Entire class of new nay ships unfit for combat, must run away and can't shoot effectively.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
if this doesn't speak to why we need Trump....the LCS ships...brand spanking new.......are unfit for combat duty and don't have the armaments necessary to attack the enemy.....on top of that they are costing 2x what they were projected to cost.....

ANd they named one after Gabby Gifford..........Obama can't leave soon enough...

Navy Accepts Delivery of 'Not Combat Survivable' USS Gabrielle Giffords

Unfortunately, for the 16th American warship named for a woman and the rest of the class, the LCS program is becoming a symbol of Pentagon mismanagement, along with the new $13 billion carrier USS Gerald R. Ford that some naval experts recommend scrapping rather than fixing and the troubled F-35 fighter jet.

Unlike many Coast Guard cutters, the LCS is meant to be deployed to trouble spots, like the four warships destined for Singapore in 2018. Another difference is that many cutters are armed with the MK-75 76mm deck guns with a maximum range of more than 20 miles; the deck guns fitted to the LCS have a maximum range of ten miles.

“The Navy’s own requirements show that the only — the only thing the Navy expects, if it’s hit by one of those kinds of threats, is for it to be able to exit the battle area and or provide for an orderly abandon ship,” said J. Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of Operational Test and Evaluation in sworn testimony December 1 in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“A hit on one of these ships is going to be a real problem–if you can keep it out of harm’s way? OK,” he said.

Because of the ship’s speed and small size, it could avoid combat and find a place to hide from the hostilities, he said.

Gilmore told the committee, “In Total Ship Survivability trials that we did, the crews did their best, but in almost every incidence, there was major damage to the ship and the combat capability was fully lost, and in some instances the ship would have been lost.”

“These ships will still be faster than any other combatant or warship that we have today,” said Sean J. Stackley, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, who testified with Gilmore and Vice Adm. Thomas S. Rowden, the commander of the Pacific Fleet’s surface warfare assets.


The littoral program began in 2007 with the plan of 55 hulls at $220 million each. But, today the plan is for 40 hulls at $478 million each, according to the General Accounting Office’s December 8 report “Slowing Planned Frigate Acquisition Would Enable Better-Informed Decisions.” The GAO priced the ships, which the Navy now calls “frigates” using 2010 dollars. Frigates are traditionally heavily armed warships, but smaller than “ships of the line” or destroyers.
SEE Little crappy ship thread for in depth coverage.....The Ford doesnt work......the Zumwalt doesnt work and neither does F-35......really think ya have a massive case of sabotage going on.
Ah well, as long as the military contractors got access to public funding. And it ain't all bad, we gave Israel some of those illustrious F-35's, so there's that.
Someone has to go down to these Naval yards and start kicking ass.......its like we've forgotten how to do things we've done for decades....even the Virginias had a major prob that sidelined several of them for long period of time......so much to be done
It's gremlins.

Having said that, Why name a ship Gabby Gifford?

Shouldn't it be named Tiger Shark or Untermensch Ripper? Or something else of a similarly inspiring nature.
if this doesn't speak to why we need Trump....the LCS ships...brand spanking new.......are unfit for combat duty and don't have the armaments necessary to attack the enemy.....on top of that they are costing 2x what they were projected to cost.....

ANd they named one after Gabby Gifford..........Obama can't leave soon enough...

Navy Accepts Delivery of 'Not Combat Survivable' USS Gabrielle Giffords

Unfortunately, for the 16th American warship named for a woman and the rest of the class, the LCS program is becoming a symbol of Pentagon mismanagement, along with the new $13 billion carrier USS Gerald R. Ford that some naval experts recommend scrapping rather than fixing and the troubled F-35 fighter jet.

Unlike many Coast Guard cutters, the LCS is meant to be deployed to trouble spots, like the four warships destined for Singapore in 2018. Another difference is that many cutters are armed with the MK-75 76mm deck guns with a maximum range of more than 20 miles; the deck guns fitted to the LCS have a maximum range of ten miles.

“The Navy’s own requirements show that the only — the only thing the Navy expects, if it’s hit by one of those kinds of threats, is for it to be able to exit the battle area and or provide for an orderly abandon ship,” said J. Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of Operational Test and Evaluation in sworn testimony December 1 in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“A hit on one of these ships is going to be a real problem–if you can keep it out of harm’s way? OK,” he said.

Because of the ship’s speed and small size, it could avoid combat and find a place to hide from the hostilities, he said.

Gilmore told the committee, “In Total Ship Survivability trials that we did, the crews did their best, but in almost every incidence, there was major damage to the ship and the combat capability was fully lost, and in some instances the ship would have been lost.”

“These ships will still be faster than any other combatant or warship that we have today,” said Sean J. Stackley, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, who testified with Gilmore and Vice Adm. Thomas S. Rowden, the commander of the Pacific Fleet’s surface warfare assets.


