Essential Oils/Herbal Remedies


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I have been spending the past few hours looking at essential oils and their uses. Lavender has been recommended for soothing anxiety (for Moki) as well as humans, so I ordered some on ebay. I also learned one does not have to diffuse Lavender Oil and can be used straight from the bottle on the skin. But maybe not directly ON the skin without skin testing first.
Websites I have been browsing say any floral essential oil is good for brain function..calming, soothing, etc. So far, the lavender sounds best for what I want it for (moki).

Anyone here familiar with herbal remedies or essential oils for dummies? I also bought a book called that, just now on ebay, lol.

This is a new venture for me. Any advice?
I have been spending the past few hours looking at essential oils and their uses. Lavender has been recommended for soothing anxiety (for Moki) as well as humans, so I ordered some on ebay. I also learned one does not have to diffuse Lavender Oil and can be used straight from the bottle on the skin. But maybe not directly ON the skin without skin testing first.
Websites I have been browsing say any floral essential oil is good for brain function..calming, soothing, etc. So far, the lavender sounds best for what I want it for (moki).

Anyone here familiar with herbal remedies or essential oils for dummies? I also bought a book called that, just now on ebay, lol.

This is a new venture for me. Any advice?

Take a look at the benefits of Wild Oregano Oil. I have been using it for quite awhile, and it does work.

Oil of Wild Oregano is one of the strongest and most effective antibiotics known to man
you have to use them nearly constantly if you are looking to level out emotions.

essential oils can, and by can, I mean nearly all, be used right on the skin. just make sure the area is open to the air as some can burn if not allowed to air.
lavender, teatree are great for cuts, lavender is excellent for burns
peppermint is great for energy and headaches

most book will have mixes for most things, the most important thing to do is collect the oils they want you to use, take off the caps and inhale them as a group. If you do not like the smell, look for another mix

I recommend extra light olive oil for any base
Mrs. H. is a certified aromatherapist but has not practiced in some years. As I recall, it's best to use cold-pressed essential oils. These are more expensive but more effective.

A diffuser can be pricey but the difference in price generally reflects its quality and effectiveness.

Blending is not a hit-or-miss proposition. You should be careful with this. Mrs. H. would often interview people before making blends because a lot depends on the purpose of the blend and the individual herself/himself.

Finally - a funny story to share. Some years ago, my cousin went through a divorce which ultimately landed him in the dating scene. Through me, he asked if Mrs. H. could create a blend for him to wear as a cologne.

On one particular date, a lady commented "what is that cologne you're wearing? The scent has gone straight to my vagina!"


This shit works if you know what you're doing.

Good luck, Ms. G. :thup:
Mrs. H. is a certified aromatherapist but has not practiced in some years. As I recall, it's best to use cold-pressed essential oils. These are more expensive but more effective.

A diffuser can be pricey but the difference in price generally reflects its quality and effectiveness.

Blending is not a hit-or-miss proposition. You should be careful with this. Mrs. H. would often interview people before making blends because a lot depends on the purpose of the blend and the individual herself/himself.

Finally - a funny story to share. Some years ago, my cousin went through a divorce which ultimately landed him in the dating scene. Through me, he asked if Mrs. H. could create a blend for him to wear as a cologne.

On one particular date, a lady commented "what is that cologne you're wearing? The scent has gone straight to my vagina!"


This shit works if you know what you're doing.

Good luck, Ms. G. :thup:
Mainly I am wanting something to soothe my sundowner dog. So far need for ANYTHING. I took him on two long walks (and about killed myself with my joints) but he is tuckered out and sleeping. Usually at this time, he is pacing and wandering around. Not tonight!
Mrs. H. is a certified aromatherapist but has not practiced in some years. As I recall, it's best to use cold-pressed essential oils. These are more expensive but more effective.

A diffuser can be pricey but the difference in price generally reflects its quality and effectiveness.

Blending is not a hit-or-miss proposition. You should be careful with this. Mrs. H. would often interview people before making blends because a lot depends on the purpose of the blend and the individual herself/himself.

Finally - a funny story to share. Some years ago, my cousin went through a divorce which ultimately landed him in the dating scene. Through me, he asked if Mrs. H. could create a blend for him to wear as a cologne.

On one particular date, a lady commented "what is that cologne you're wearing? The scent has gone straight to my vagina!"


This shit works if you know what you're doing.

