Escalation of Child Execution in Iran


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Again my apologies to the innocent people of Iran & the world for the election of Obama...

Escalation of Child Execution in Iran

How the nuclear deal has signaled to the Mullahs that there's nothing to stop their human rights abuses.
October 26, 2015
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh



This week, Iran’s parliament passed a bill supporting the nuclear deal which was primarily reached between President Obama and the Islamic Republic. Some policy makers were surprised that Iran passed the bill. But why would Iranian leaders not sign a deal that would bring them financial rewards and allow them to be as repressive as they please both domestically and regionally? As I mentioned several weeks ago, it was easy to predict that the Iranian parliament (Majlis) would pass the deal to receive further rewards.

Simultaneously, Iran’s judiciary system has become more emboldened and empowered. This can be seen when they are issuing death sentences at unprecedented levels, particularly for children. Last week, Iran’s Islamic court executed a juvenile offender on October 13, 2015 in Adelabad Prison, Shiraz. Fatemeh Salbehi, was arrested at the age of 16 because her husband was found dead at home.

She was 16 years old when she was forced into marriage to a man who was thirty. She had never met the man before their marriage. According to a recent release by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, “These executions are disturbing examples of surging execution rates and questionable fair trial standards in the Islamic Republic of Iran….The Iranian authorities must comply with its international law obligations and put an end to the execution of juvenile offenders once and for all.”

What is intriguing is that Iranian leaders used to take notice when there was an international outcry regarding a human rights or political prisoner case. They used to postpone the case, the execution, or do something to let the global pressure fade away. But not anymore. In this case, Amnesty International, Amnesty USA, International human rights organizations, and the United Nations' Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights pressured the Islamic Republic to refrain from executing Ms. Salbehi and another young man. But Iran’s answer was implicitly clear: We will execute anyone we like and no one can stop us now.


More than 1,000 people will be executed in the year 2015. There has been a surprising rise in the number of executions since Iran scored a victory by signing the nuclear deal. Ms. Salbehi was one of the hundreds of women being executed on a regular basis based on Iran’s Shiite Islamist laws and on gender discrimination. These women are not allowed due process or adequate access to a lawyer. As the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) warned when Ms. Salbehi was hanged on Tuesday, the execution was “in breach of international law banning juvenile executions, and despite reported flaws in her trial and appeal process.”

Finally, It is crucial to point put that we are only hearing about a few cases of human rights violations; only a few of these shocking human rights abuses make their way to the international spotlight. As an Iranian human rights activist and lawyer, Shadi, told me on a phone call from Tehran, “Just step in the Islamic courts and you will see that there are tens of thousands of these cases, particularly regarding innocent women, which the media never hear about.”

Achieving his dream of signing a nuclear deal with Iran should not make President Obama silent about human rights violations, the ever increasing rate of child executions, and ongoing crimes against humanity.

Escalation of Child Execution in Iran
So? We execute the retarded.

please shut up--------no we do not. they let you live deltadawn.

I am now taking credit for predicting that as outrageous as has been
the behavior of Iran since 1979-------it was BOUND TO GET WORSE
with the glorious triumph that the US handed it thru the NUKE DEAL.
That triumph will also galvanize increased Islamic terrorism world-wide---
so sayeth rosie-----oracle at usmb
So? We execute the retarded.

please shut up--------no we do not. they let you live deltadawn.

I am now taking credit for predicting that as outrageous as has been
the behavior of Iran since 1979-------it was BOUND TO GET WORSE
with the glorious triumph that the US handed it thru the NUKE DEAL.
That triumph will also galvanize increased Islamic terrorism world-wide---
so sayeth rosie-----oracle at usmb

List of Defendants with Mental Retardation Executed in the United States | Death Penalty Information Center

Believe that's 44 right there proving what an ignorant little twat stain ya are.
So? We execute the retarded.

please shut up--------no we do not. they let you live deltadawn.

I am now taking credit for predicting that as outrageous as has been
the behavior of Iran since 1979-------it was BOUND TO GET WORSE
with the glorious triumph that the US handed it thru the NUKE DEAL.
That triumph will also galvanize increased Islamic terrorism world-wide---
so sayeth rosie-----oracle at usmb

List of Defendants with Mental Retardation Executed in the United States | Death Penalty Information Center

Believe that's 44 right there proving what an ignorant little twat stain ya are.

we execute persons who are mentally retarded is NOT-----btw----some of the criminals who have been executed in the USA have INCIDENTALLY been
mentally retarded-----ie----harbored IQ's low enough to meet the
criterion of M.R. Mentally retarded does not necessarily mean
MENTALLY INCOMPETENT. We give drivers licenses to the MR and
even gun permits
What makes our beloved Pres. Obama culpable for the alleged abuses of the Iranian government? ....... :dunno:

did someone suggest he is? Iran is culpable for its incessant filth-----
Obama just gave the Ayatoilets a nod of approval
did someone suggest he is? Iran is culpable for its incessant filth-----
Obama just gave the Ayatoilets a nod of approval
Try reading the first sentence of the OP ....... :cool:

I have read it and agree with it------Obama's very very poor judgement does
not make him the guilty party in that which the ayatoilets of Iran feel FREE
to impose-------the shitty meccaist pigs who do it are still ENTIRELY

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