Epidemic of negro welfare fraud accelerates - Couple charged w stealing $219,000


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This article cracked me up. It sounds like the $219,000 is just small change for these people. Maybe they've stolen millions. This is the dream of all negroes. Go on the dole and steal from the white man!!


on December 09, 2012 at 4:01 PM,
A Nevada couple allegedly collected more than $219,000 in what Oregon officials say is the largest case of client welfare fraud in state history.

Donte Marquis Muhammad and his wife, Lakisha Emma Louise Muhammad, were indicted in Clackamas County on racketeering, theft and fraud charges. Investigators contend the Muhammads simultaneously received Oregon housing, welfare, food stamp and other assistance at multiple Portland-area addresses before scheming to collect even more state aid in Las Vegas, claiming the move was necessary for Lakisha Muhammad's health.

For the past two years, the Muhammads collected Oregon benefits while living in Las Vegas, where they purchased a $330,000 five-bedroom home in a gated neighborhood.

The Muhammads listed 10 addresses in Oregon and Nevada since 2007 since they started receiving benefits but lived at just three of the locations, according to a DOJ timeline. In mid-2011, the Muhammads were living in Nevada but collecting benefits at addressees in Hillsboro, Happy Valley and Troutdale.

Lakisha Muhammad, 35, attended all her court appearances in a wheelchair. She became disabled after she was electrocuted by a washing machine, according to court testimony.

She suffers from chronic pain, insomnia, severe depression and reflex sympathetic dystrophy, according to a Las Vegas pain clinic, which recommended that she relocate to a warmer climate for health reasons.

In court documents, the state accused the Muhammads of a "gross exaggeration of (Lakisha Muhammad's) alleged disabilities" and "falsely claiming financial need." Lakisha Muhammad said she "needed the additional monies she received from various (state) programs for hair care, nail care and 'maid service,'" said investigator Vickie Shaffer, who interviewed her.

Lakisha Muhammad and the couple's three children receive about $1,500 a month in Social Security benefits.

The Muhammads encountered more legal problems since they were indicted on charges of fraud and racketeering. In October, Lakisha Muhammad was accused in Washington County of filing a false police report of a home burglary.

"When I interviewed (her on June 29) and she admitted she lied to police ... verifying that seven flat screen televisions she claimed were stolen did not exist," said DOJ investigator Shaffer. "She also confirmed that she ... cashed a $10,000 check from her insurance company."

Last month the state charged the Muhammads with perjury and making false statements. The state maintains that the couple lied about their assets in order to qualify for court-appointed attorneys.

The Muhammads told a judge they were truthful and blamed the errors on court workers who assisted them with the paperwork.

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