England- Govt Heath Stats Show "Vaccinated" 234% More Likely to Die


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
After being told by other govt health agencies they had no stats on overall mortality by clot shot status, the Expose found the stats they needed from Office of National Statistics (ONS) in England.
ONS stats broke down multiple categories of vaccine status, age, etc... & these official govt stats will shock those that received this experimental gene therapy masquerading as a real vax.
Or at least those that have retained some rudimentary ability to use reason & facts to reach a logical conclusion.

By June of 2022, official govt statistics show the rona vaccinated dying at a rate of 1 out of every 72 (1/72) while the purebloods died at a rate of 1/173.
This includes all that had the jab, starting from the first day of the first dose.

I had to take off my shoes & socks to do the math-metrics but I do believe that means the unenlightened knuckle draggers in England that refused to follow the science by lining up for the clot shots were 234% more likely to be living than their much smarter & virtuous neighbors that did the right thing to save humanity because "#wereallinthistogether".

Don't worry clot shotted US comrades, you are much safer here since the US counts vaccinated people as unvaxxed for 2 weeks after your latest dose so at least you have that going for you.
I mean, you'll still be dead but you'll be a dead pureblood if you take the vax & die right away. That's a win.

Deaths only, doesn't count the severe reactions that many more suffer from there.

I know, correlation doesn't equal causation... and Biden's diapers fill up all on their own.

And BTW fellow purebloods, all the countries are lying about vax uptake to condition the sheeple into joining the herd.
Even in England almost 30% of the eligible population refused them.



The UKHSA state in their document that 63.4 million people were in the National Immunisation Management Service cohort in England, but only 44.5 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, according to the UK Government, by July 3rd 2022, there were 18.9 million unvaccinated people in England.

Now that we know how many people are vaccinated and how many people are unvaccinated we can calculate the rate of death among the two groups.

44.48 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in England, and 606,537 of those people had sadly died. This, therefore, equates to 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people having sadly died by the 1st of June 2022.

18.9 million people had not received a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in England, and 109,891 of those people had sadly died. This, therefore, equates to 1 in every 172 unvaccinated people having sadly died by the 1st of June 2022.


Obviously, these figures do not take into account other factors such as age etc. but this is still a huge difference and is most definitely concerning when we take a look at the actual mortality rates per 100,000 by vaccination status and age group.

We can find those figures on table 2 of the same ONS dataset on deaths by vaccination status.

The official figures unfortunately confirm that mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.

After being told by other govt health agencies they had no stats on overall mortality by clot shot status, the Expose found the stats they needed from Office of National Statistics (ONS) in England.
ONS stats broke down multiple categories of vaccine status, age, etc... & these official govt stats will shock those that received this experimental gene therapy masquerading as a real vax.
Or at least those that have retained some rudimentary ability to use reason & facts to reach a logical conclusion.

By June of 2022, official govt statistics show the rona vaccinated dying at a rate of 1 out of every 72 (1/72) while the purebloods died at a rate of 1/173.
This includes all that had the jab, starting from the first day of the first dose.

I had to take off my shoes & socks to do the math-metrics but I do believe that means the unenlightened knuckle draggers in England that refused to follow the science by lining up for the clot shots were 234% more likely to be living than their much smarter & virtuous neighbors that did the right thing to save humanity because "#wereallinthistogether".

Don't worry clot shotted US comrades, you are much safer here since the US counts vaccinated people as unvaxxed for 2 weeks after your latest dose so at least you have that going for you.
I mean, you'll still be dead but you'll be a dead pureblood if you take the vax & die right away. That's a win.

Deaths only, doesn't count the severe reactions that many more suffer from there.

I know, correlation doesn't equal causation... and Biden's diapers fill up all on their own.

And BTW fellow purebloods, all the countries are lying about vax uptake to condition the sheeple into joining the herd.
Even in England almost 30% of the eligible population refused them.



The UKHSA state in their document that 63.4 million people were in the National Immunisation Management Service cohort in England, but only 44.5 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, according to the UK Government, by July 3rd 2022, there were 18.9 million unvaccinated people in England.

Now that we know how many people are vaccinated and how many people are unvaccinated we can calculate the rate of death among the two groups.

