EU to ban "matches"!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Oy.....where do people come up with this stuff? An idea only a progressive would think astute!!:cul2:

EU in 'INSANE' plan to BAN 'strike anywhere' matches in UK for sake of health and safety

Banning the chemicals for "strike anywhere" increase "safety". And this comes on the heels of the EU announcing it is now banning halogen light bulbs.....ready for this......."for a positive environmental impact"!!

This is getting almost as good as the stuff coming out of California these days like painting streets white to fight global warming! How long before we see "NO BREATHING" signs up in European parks?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Geez, I thought matches were more earth friendly biodegradable vs. plastic lighters with flammable fluids.

Maybe straws and shopping bags will be legalized if they are made out of hemp.
Could this work for matches also?

What if we ban all clothing made from unfair trade/slave labor,
and require them to be made of California grown hemp. Would that
save liberal economy/welfare states from going down and taking the country with them?
Banning matches?? Wonder what dunder head came up with that nonsense.

Good Lord they get crazier and crazier.
We used to throw them out the back window of the family station wagon at night back in the mid seventies and they'd ignite when they hit the pavement.
We thought it was cool as all get out!!

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