CDZ Endorsing State Retaliation

I am being civilized. They are limiting Disney's free speech by punishing them for exercising it.

If the Govt put you in jail for saying bad things about Biden would that be limiting your free speech?
Punishing them by taking away the status that no other businesses have? OK

If the Govt was not charging me taxes and then decided to charge me after I shit on it, what specifically did they take away aside from privilege? Disney decided to bad mouth the entity that gave them special privileges and that entity took it away.
But it's been used, repeatedly, as a threat. Any time a religious group gets "too big for its britches", grandstanding politicians roll it out. That's the cruel irony of the religious tax exemption. It uses the First Amendment to justify a policy used to violate a church's freedom of speech.
I know....As I said, that's the point of the tax exemption.

The wages of selling your rights for privileges and benefits.....Says it right in the Bible that you cannot serve two masters.
I am being civilized. They are limiting Disney's free speech by punishing them for exercising it.

If the Govt put you in jail for saying bad things about Biden would that be limiting your free speech?
Saying I do not know what the first amendment is being civilized? Guess you don’t know the definition of the word civilized. My bad. My kids who are 12 and 14 do so I presumed you did as well.
Punishing them by taking away the status that no other businesses have? OK

Not true, there are 6 other such areas in Florida alone

If the Govt was not charging me taxes and then decided to charge me after I shit on it, what specifically did they take away aside from privilege? Disney decided to bad mouth the entity that gave them special privileges and that entity took it away.

So, lets go to churches. They are not paying taxes, if they shit on the Govt by going against gay marriage or abortion laws are you cool with them having their status revoked?
Punishing them by taking away the status that no other businesses have? OK

If the Govt was not charging me taxes and then decided to charge me after I shit on it, what specifically did they take away aside from privilege? Disney decided to bad mouth the entity that gave them special privileges and that entity took it away.
As you said elsewhere, that's just semantics. The dynamic is the same, it's a means of control.
Not true, there are 6 other such areas in Florida alone

So, lets go to churches. They are not paying taxes, if they shit on the Govt by going against gay marriage or abortion laws are you cool with them having their status revoked?
Six out of 1000s

Am I cool with it? 100% I do not believe religious institutions should be tax exempt. Does it make me right? Idk?
Didn’t the government punish the Brooklyn Nets for not conforming to their vaccine mandates?

Not that I know of. Can you offer some more facts, and was it just the Brooklyn Nets or were the rules the same for everyone?
Am I cool with it? 100% I do not believe religious institutions should be tax exempt. Does it make me right? Idk?

But I am not talking about all losing their tax exempt status, just the ones that say bad things about the Govt. You would be 100% good with individual churches being targeted this way?
The "common premise" in whose world?
The world of words and language?

Are you really contending that being punished for exercising a right isn't a violation of that right? I don't follow that logic at all.
Not that I know of. Can you offer some more facts, and was it just the Brooklyn Nets or were the rules the same for everyone?
No. Because you’re playing coy. You know full well that Kyrie Irving was banned from playing home games because he refused to get vaccinated. It was a pretty big story. Pretty sure that punished the Nets. Boston did not impose such rules on its players for example.

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