Epic social collapse?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
ATTENTION: partisans of the two criminal gangs this isn’t political. So, please refrain from blaming each other’s leaders and the other usual stupid shit you do in the Politics Forum.

This column paints a very unpleasant picture of our nation and culture. I tend to think it is mostly accurate, though some of us are doing rather well. The unevenness of justice, wealth, and happiness is a problem in my view. We need change before it’s too late, but I see no leaders coming forward. IS COLLAPSE INEVITABLY???

Lengthy article...I posted a snippet. Read it all at the link, if you wish.

It’s Not that I’m Negative, America Really is Screwed
Why Economics Says America’s Collapse is Probably Irreversible Now
You can see, right about now, that America is what political scientists call a failed state.
Now, the reason that America collapsed is straightforward. Americans never invested in building expansive social systems, unlike Europe. Systems to provide healthcare, retirement, childcare, finance, and so forth.

The result has been twofold. One, the average American now goes without these things. That’s because they’re largely unavailable. For example, the fresh food that I can get on any block in Europe is simply absent in huge chunks of the States. You buy processed food, or you don’t get food. The same is true of many, many things, like, say, education, or income. You don’t have a job with guarantees and protections like in Canada or Europe. You have a lower quality — not just quantity — of income.

Two, the the average American pays prices that the rest of the world considers absolutely absurd — because they are — for the very same things. Having a child? That’ll be $50K, thank you. An operation? That’ll be more than a house. Want to educate a kid? There go your life savings. Want a few fresh apples? That’ll be ten times the price Canadians or Europeans pay. These things — the basics of life — are eminently affordable in the rest of the rich world. In America, though, they cost more than the average person can afford.

How do I know that? Because the average American now dies in debt. Their whole life is one long sequence of unpayable debts now. First, there’s “lunch debt” which becomes “student debt” which becomes a mortgage and credit card debt which becomes “medical debt.” The forms of debt in quotes don’t even exist in most other rich countries. In America, though, they define life — precisely because the average American is now a poor person, in the sense that they can’t make ends meet when it comes to paying for the basics of life.

Sure, they might have a big car and big house and a big gun. But the economic truth is this: all those things are had on debt, and the average American now lives like an impoverished person. No savings, no assets, no liquidity. 80% — eighty percent — of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, struggle to pay basic bills, and can’t raise say $500 for an emergency. Those are the statistics of a nation having descended into poverty.

Now. I don’t write all that to make some theoretical point, so let’s come back to the question. Can America save itself from collapse? If you really understand the numbers, then the answer above — sadly — is: probably not. The economics say that America has more or less almost certainly reached a point of no return now, and collapse is nearly inevitable.

It’s Not that I’m Negative, America Really is Screwed
America is collapsing because over 40 million Americans are out of work, Democrat blue states have lockdown still in place. Small businesses are barely surviving. The list goes on....

America is collapsing because over 40 million Americans are out of work, Democrat blue states have lockdown still in place. Small businesses are barely surviving. The list goes on....

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Exactly. We cry and we should over 100k deaths, where the average age is 82 but shrug at 40 million unemployed, kids out of school and politicians still getting their full salaries and benefits.
Equality is an utopian stupid pipe dream, as is diversity.

Real men live in the real world. Losers escape to their unworkable utopias.
The reasons are completely wrong. The reason for the collapse is too much welfare, and too many 80 IQs aka. diversity. And for fuck's sake, too many incompetent Karens voting and making stupid decisions on all of our behalf.
How do I know that? Because the average American now dies in debt. Their whole life is one long sequence of unpayable debts now. First, there’s “lunch debt” which becomes “student debt” which becomes a mortgage and credit card debt which becomes “medical debt.” The forms of debt in quotes don’t even exist in most other rich countries. In America, though, they define life — precisely because the average American is now a poor person, in the sense that they can’t make ends meet when it comes to paying for the basics of life.

One of the most comical things I have read in some time.

