EU intolerance?


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
EU officials implore new immigrants to learn 'European values'
- CONSTANT BRAND, Associated Press Writer
Friday, November 19, 2004
(11-19) 10:46 PST BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --

European Union justice and interior ministers agreed Friday that new immigrants to the 25-nation bloc should be required to learn local languages, and to adhere to general "European values" that will guide them toward better integration.
Heh heh. The Germans have a wonderful word for the way I feel about this - "schadenfreude". Loosely translated, it means taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.

I think it's just wonderful that muslims are beginning to wreak havoc with the fabric of EU society. When ragheads start blowing up beer halls and night clubs then perhaps the krauts and the frogs will adjust their stupid attitudes.

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