European Calendar


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
In the United States, many Christians say that they observe Sunday, the first day of the week, at least in part, to commemorate the resurrection which they believe took place on the first day of the week. However, many areas of Europe use a calendar that has Sunday as the seventh day of the week. Does anyone know, in those areas that use that calendar, on what day they hold their weekly worship services? If they hold it on the seventh day, do they also do anything special on the first day in celebration of the resurrection?
Granny says mebbe dey could do sumpin' `bout dat daylight savings time whilst dey's at it...
Proposed calendar would make it same exact day, next year
29 Dec.`11 - Each year, Jan. 1 falls on a different day of the week, and the entire following year shifts accordingly. Schools, sports teams, businesses and banks spend many hours and millions of dollars calculating on what day of the week certain dates will fall, to schedule holidays and set interest rates.
It doesn't need to be that complicated, say an astrophysicist and applied economist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. They have a proposal to make schedules simpler: a permanent calendar in which each 12-month period is exactly as the year before, on into perpetuity. The extra days created by the Earth's inconvenient 365.242-day orbit around the sun would be dealt with not by adding Feb. 29 for leap years, but by a leap week tacked onto the calendar at the end of December every five to six years. "It would simplify things enormously," says Richard Conn Henry, the professor of applied physics at Johns Hopkins who first proposed the idea in 2004. This past year he began to discuss the idea further with a colleague, Steve Hanke, a Johns Hopkins economics professor.

The result is the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar, which they proposed in December. In it, March, June, September and December would have 31 days, all the rest 30. Christmas would always fall on a Sunday. Halloween would become Oct. 30 and always fall on a Monday. Hanke, who has helped seven countries introduce new currencies, estimates the change could save "roughly $130 billion" merely by decreasing the chance of interest-calculation errors resulting from incorrectly counting the number of days in a given month.

There have been multiple proposals to change the calendar since the world began to shift from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar starting in 1582. Most suffer from what Henry calls "the Sabbath problem." Many religions require people to labor for six days but keep the seventh holy. Proposed calendars that break up the seven-day cycle destroy the count, meaning people could end up working on a day they should devote to spiritual matters. "That's unacceptable to millions of believers," Henry says. "You can't skip a day because then you're off kilter."

Most people actually like having birthdays, holidays and sporting events move around, says David Finkleman, an astro-dynamicist at the Center for Space Standards and Innovation in Colorado Springs. Aside from that, creating a permanent calendar is "impossible," he says. The problem is that the period it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis (a day) and around the sun (a year) changes all the time and the change isn't predictable. Even more confounding, none of the periods divides evenly into another, he says. "The Lord didn't put things together synchronously," Finkleman says.

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Since it has been awhile, perhaps someone new looking in will have the information asked for in the OP..
In the United States, many Christians say that they observe Sunday, the first day of the week, at least in part, to commemorate the resurrection which they believe took place on the first day of the week. However, many areas of Europe use a calendar that has Sunday as the seventh day of the week. Does anyone know, in those areas that use that calendar, on what day they hold their weekly worship services? If they hold it on the seventh day, do they also do anything special on the first day in celebration of the resurrection?

God was tuckered out by the 7th day so he took the day off to go to church and put money in the begging plate, which would be sunday since everyone works on monday. Maybe it's a coincidence, but monday is called the first day of the week. :dunno:
Someone new looking in may have the information asked for in the OP.

Thanks for the link, but I'm afraid I don't see what is has to do with my question in the OP. I wonder if you might explain why you think that it does?
The Sabbath is a Jewish idea. The Jewish is Sabbath has always been, and remain Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Because of the commandment not to leave our homes during the Sabbath, Jews typically go to services the Friday before sundown and the Sabbath begins, of Saturday evening after it's ended. I think Sunday came about in keeping with this idea, go to religious services after the Sabbath. Unfortunately over time the reason was lost and people just started assuming they go on Sundays because it's the Sabbath, not the day after the Sabbath. I don't think it has anything to do with the (alledged) ressurection.

I'm sorry, but I still don't see what your comments have to do with the OP.

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