Americans are extremely rich, with obesity being one of the biggest problems. For most of the world the problem is having to work 12 hours a day to put food on the table.

The amount of spoiled people is a big problem, as are these pretend victims who belong in the 0.1%.. Listening to these idiots is how we squander the wonderful state of being, and the freedoms we have been blessed with.
Some guy once said that a nation gets the government that the people deserve.

Maybe there's some truth to that.

In other words, everything depends on the character of a nation's people.
For example, the fresh food that I can get on any block in Europe is simply absent in huge chunks of the States.

Sorry... That's BULLSHIT. Fresh food is easier to obtain here and more cheaply, than any of the several countries I've visited. Some people choose processed shit because you heat and eat it.

The rest of the drivel about "income"? We need government to fix it? They're the ones who fucked it up.

I don’t know if our society can re-cover from the “collapse” you describe. The signs of social and political collapse have been visible for some time. Covid-19 was just a trigger. The increased unemployment we now suffer I don’t think will go away anytime soon.

As for debt, there you have hit a nail on the head. I am one of the lucky and prepared ones. No debt. Lived within my means ... always. Never was rich, but now I feel safer than most. You are right that we live in a “rich” society where most can barely make ends meet, and half cannot live on savings for more than a few weeks. The present economic crisis will probably drive at least another ten percent of the population permanently into the “no savings” poor. Tensions will likely increase without fundamental changes in our safety net, medical and educational systems, politics and culture. I don’t see those changes happening anytime soon.

I’m sure the problems are also severe in Europe, Canada, Asia and even China, though each country is unique. In China, although the average person is much poorer than we, the country’s long previous history of instability, war and revolution made people on average both tougher and much more cautious in their personal lives. They tend to be “savers,” and consequently most families are probably in better shape than typical poorer American families are. Most can financially manage a few months of “lock-down” and unemployment. Of course even in China there was a growing “consumer credit” society developing, and many small businesses in particular have been hurt.
If we were truly a capitalist country, we wouldnt need the govt to wipe our ass. Especially since they are usually the ones to fuck everything up. Like healthcare.
The corporatism that runs our economy picks the winners and losers. THAT is what needs to change. Make the govt smaller, not bigger.
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Yep! The Dems have screwed it big time!

It was republicrats too...

Leftist republicrats. It's not a party issue, it's a nanny state issue. Both parties created it. Neither party is willing to cut it's tits off and sew it's snatch shut.


Universal suffrage ended it. Too many people wanting free shit and not caring or even understanding the long term consequences, which are on our doorsteps. Unfortunately we will likely have to go through a collapse and a time of true tyranny to end the civilization ending mistake.
If we were truly a capitalist country, we wouldnt need the govt to wipe our ass for it. Especially since they are usually the ones to fuck everything up. Like healthcare.
The corporatism that runs our economy picks the winners and losers. THAT is what needs to change. Make the govt smaller, not bigger.
Why not make the country smaller? How about our army smaller... Or our incomes smaller... What do you even mean by saying “corporatism picks the winners and losers“?

Are you talking about Federal Reserve money creation and “crony capitalism”?
ATTENTION: partisans of the two criminal gangs this isn’t political. So, please refrain from blaming each other’s leaders and the other usual stupid shit you do in the Politics Forum.

This column paints a very unpleasant picture of our nation and culture. I tend to think it is mostly accurate, though some of us are doing rather well. The unevenness of justice, wealth, and happiness is a problem in my view. We need change before it’s too late, but I see no leaders coming forward. IS COLLAPSE INEVITABLY???

Lengthy article...I posted a snippet. Read it all at the link, if you wish.

It’s Not that I’m Negative, America Really is Screwed
Why Economics Says America’s Collapse is Probably Irreversible Now
You can see, right about now, that America is what political scientists call a failed state.
Now, the reason that America collapsed is straightforward. Americans never invested in building expansive social systems, unlike Europe. Systems to provide healthcare, retirement, childcare, finance, and so forth.

