Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”

daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

Trump sure hurt South Carolina soybean farmers. Was that part of his plans?
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

The United States of America needs to undergo an excorcism to rid itself of this bizarre and destructive cult.

Trump was abused by his father and neglected by his mother. He has NO use for his sons.. was never involved in their upbringing. They sure are pitiful and needy. Tragic waste.

Based on the last 4 years of observation of the most covered family in history your post is is complete emotionally disturbed bullshit.

Trump's father was a sadist.. Trump can't help wat he is. I knew about Trump in the 1980s.

I also knew about Trump in the 1980s; he was upset that Reagan was selling out Americans to non-Americans.
Look, I get it...you're a neo-Con who thrives on cheap, abused slave labor.
Just say it and stop intellectualizing your greed and avarice.

Ron Reagan on Trump’s behavior: ‘It’s only going to get worse’
MSNBC News - Breaking News and News Today | Latest News › hardball › watch › ron-reagan-on...
Aug 22, 2019 · Ron Reagan on Trump’s behavior: ‘It’s only going to get worse’ ... Rattled by the US economy, and his prospects for reelection, an unhinged President Trump is stumbling through a

Ron Reagan, son of that Globalist piece of shit Ronald Reagan.
Trump ran against Ronald Reagan.
I know you have no idea what Trump's platform was, but it was the exact opposite of Reagan.
The only Americans that Reagan gave a shit about ran Capitol Hill from Wall Street.

Ronald Reagan snubbed Trump repeatedly, but Trump claim Reagan liked and admired him.. He was always a delusional fool.

Ronald Reagan was VERY DEMENTED. One of my brothers is a specialist in dementia of the Alzheimer's
type----he made the diagnosis before that poor guy was elected.. Early signs of alzheimers type dementia manifest DECADES before they become obvious

I agree.. but Trump claimed Reagan liked him and compares himself to Reagan and George Washington.

Once again, who cares?
Discuss what he accomplished other than being an alpha and I know alphas such as yourself despise other alphas.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

Trump sure hurt South Carolina soybean farmers. Was that part of his plans?

Concentrate, my little neo-Con...Tell me how much pain you felt for your fellow US citizens when Reagan and every President after him caused millions of people to lose their jobs and careers and eventually caused Trump to be elected.
I bet you didn't feel any pain at all since you were the one replacing Americans with Trespassers and foreigners.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.
Donald Trump was the best president of my lifetime.

It's impressive that a four-year-old can use the computer.

Donald Trump is the greatest President of the 20th and 21st centuries. The worst was the fascist dictator FDR that signed 110 Executive Orders in 1 month and locked tens of thousands of innocent American citizens in concentration camps simply because of their ethnicity.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.
Donald Trump was the best president of my lifetime.

It's impressive that a four-year-old can use the computer.

Donald Trump is the greatest President of the 20th and 21st centuries. The worst was the fascist dictator FDR that signed 110 Executive Orders in 1 month and locked tens of thousands of innocent American citizens in concentration camps simply because of their ethnicity.

Sorry. I should have said three-year-old. My mistake.

FDR: "fascist" :lmao:
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

An interesting observation since you were the first and most consistent white knight to jump in here defending the Orange "Honor". If that ain't emotional investment I don't know what is.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

What a maroon!
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

What a maroon!

They are all damaged just like Trump was damaged.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

Which citizens did I throw under the bus. Only people I have thrown under the bus lately has been trump and anybody that supports his incited attacks on the Capital, including the 20 military or former military out of the 232 said to be under indictment of some kind. Attacking our own government was not part of the gig, nor anything I would support.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

Which citizens did I throw under the bus. Only people I have thrown under the bus lately has been trump and anybody that supports his incited attacks on the Capital, including the 20 military or former military out of the 232 said to be under indictment of some kind. Attacking our own government was not part of the gig, nor anything I would support.

How many times will your brain reject the fact that you find a federal building more important than non-politicians.
To be honest, I know way too many people who have wanted to overthrow the government prior to Trump.
"Our" Government...what a hollow phrase when anyone on Wall Street or Silicon Valley can destroy out lives in a moment by handing over legislation at a BBQ or Banquet.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

Would that be a bad thing? To get more money into the hands of people, instead of corporations? It works in every other first world nation.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

Which citizens did I throw under the bus. Only people I have thrown under the bus lately has been trump and anybody that supports his incited attacks on the Capital, including the 20 military or former military out of the 232 said to be under indictment of some kind. Attacking our own government was not part of the gig, nor anything I would support.

