England is beginning to look a lot like Mexico.


Jan 23, 2010
Watching you in my profile page
Drug cartels and statist fanatic cartels are a lot alike.


Are you comparing English bobbies to Mexican drug cartels?
I was 2 times in England (London). The first time was with school for a week.
We were separated in 3-boy/girl groups and redistributed to English families.
So, I actually slept in the house of an English family. Food was not great, at least our room was very big.

We did all the things tourists do in London. M.Tussauds, museums of the WW2 bunker, Westminster, and the Armory. Also that place where a guy has always the right to talk.
In England was the first time, when I was in a market-store that had open in the evening. And in England was the first time, when I gave money to a beggar who sat at stairs at the famous Bridge. It was 2 coins, I don't remember how much I gave her. She had a head-scarf and a children on the arms.

After school, I went again to England.
That's it, I probably won't go there anymore in my life. Maybe in 30 years, when g.-warming has made sunny beaches there.
England is much overrated in this country. Great PR but crappy performance. The poverty inflicted upon most of the British through the use of titles and other forms of unearned privilege is remarkable.
Well don't worry, because if you like what's happening in England so much, it's going to be here in America soon. We'll have ourselves a happy, dappy, slappy RIOT of an old time. We'll make those pussy riots in Greece, Italy, France and England look like a milk and cookies party.
My only "beach"-holidays in Europe were at Garda-Lake in Italy and in Rimini.

Vicenca in Italy is the sister-city of the place I grew-up.
I played soccer and Vicenca had invited soccer-clubs from all sister-cities to a tournament. So we went to Vicenca with my soccer-club. I was 15 or so.
That city was an Anarchist town, everywhere were Graffitis with the A letter.
But it was a lot of fun. We were about 19 guys in my soccer-team:
Germans, Italians, Serbs and Turks. We had a lot of fun and lost every soccer-game we played. It was too hot and we were not really there to play soccer.
Italy is much more beautiful then England. It has a special flair beginning from architecture to the people.
Italians are very talkative people, they talk and talk. A lot.
Also very stylish people and they set a high value on furnishing in the living space.
What Greeks use most:
Malaka (jerk)

Arschloch (asshole)
Vollidiot (full idiot)
Wichser (Masturbater)

Vaffanculo (piss off)
Stronzo (piece of shit)

Ha siktir lan (piss off)
Sikerim (I'll f. you)
CG, What have you been seeing over there with the violence?

I think we need to start preparing, because this is coming here. Soon.
Well don't worry, because if you like what's happening in England so much, it's going to be here in America soon. We'll have ourselves a happy, dappy, slappy RIOT of an old time. We'll make those pussy riots in Greece, Italy, France and England look like a milk and cookies party.
England saw this coming and disarmed the public long ago.If they hadn't, Chucky and CuntZilla would be where they belong. In a morgue.

You'll be next.....if you let them.I'm pretty sure you will. One of the many',many reasons I left.
It is confined to students rioting outside Parliament. They think they have a God-given right to free or subsidised further education. They obviously are not very brainy students, since the costs of University education are not made up front and they are not payable until graduates are in work and earning £21,000 pa ($32,000). Even then, they only pay back at the rate of £60 per month. Fuck 'em. If they're not prepared to fund their own further education the solution is simple. Don't go to university! The public are sick and tired of these spoiled brats.
It is confined to students rioting outside Parliament. They think they have a God-given right to free or subsidised further education. They obviously are not very brainy students, since the costs of University education are not made up front and they are not payable until graduates are in work and earning £21,000 pa ($32,000). Even then, they only pay back at the rate of £60 per month. Fuck 'em. If they're not prepared to fund their own further education the solution is simple. Don't go to university! The public are sick and tired of these spoiled brats.


I've been watching the goings on in France and Greece as well as GB.

The young crowd in those counries are gonna have to do it on their own without the nanny help that they are all so used to getting.

Wonder how thats gonna work for em??

Riots in Greece because the Govt just can't make good on retirement at age 60?

Riots in France because the young folks aren't "guaranteed" a job??

Riots in GB because, golly gee, they will have to actually "pay" for an education?

I hear the EU is worried about Spain and Portugal next.

Should be interesting.
As it is right now here in the US, if an institution of higher education opts to raise tuition, people react by not attending said institution.

You see, there is a reason it is not effective to have government make all things uniform. Any change in cost to the people will be blamed on government, and result in a likely uprising of the people.

There is something to be said of "pure competition".

Just wait until the "single payer" system is instituted, and the government is forced to raise premiums a few years later.

We are walking a fine line, my liberal friends. The grass is always greener on the other side.

What seems "the right thing to do" is by far not always "the best thing to do"
The EU is in flames and the dems want to copy what they did.

Since they can see the riots and the know why the riots are going on...

You can easily assume that is what the DNC wants to have happen here.
I'm certain the everyday liberal doesn't, but I'm certain the leadership does. It's frickin blatant.
England just needs to bow down and accept Islam as their state religion and follow the Shariah laws, they already have Shariah courts in that country.
England just needs to bow down and accept Islam as their state religion and follow the Shariah laws, they already have Shariah courts in that country.

No, they don't have 'shariah courts', they do allow Muslims to use shariah law in matters of business or personal legal disputes - IF both parties want to use shariah. Jewish Brits are also afforded the same process and it has worked perfectly well for decades.

The current problems are because the Tory government is planning to implement a fee structure for students to pay for University. So the students are pissed, because they're gonna have bigger debts leaving University. The English University system is quite different in many ways to the US structure - I have benefited from seeing both up close and personal. The American system is - probably - better because of the way it functions. The English have always had 'free' education but it's unsustainable.
It's amazing how easily people ignore the root causes of this mess. We are fortunate to have a window into what lies in store for us if we don't get our shit together. Unfortunately, we have many who don't see the failures and flaws, only that nobody as smart as them has tried to implement it.

It's arrogance on a colossal scale.
England just needs to bow down and accept Islam as their state religion and follow the Shariah laws, they already have Shariah courts in that country.

No, they don't have 'shariah courts', they do allow Muslims to use shariah law in matters of business or personal legal disputes - IF both parties want to use shariah. Jewish Brits are also afforded the same process and it has worked perfectly well for decades.

The current problems are because the Tory government is planning to implement a fee structure for students to pay for University. So the students are pissed, because they're gonna have bigger debts leaving University. The English University system is quite different in many ways to the US structure - I have benefited from seeing both up close and personal. The American system is - probably - better because of the way it functions. The English have always had 'free' education but it's unsustainable.

It's only free when the teachers, janitors, maintenance workers, librarians, etc. work for nothing. As long as there are costs, it is not free. It ain't that hard folks.

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