44.48 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in England, and 606,537 of those people had sadly died. This, therefore, equates to 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people having sadly died by the 1st of June 2022.

18.9 million people had not received a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in England, and 109,891 of those people had sadly died. This, therefore, equates to 1 in every 172 unvaccinated people having sadly died by the 1st of June 2022.


Obviously, these figures do not take into account other factors such as age etc. but this is still a huge difference and is most definitely concerning when we take a look at the actual mortality rates per 100,000 by vaccination status and age group.

We can find those figures on table 2 of the same ONS dataset on deaths by vaccination status.

The official figures unfortunately confirm that mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Other methods used include; the build-up and use of nuclear, chemical and biological agents, weapons and warfare, the poisoning and contamination of the planet's food and water supplies, the introduction and use of deadly pharmacuetical drugs in society, weather modification and the triggering of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis through electromagnetic psychotronic weapons both on Earth and in space, the promotion of homosexuality to limit population growth and spread the deadly AIDS virus, forced sterilization in countries such as China, forced vaccinations, abortion, euthanasia etc..

Everything that is happening around the world, is the plan of the NWO. Starving people, forcing untested gene altering drugs on young kids who would otherwise build up their immune system, and now the talk of killing anyone who cant stay productive, while many of those contributed the most to society and now are in retirement age. Marxists/Demofacsists are EVIL as can be. I just hope the voters who are the most stupid go first, because they dont produce anything, just smoke dope and complain all the time
Don't worry clot shotted US comrades, you are much safer here since the US counts vaccinated people as unvaxxed for 2 weeks after your latest dose so at least you have that going for you.
I mean, you'll still be dead but you'll be a dead pureblood if you take the vax & die right away. That's a win.

THAT is so devious and no doubt Fauci was in on that method of counting.
little rat bastard. I hope he dies from his own bioengineered chemicals. horribly.
Silly conspiracy theory again.
Yeah statistics are stupid when they don't line up with your political leanings. You probably cry tears of joy when you hear "I'm from the government and I'm hear to help".

At first the Nazis claimed they were putting Jews in ghettos for their own safety, then it was the concentration camps and gas chambers.
Yeah statistics are stupid when they don't line up with your political leanings. You probably cry tears of joy when you hear "I'm from the government and I'm hear to help".

At first the Nazis claimed they were putting Jews in ghettos for their own safety, then it was the concentration camps and gas chambers.
Keep this discussion in mind when you calm down.

Government can do it better and cheaper because of no need for huge profit margins.

But America's government is already too corrupt to be able to do it.
Keep this discussion in mind when you calm down.

Government can do it better and cheaper because of no need for huge profit margins.

But America's government is already too corrupt to be able to do it.
Better and cheaper ? You must be trolling or dumb as a bag of hammers. You have obviously never had any experience working with the Government.
Silly conspiracy theory again.
Prove them wrong then Don.
A "silly conspiracy theory" taken from the govts official statistics should be easy to debunk.

If these numbers are wrong, show us the correct ones & I'll admit I am wrong.
Otherwise you're just the typical prog that has got nothing but a gaslight & cognitive dissonance to keep you comfortable

At first the Nazis claimed they were putting Jews in ghettos for their own safety, then it was the concentration camps and gas chambers.

Government can do it better and cheaper because of no need for huge profit margins.

Thunder is talking about a totalitarians fascist govt gassing the Jews & your response is the govt does it better & cheaper because "profits bad"?
WTF dude!?
Keep this discussion in mind when you calm down.

Government can do it better and cheaper because of no need for huge profit margins.

But America's government is already too corrupt to be able to do it.
Government can do it better and cheaper


Government got in control of college funds...college tuition has skyrocketed and morons like Don here may be products of said tuition.
Government is in control of the mail system, loses packages and letters while also costing so much more.
Government is in control of the Obamacare crap, prices went up, deductible went up, and crappier service.

You slaves are such stupid people....

Keep this discussion in mind when you calm down.

Government can do it better and cheaper because of no need for huge profit margins.

But America's government is already too corrupt to be able to do it.
that's a freakin' lie. I can't believe you dems. Where are the dems that used to say...Don't Trust Gov't. Damn the Man and Don't trust anyone over 30. Y'all sure have become good little obedient sheeple.

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