Good luck, Ms. G. :thup:
Mainly I am wanting something to soothe my sundowner dog. So far need for ANYTHING. I took him on two long walks (and about killed myself with my joints) but he is tuckered out and sleeping. Usually at this time, he is pacing and wandering around. Not tonight!
Oh ok. Wow. Mrs. H. was never called upon for advice about a pet. Our dog is near totally deaf, and it's apparent that his eyesight is also failing. I've not seen her administer to him with oils. It's probably because her stocks are depleted and we just plain can't afford to be buying that stuff these days.

I could ask, but her reply would be "why do you ask"? And I just don't want to go there LOL.

How do I explain USMB to my spouse? It can't be done. Oh Lord.
Mrs. H. is a certified aromatherapist but has not practiced in some years. As I recall, it's best to use cold-pressed essential oils. These are more expensive but more effective.

A diffuser can be pricey but the difference in price generally reflects its quality and effectiveness.

Blending is not a hit-or-miss proposition. You should be careful with this. Mrs. H. would often interview people before making blends because a lot depends on the purpose of the blend and the individual herself/himself.

Finally - a funny story to share. Some years ago, my cousin went through a divorce which ultimately landed him in the dating scene. Through me, he asked if Mrs. H. could create a blend for him to wear as a cologne.

On one particular date, a lady commented "what is that cologne you're wearing? The scent has gone straight to my vagina!"


This shit works if you know what you're doing.

Good luck, Ms. G. :thup:
Mainly I am wanting something to soothe my sundowner dog. So far need for ANYTHING. I took him on two long walks (and about killed myself with my joints) but he is tuckered out and sleeping. Usually at this time, he is pacing and wandering around. Not tonight!
Oh ok. Wow. Mrs. H. was never called upon for advice about a pet. Our dog is near totally deaf, and it's apparent that his eyesight is also failing. I've not seen her administer to him with oils. It's probably because her stocks are depleted and we just plain can't afford to be buying that stuff these days.

I could ask, but her reply would be "why do you ask"? And I just don't want to go there LOL.

How do I explain USMB to my spouse? It can't be done. Oh Lord.
HAHAHA!! I am in the same boat with Mr. Gracie. "How to explain USMB". :lol:
My usual comments amount to "just some folks online". He never asks more than that for which I am thankful.

I hear ya about cost of the oils. Dayum!! Expensive stuff! But I read that lavendar does indeed assist with anxiety.
This is a pretty interesting site, in case Mrs. H wants to delve more into it again. With her knowledge, she could be reaping a pretty good profit just advising if not actually selling the oils themselves.

Check this out. It is FULL of a lot of info:

The Benefits of Lavender Oil include Relaxation
I have been spending the past few hours looking at essential oils and their uses. Lavender has been recommended for soothing anxiety (for Moki) as well as humans, so I ordered some on ebay. I also learned one does not have to diffuse Lavender Oil and can be used straight from the bottle on the skin. But maybe not directly ON the skin without skin testing first.
Websites I have been browsing say any floral essential oil is good for brain function..calming, soothing, etc. So far, the lavender sounds best for what I want it for (moki).

Anyone here familiar with herbal remedies or essential oils for dummies? I also bought a book called that, just now on ebay, lol.

This is a new venture for me. Any advice?
PM me your email, Gracie.
I've got scads of herbal and alternative remedies backed up on Drive I can send
I have been spending the past few hours looking at essential oils and their uses. Lavender has been recommended for soothing anxiety (for Moki) as well as humans, so I ordered some on ebay. I also learned one does not have to diffuse Lavender Oil and can be used straight from the bottle on the skin. But maybe not directly ON the skin without skin testing first.
Websites I have been browsing say any floral essential oil is good for brain function..calming, soothing, etc. So far, the lavender sounds best for what I want it for (moki).

Anyone here familiar with herbal remedies or essential oils for dummies? I also bought a book called that, just now on ebay, lol.

This is a new venture for me. Any advice?
PM me your email, Gracie.
I've got scads of herbal and alternative remedies backed up on Drive I can send
I grow my own. Now that doesn't sound good but trust me. :lol:If you can you can control your oils.

These plants are so easy to grow. They are weeds in behavior patterns. So simple to deal with.
Gracie. Lavender blue dilly dilly. You can start off by getting a plant or two but make sure you have a plant that matches your winter zone or you'll kill it. I've been pushing my luck trying to grow a german lavender but to no avail so far. But then I live in a zone that matches Mars in January (no kidding) it's really that cold here.

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