The littoral program began in 2007 with the plan of 55 hulls at $220 million each. But, today the plan is for 40 hulls at $478 million each, according to the General Accounting Office’s December 8 report “Slowing Planned Frigate Acquisition Would Enable Better-Informed Decisions.” The GAO priced the ships, which the Navy now calls “frigates” using 2010 dollars. Frigates are traditionally heavily armed warships, but smaller than “ships of the line” or destroyers.
What you get when you have a pussy as president.
Would 2TinyGuy hate these ships if one of them wasn't named after a gun a control advocate?

They should be named for Navy and Marine heroes, not politicians or civillians...
If the enemy has sufficient fire power there is no such thing as a perfect landing ship.....People are gonna die...It's war people...
As if the names would change anything.
What needs changing is priorities and appeciation of reality.
hey should be named for Navy and Marine heroes, not politicians or civillians...

You mean like the USS Ronald Reagan?
Or the USS Stennis?

So your problem isn't with how this ship is designed, it's who they named one of them after becaue they felt bad that a crazy person was able to get a gun and shot her.

I agree. Instead of naming a ship after her, they should have passed common sense gun laws that don't let crazy people buy guns and hold gun sellers to account when crazy people get them.
if this doesn't speak to why we need Trump....the LCS ships...brand spanking new.......are unfit for combat duty and don't have the armaments necessary to attack the enemy.....on top of that they are costing 2x what they were projected to cost.....

ANd they named one after Gabby Gifford..........Obama can't leave soon enough...

Navy Accepts Delivery of 'Not Combat Survivable' USS Gabrielle Giffords

Unfortunately, for the 16th American warship named for a woman and the rest of the class, the LCS program is becoming a symbol of Pentagon mismanagement, along with the new $13 billion carrier USS Gerald R. Ford that some naval experts recommend scrapping rather than fixing and the troubled F-35 fighter jet.

Unlike many Coast Guard cutters, the LCS is meant to be deployed to trouble spots, like the four warships destined for Singapore in 2018. Another difference is that many cutters are armed with the MK-75 76mm deck guns with a maximum range of more than 20 miles; the deck guns fitted to the LCS have a maximum range of ten miles.

“The Navy’s own requirements show that the only — the only thing the Navy expects, if it’s hit by one of those kinds of threats, is for it to be able to exit the battle area and or provide for an orderly abandon ship,” said J. Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of Operational Test and Evaluation in sworn testimony December 1 in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“A hit on one of these ships is going to be a real problem–if you can keep it out of harm’s way? OK,” he said.

Because of the ship’s speed and small size, it could avoid combat and find a place to hide from the hostilities, he said.

Gilmore told the committee, “In Total Ship Survivability trials that we did, the crews did their best, but in almost every incidence, there was major damage to the ship and the combat capability was fully lost, and in some instances the ship would have been lost.”

“These ships will still be faster than any other combatant or warship that we have today,” said Sean J. Stackley, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, who testified with Gilmore and Vice Adm. Thomas S. Rowden, the commander of the Pacific Fleet’s surface warfare assets.


The littoral program began in 2007 with the plan of 55 hulls at $220 million each. But, today the plan is for 40 hulls at $478 million each, according to the General Accounting Office’s December 8 report “Slowing Planned Frigate Acquisition Would Enable Better-Informed Decisions.” The GAO priced the ships, which the Navy now calls “frigates” using 2010 dollars. Frigates are traditionally heavily armed warships, but smaller than “ships of the line” or destroyers.
What you get when you have a pussy as president.
I bet Obama would love to paint navy ships in the gay flag colors. Since he lit the white house in it.
How in the hell is Obama at fault? Does he have a degree in engineering? Has he built war ships and planes before? All he can do is take the advice of the contractors and all the people in the military that do the decision making, many of which made these decisions... A LONG time ago before he was ever President.
How in the hell is Obama at fault? Does he have a degree in engineering? Has he built war ships and planes before? All he can do is take the advice of the contractors and all the people in the military that do the decision making, many of which made these decisions... A LONG time ago before he was ever President.
I guess his pen and phone doesn't work for the safety of our troops.
How in the hell is Obama at fault? Does he have a degree in engineering? Has he built war ships and planes before? All he can do is take the advice of the contractors and all the people in the military that do the decision making, many of which made these decisions... A LONG time ago before he was ever President.
I guess his pen and phone doesn't work for the safety of our troops.

WTF are you talking about? People told him these were good military upgrades, how the fuck is he supposed to know any different? Hell when they found out they were shit, they cut down the size of the orders. Isn't that good enough for you?
How in the hell is Obama at fault? Does he have a degree in engineering? Has he built war ships and planes before? All he can do is take the advice of the contractors and all the people in the military that do the decision making, many of which made these decisions... A LONG time ago before he was ever President.
I guess his pen and phone doesn't work for the safety of our troops.

WTF are you talking about? People told him these were good military upgrades, how the fuck is he supposed to know any different? Hell when they found out they were shit, they cut down the size of the orders. Isn't that good enough for you?
Maybe if he showed up for his morning briefings, he would know of such things. I guess golfing and vacationing are more important. Oh and listening to his buddies singing about bitches and whores he was to busy.

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