Ethics committee says case against Waters to move forward


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Maxine Waters is bat shit crazy. The things she has said and done in the past are outrageous. Lucky for her, stupidity isn't a violation of the law or ethics or she would have been in the hot seat many times before now. Playing favorites is unethical and I hope when they find her guilty, they do more than a mere hand slapping like they did with Rangel.

Ethics committee says case against Waters to move forward
Ethics committee says case against Waters to move forward - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Alright !!!

Finally, that loud mouthed schill is going to be exposed (well formally....everyone knows what sh is already).
She is precisely one of about 200-300 reasons why Congress is dumber now than any time in human history.
A walk down memory lane. Just a few samplings of the incredible ignorance that is Maxine Waters.

Take a good look through this video in 2004, and ask yourself who on this panel wanted more regulatory oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and which members spent their time attacking the regulators. When Barack Obama talks at debates about how the past eight years of regulatory laissez-faire created the problem, he may want to review the transcripts of these hearings and note that Democrats repeatedly undermined regulators and called them everything from incompetent to bigoted in their rush to keep the status quo at Fannie and Freddie.

Unfortunately for the Democrats at this hearing, Raines then doubled down and demanded that the SEC give a second opinion on his business practices. After an investigation, the SEC agreed with Falcon and demanded that Fannie Mae restate its earnings all the way back to 2001 — at which point Raines’ fraud got uncovered. OFHEO had been correct, and the Democrats in this committee meeting had done their level best to interfere with the regulator to cover up for Raines’ fraud.

Video: Democrats insist “nothing wrong” at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2004 « Hot Air
Despite his actions and committing fraud, Raines left Fannie with $90 million.

Maxine Waters saying government should control oil companies. She used the word 'socialism.'

Maxine didn't read stimulus bill
Maxine Waters Gets Grilled By Norah O'Donnell - YouTube

Maxine Waters Tells Tea Party To Go To Hell
[ame=]Maxine Waters Tells Tea Party To Go To Hell - YouTube[/ame]
She is one of the most vile women ever. I am all for mapping the congressional districts so that all segments of society are represented, but come on. Surely her district has one who would serve them better.

The Washington DC city council and mayor's office is another example of a corrupt body. The Chairman resigned his post yesterday due to a felony charge. Another councilman resigned a few weeks ago due to stealing money and the two of the mayor's closest goons have been charged with crimes. The mayor will probably go down next. And they think they are qualified to handle their own money. geez
Oops wrong thread.. I was looking for the Maxine Waters cheering thread...:lol:
Waters has no ethics and no common sense. Pretty much a disgrace to the US Congress.

Yet she wins reelection year after year.

We're talking downtown Los Angeles, anyone that offers the most free stuff from the government true or untrue, wins elections...Republicans don't tend to offer free stuff but push for opportunities towards self reliance, definitely not a Democrat ideal.
Waters has no ethics and no common sense. Pretty much a disgrace to the US Congress.

Yet she wins reelection year after year.

We're talking downtown Los Angeles, anyone that offers the most free stuff from the government true or untrue, wins elections...Republicans don't tend to offer free stuff but push for opportunities towards self reliance, definitely not a Democrat ideal.

She represents her constituency well.

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