Enter the Mind of a CLUELESS Democratic Communist!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Listen to his anger and utter stupidity and then tell me liberalism isn't a mental disorder!

true individual freedom can’t exist without economic security. So what does Jackson want to add to the Constitution? He quotes FDR again: the right to a family to have a decent home, the right to medical care, and the right to a decent education for every American.

Didn’t they have something like that in the old USSR? You know, the country whose economy collapsed? Yeah, Jesse Jackson Jr. is a genius, just like his father.

Jesse Jackson Jr: Let’s add the right to economic security to the Constitution | The Right Scoop

Little Jackson might be the dumbest man in any room he ever walks into! First, he says for these rights we MUST look to the constitution. LOL, then in the next breathe he says its not in the constitution. LOL, in his third moronic breathe he says they MUST be added to the constitution, because its guaranteed by the constitution! :confused: Que?

Oh yea what does he want added, "The guarantee by the Federal Government to each American PERSONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY!!! Hey brother that is cut and dry Marxism! It has NEVER even come close to working. In fact, when a government tries to insure it, only a select elitist group achieves it and the 99% of the rest of the country suffers! Study some history dumb fuck! And this douche bag gets voted from a Chicago city district and people wonder why Chicago is the most fucked up City in the US!

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