Environmentalists back new EPA greenhouse emissions standards!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So.....the Obama EPA is set to enact new standards..........

Climate Action Plan – a 17 percent reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 –

Of course, the AGW climate crusaders are all giddy about it......but upon closer inspection, we find out that the effort will reduce temperatures by.........ready for this...........:up::up:

15 one-thousandths of a degree.

I cant stop laughing:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You stoopid zombies get corn-holed by this guy every single year yet ferociously defend him!!!

Who's not winning??

And the evidence collected concerning climate change is a HUGE poke in the eye to the climate crusaders >>>

So............. what is the actual evidence on climate trends published by government agencies, by research bodies funded by government agencies and in the peer-reviewed literature? Answer: The temperature record is ambiguous, as is the correlation of greenhouse gas concentrations and the rate of sea-level increases. The Arctic and Antarctic sea ice covers do not differ by a statistically significant amount from the respective 1981-2010 averages. The Arctic ice cover is near the bottom, but within, the relevant range, and the Antarctic ice cover is near the top, and exceeds in some months, the relevant range. Tornado counts and intensities are in a long-term decline. The frequency and accumulated energy of tropical cyclones are near their lowest levels since satellite measurements began in the early 1970s. U.S. wildfires are not correlated with the temperature record or with increases in greenhouse gas concentrations. The Palmer Drought Severity Index shows no trend since 1895. Over the last century, flooding in the U.S. has not been correlated with increased greenhouse gas concentrations. World per capita food production has increased and undernourishment has decreased, both more-or-less monotonically, since 1993.



Didn't know...........good for him. Nice to see some states starting to poke the federal government in the eyeball. Seeing it on guns.....immigration........environmental regs. Its a good sign and we'll be seeing it continue too. People in some states are sick of this government overreach shit on stoopid stuff that wrecks small business and their families. Of course, the AGW nuts don't give a rats ass about them. The agenda must remain on track............silliest stoopid stuff anybody has ever seen!!!:blowup:
Thats okay. The next President can just sign an EO rescinding this and other harmful administrative law standards that exceed agency authority.
So.....the Obama EPA is set to enact new standards..........

Climate Action Plan – a 17 percent reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 –

Of course, the AGW climate crusaders are all giddy about it......but upon closer inspection, we find out that the effort will reduce temperatures by.........ready for this...........:up::up:

15 one-thousandths of a degree.

I cant stop laughing:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But Wait SKooks -- it gets better. WITHOUT the help of Wash D.C. and in large part IN SPITE of D.C.
CO2 emissions are DOWN about 20% since 1992. Down almost 30% since 1970s..

Largest part of the reduction??? Major switch to Nat Gas.. And fracking that made it cheap..
THANKS greenies.. Good job.. Keep it up.. Did not cost Taxpayers a nickel..

It IS truely comical how they THINK they are fixing things..

The US Supreme Court just handed down an order that blocks these idiots from doing anything until a cost analysis is completed.. AND they comply with their own dam rules including public hearings. They are acting like this ruling didn't happen.. This is about to get very interesting..
Moot. Coal is dead, as both wind and solar are far less expensive. And the grid scale batteries are being produced as we post. A whole new paradigm of generation is starting, and your objections are irrelevant.
hey when oldirocks says something, it's true.

Ask him.

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