Equal opportunity vs equal outcomes


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Unlike conservatives, who believe in equality of opportunity in a capitalist economy, liberals believe in equality of outcomes in a socialist or near economy, with government technocrats choosing winners and losers. Unfortunately, focusing on outcomes blinds us to opportunities. Open markets reward those who innovate, irrespective of race, gender, or religion.

But the Left insists on dividing America into white and non-white, rich and poor, urban and rural, bourgeois and proletariat, oppressed and oppressor, and winners and losers. Leftists speak of “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” and “Jim Crow,” forgetting that it was Democrat leaders who mismanaged their cities and failed to deliver the Arcadia. Believing that black and white, male and female, and rich and poor are irreconcilable opposites, they nurture in our children feelings of guilt and shame, not hope and optimism. While this is not universal on either side of the coin, its sure is in the ballpark
Unlike conservatives, who believe in equality of opportunity in a capitalist economy, liberals believe in equality of outcomes in a socialist or near economy, with government technocrats choosing winners and losers. Unfortunately, focusing on outcomes blinds us to opportunities. Open markets reward those who innovate, irrespective of race, gender, or religion.

But the Left insists on dividing America into white and non-white, rich and poor, urban and rural, bourgeois and proletariat, oppressed and oppressor, and winners and losers. Leftists speak of “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” and “Jim Crow,” forgetting that it was Democrat leaders who mismanaged their cities and failed to deliver the Arcadia. Believing that black and white, male and female, and rich and poor are irreconcilable opposites, they nurture in our children feelings of guilt and shame, not hope and optimism. While this is not universal on either side of the coin, its sure is in the ballpark
when someone figures out to achieve equal outcomes you let us know,,,
eagle7-31 I've got a thread on how people are not born equal---so people are not as smart as others...some are born with shithead parents .....some are born with physical and mental problems....some are tall some are short some are ugly some are fat some are thin/etc etc =so, they will not do well in life--and it's no one else's fault--not whiteys/not Republicans/etc ..it's NOT because of RACE/etc that there is inequality
fncceo ..that's what's happening--the US is turning into the USA--United States of Africa = a shithole
It is difficult to get over the fact that there are people smarter then others. The idea of political correctness and diversity was supposed to be giving opportunities through "equality" pushed by "quotas". It was tough to be a white guy in the early 1970's when this started and you did not go to college. Or learn a trade. This system morphed more and more over the years. It is now permanent. And for years and decades we have been in decline and domestic things have gotten more and more expensive because of it. Now it is officially called "equity". And as I said it existed before that name was termed. For what we have spent on NASA and technology through government we should have a base on the moon and at least circled Mars. Instead we are like Romper Room for the near smartest and the near best in fields we need pure excellence to achieve greatness. All of those men and women are better then me. But there are many men who have been denied and even impoverished in lives who have real potential who we will never have the opportunity because "equity" will deny them for being the wrong race and sex. The costs of things are atrocious. One billion dollars for two lunar space suits!! If the private side does not show up like Musk and others, we are done. But the Prog women will have theirs until the nation implodes.

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