Entrusted with Iraq / Afghanistan, Obama loses BOTH


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq over, Obama was entrusted with ensuring our military's sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing, that terrorists would, as Bush vowed on 9/12/01, not have a safe haven in the world.

Since taking over, he helped The Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt for a time,, took the nation to war on his own to use our military to aid the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over Libya, supplied / armed / protected / trained ISIS - let them invade Iraq and take over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost - let them spread into Afghanistan / Africa / Belgium / France / the US, and now is about to allow Afghanistan to fall back into the hands of terrorists...

...and today he is not just going to visit A Mosgue...he is going to visit THE Mosgue in Baltimore that has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and is known to have actively sought to radicalize Muslims...in an effort to 'show no ill will against the Islamic faith'.

What a great President...

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