The result has been twofold. One, the average American now goes without these things. That’s because they’re largely unavailable. For example, the fresh food that I can get on any block in Europe is simply absent in huge chunks of the States. You buy processed food, or you don’t get food. The same is true of many, many things, like, say, education, or income. You don’t have a job with guarantees and protections like in Canada or Europe. You have a lower quality — not just quantity — of income.

Two, the the average American pays prices that the rest of the world considers absolutely absurd — because they are — for the very same things. Having a child? That’ll be $50K, thank you. An operation? That’ll be more than a house. Want to educate a kid? There go your life savings. Want a few fresh apples? That’ll be ten times the price Canadians or Europeans pay. These things — the basics of life — are eminently affordable in the rest of the rich world. In America, though, they cost more than the average person can afford.

How do I know that? Because the average American now dies in debt. Their whole life is one long sequence of unpayable debts now. First, there’s “lunch debt” which becomes “student debt” which becomes a mortgage and credit card debt which becomes “medical debt.” The forms of debt in quotes don’t even exist in most other rich countries. In America, though, they define life — precisely because the average American is now a poor person, in the sense that they can’t make ends meet when it comes to paying for the basics of life.

Sure, they might have a big car and big house and a big gun. But the economic truth is this: all those things are had on debt, and the average American now lives like an impoverished person. No savings, no assets, no liquidity. 80% — eighty percent — of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, struggle to pay basic bills, and can’t raise say $500 for an emergency. Those are the statistics of a nation having descended into poverty.

Now. I don’t write all that to make some theoretical point, so let’s come back to the question. Can America save itself from collapse? If you really understand the numbers, then the answer above — sadly — is: probably not. The economics say that America has more or less almost certainly reached a point of no return now, and collapse is nearly inevitable.

It’s Not that I’m Negative, America Really is Screwed

What it comes down to is we don't tax our population properly so we don't maintain our nation properly.

We don't value honesty, ethics and honor anymore. We honor money and power.

Fix those two things and America will be on the road to getting better.
I don’t know if our society can re-cover from the “collapse” you describe. The signs of social and political collapse have been visible for some time. Covid-19 was just a trigger. The increased unemployment we now suffer I don’t think will go away anytime soon.

As for debt, there you have hit a nail on the head. I am one of the lucky and prepared ones. No debt. Lived within my means ... always. Never was rich, but now I feel safer than most. You are right that we live in a “rich” society where most can barely make ends meet, and half cannot live on savings for more than a few weeks. The present economic crisis will probably drive at least another ten percent of the population permanently into the “no savings” poor. Tensions will likely increase without fundamental changes in our safety net, medical and educational systems, politics and culture. I don’t see those changes happening anytime soon.

I’m sure the problems are also severe in Europe, Canada, Asia and even China, though each country is unique. In China, although the average person is much poorer than we, the country’s long previous history of instability, war and revolution made people on average both tougher and much more cautious in their personal lives. They tend to be “savers,” and consequently most families are probably in better shape than typical poorer American families are. Most can financially manage a few months of “lock-down” and unemployment. Of course even in China there was a growing “consumer credit” society developing, and many small businesses in particular have been hurt.

America has come to believe that those who are at the top deserve unlimited riches and benefits.

America has come to believe those who aren't at the top don't deserve to properly be paid a living wage.

The federal minimum wage has been stuck at 7.25 an hour since the bush boy years. Yet at the same time the wages of people at the top continue to climb to outrageous levels.

Why is it ok for those who are executives to rake in millions a year but it's not ok for everyone else to at least earn a living wage?

We have created a permanent low poor class with the economic policies we have implemented in the last nearly 40 years. A low class that has to depend on public assistance to live even though they work. So the tax payer has to subsidize wages which results in the owners and those at the top get even richer. They can afford to pay their employees a living wage but refuse to do so.

It's the reason why a minimum wage was created in the first place.

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