Erdogan accuses Iran of making excuses to stall talks


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Turkish PM says Tehran is insincere in suggesting Damascus or Baghdad to replace Istanbul as a venue to host nuclear talks over the country's disrupted nuclear program, "this is not the language of diplomacy."

"We have to be honest. Because of the lack of honesty they are continually losing their international prestige," he said. "This is not the language of diplomacy. The name of this is something else, but I won't say it here."

Turkey had offered to host the April 13-14 talks in Istanbul and the two sides had appeared to settle on Turkey's commercial hub as the venue, but Tehran then requested to change the location following friction with Ankara.

But after Erdogan's comments it would appear even more unlikely the talks will be held in Istanbul, and the lack of a venue could throw into question whether the negotiations will take place at all.

Erdogan: Iran making excuses to ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Perhaps Obama has succeeded in calming Iran's anxieties over an Israeli attack so well than now the Iranians don't even want to talk anymore. Who's side is this guy on?
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Muslimes infighting with each other, who da thunkit? Who's higher on the islimic ladder, persians or the turks? Evidently, erdogan is unaware of the collapse of the ottoman empire 100 years ago and today turkey is just another islamic shithole like iran.
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