone, but the British are experiencing almost the same fundamental problem with regards to spending billions on social programs, and not
taking in enough in taxes.
Until this fundamental problem of spending more on social programs , and taking in less in
taxes, Europe will continue to amass a huge debt.

So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:

Don't pay 52ndStreet any mind Colin, hes an ignorant racist with a brain the size of a marble.

That big! Are you sure? :eusa_eh:
So, you don't spend billions on social programmes in the US? And you're taking in sufficient taxes to offset it? :cuckoo:

Don't pay 52ndStreet any mind Colin, hes an ignorant racist with a brain the size of a marble.

That big! Are you sure? :eusa_eh:[/QUOTE

Stop worrying about the size of my brain, and figure out a way out of the economic mess
you call the European union, and or Euro debt mr. Colin.!!$$]

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