Eternal Dumb Ideas - the Endangered Species Act


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I was listening to a report from Wyoming on "Morning Edition" this morning, and the topic of discussion was the potential impact on various industries (> US$5 Billion) if the Fish & Wildlife Service should decide in September to classify as "endangered," some fucking desert bird.

It occurred to me that there are few Government ideas or programs that are as colossally stupid, arrogant, delusional, and unconstitutional as the Endangered Species Act. How many tens of billions of dollars in development have been foregone, how much wasted effort has gone into re-designing agricultural, industrial, residential, and commercial developments to accommodate the speculative "needs" of species of animals that nobody has ever heard of? Or cares about?

It has created a cottage industry in which tree-huggers with otherwise worthless degrees have been able to suck up public money and the money of gullible donors for no serious purpose.

If there ever was a program that was carried along through nothing but Government inertia, this is it. It has no valid purpose, there is little proof that accomplishes even the fatuous purpose for which it was created, it is entirely unconstitutional, and while its direct costs are bad enough, the ripple costs are astronomical. Think of it in terms of JOBS, for Christ sake - it has cost THOUSANDS!

And since all things relate back to Trump, THIS IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING that a non-politician like Trump can credibly, and without fear of losing political support, propose to ELIMINATE!

Get fucking rid of it! Please, somebody give me one valid Government objective that is served by this stupid law - and please cite the Constitutional reference for that objective.
Most things government does are dumb, wasteful, and ineffective...but they do manage to enrich special interests, pols, and the 1%.

You are dreaming if you think ANY government program will be eliminated.
I was listening to a report from Wyoming on "Morning Edition" this morning, and the topic of discussion was the potential impact on various industries (> US$5 Billion) if the Fish & Wildlife Service should decide in September to classify as "endangered," some fucking desert bird.

It occurred to me that there are few Government ideas or programs that are as colossally stupid, arrogant, delusional, and unconstitutional as the Endangered Species Act. How many tens of billions of dollars in development have been foregone, how much wasted effort has gone into re-designing agricultural, industrial, residential, and commercial developments to accommodate the speculative "needs" of species of animals that nobody has ever heard of? Or cares about?

It has created a cottage industry in which tree-huggers with otherwise worthless degrees have been able to suck up public money and the money of gullible donors for no serious purpose.

If there ever was a program that was carried along through nothing but Government inertia, this is it. It has no valid purpose, there is little proof that accomplishes even the fatuous purpose for which it was created, it is entirely unconstitutional, and while its direct costs are bad enough, the ripple costs are astronomical. Think of it in terms of JOBS, for Christ sake - it has cost THOUSANDS!

And since all things relate back to Trump, THIS IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING that a non-politician like Trump can credibly, and without fear of losing political support, propose to ELIMINATE!

Get fucking rid of it! Please, somebody give me one valid Government objective that is served by this stupid law - and please cite the Constitutional reference for that objective.

Please let that be one of the Republican platforms- eliminating the Endangered Species Act.

Its about time Republicans managed to alienate the few moderate Republicans who still care about the environment by attempting to repeal the keystone Republican Environmental legislation- proposed and signed by President Richard Nixon.

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