How many times will your brain reject the fact that you find a federal building more important than non-politicians.
To be honest, I know way too many people who have wanted to overthrow the government prior to Trump.
"Our" Government...what a hollow phrase when anyone on Wall Street or Silicon Valley can destroy out lives in a moment by handing over legislation at a BBQ or Banquet.

Last summer you said anyone who damaged federal property should be shot summarily. Suddenly people are more important than property.

Such absolute hypocrisy.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

Which citizens did I throw under the bus. Only people I have thrown under the bus lately has been trump and anybody that supports his incited attacks on the Capital, including the 20 military or former military out of the 232 said to be under indictment of some kind. Attacking our own government was not part of the gig, nor anything I would support.

How many times will your brain reject the fact that you find a federal building more important than non-politicians.
To be honest, I know way too many people who have wanted to overthrow the government prior to Trump.
"Our" Government...what a hollow phrase when anyone on Wall Street or Silicon Valley can destroy out lives in a moment by handing over legislation at a BBQ or Banquet.

You do seem like the type that would "know way too many people that have wanted to overthrow the government". Is the FBI looking for you or do you just support insurrection on the internet? You have a pretty cynical viewpoint. What happened to you? Not get the government job you wanted or did you lose it to somebody better? Internet anarchists are a dime a dozen or cheaper.
daddy's boy
Emotional Eric Trump goes on weird tangent about how his “beloved” daddy is a “father to America”
By Graham Gremore 4 hours ago

Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”
Watch. Or don’t.

How can he whine about how DJT is most popular president and daddy to America if in the next sentence he acknowledges that some people would like to tar and feather the Donster. Doesn't sound very popular. Do you suppose he is confusing "famous" with "infamous"?

Did you fail logic?
That's right! You voted for Biden...you failed logic.

No actually got an "A". Biden was the only logical choice unless you got and "F" in ethics and another "F" in government or American History or both.

Translation...I wanted a D in the Oval Office because my pension might be increased.
I think most of here get you.

You are saying trump is anti military and miltary retirees? OK. Something else to hold against him, beside his ethics, judgment, management style, support for subversives including white supremacists, anarchists and conspiracy theorists, and a domestic policy that favored use of Federal Troops on home soil, and an economic policy that put family farmers out of business or on federal support so he could collect terriffs from Americans for what they buy from overseas and I absolutely despised his support for foreign dictators, autocrats and rogue states, and lack of support for allies. Other than that, he was a hell of a guy when he wasn't screwing around on his wives, going bankrupt on his business commitments and interfering with UCMJ at the expense of good order and discipline within the military.

Which has what to do with his policies other than yet another ad hominem from a "military" man with a weak ego?
There were plenty of farmers who showed up at his campaign speeches to praise him but of course, you didn't watch any of those.
Why do we have to bribe nations to be our allies?
Just because the military bribed you with a pension?

You are really fucked up.

No bribe. Earned it the old fashioned way doing crap you didn't want to do.

I know way too many people who did it just like you but they wouldn't throw their fellow citizens under the bus the way you did.
Unlike you, Some people think with their brains rather than their emotions.

Which citizens did I throw under the bus. Only people I have thrown under the bus lately has been trump and anybody that supports his incited attacks on the Capital, including the 20 military or former military out of the 232 said to be under indictment of some kind. Attacking our own government was not part of the gig, nor anything I would support.

How many times will your brain reject the fact that you find a federal building more important than non-politicians.
To be honest, I know way too many people who have wanted to overthrow the government prior to Trump.
"Our" Government...what a hollow phrase when anyone on Wall Street or Silicon Valley can destroy out lives in a moment by handing over legislation at a BBQ or Banquet.

You do seem like the type that would "know way too many people that have wanted to overthrow the government". Is the FBI looking for you or do you just support insurrection on the internet? You have a pretty cynical viewpoint. What happened to you? Not get the government job you wanted or did you lose it to somebody better? Internet anarchists are a dime a dozen or cheaper.

Anyone who has worked in the corporate world since Reagan knows what I'm saying.
We needed a political revolution and I believe Trump has started it.
If I went back in time and took a government job I would be as brain dead as the several hundred people I know who did so.

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