Elvis at Pro-Bowl [NFL]: Time-Travel/DNP (Christian Recording)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do sports-culture films like Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) make you think of hype or nationalism?

This is a patriotism-fable, so I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section, but I'm retiring from posting anyway and welcome any kinds of comments!

Cheers (signing off),


Elvis Presley had become an iconic American musician/performer, and one day, he decided to hop into a time-machine his scientist-friend (Dr. Earl) designed and found himself transported to the NFL Pro-Bowl in Hawaii in the year 2019 (21st Century A.D.). Elvis found that there was much color and festivity surrounding the Pro-Bowl so he decided to find himself a guitar so he could start singing songs about the NFL and about peaceful competitive sports in the 21st Century. Hawaii in 2019 was just as he had remembered it from his own time --- idyllic, developed, and hospitable. He even met a nice girl named Eleana and began singing to her. Elvis loved all the media and traffic enchantment surrounding the tourism linked to the NFL Pro-Bowl. He downloaded the sports-culture/marketing film Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) on Netflix.


When Elvis arrived at the football stadium where the Pro-Bowl would be played, where various star-athletes from the AFC and NFC would compete to see which conference deserved this year's special winner-honors, he was delighted to see a very nice on-field pre-game presentation commemorating the final Pro-Bowl before the year 2020, the next decade of this 'new millennium.' Elvis decided to perform some songs on the field in front of the crowds, and as expected, when people inquired how he had become such a gifted/entertaining musician-performer, he explained he was a skilled/trained Elvis-impersonator and resembled the 'King' himself. The pre-game festivities in Pro-Bowl Hawaii in 2019 delighted the 'King' and reminded him of the value of media and hospitality/tourism (and sports!). America was still great...


To everyone's shock, an eerie flying menace-creature soared into the football stadium during the pre-game festivities. This menace was called 'Grey Goblin' and he was flying on a metal jet-glider and seemed to be wielding pumpkin-bombs. He also carried a megaphone in his bag, which hung off his shoulders. Gray Goblin pulled out his megaphone and delivered a message to the crowd, "U.S. First Lady Melania Trump and key members of the DNP (Democratic National Party) are attending this year's Pro-Bowl, so I wanted to awake Americans to the reality of anti-capitalism terrorism even in this 'new millennium'!". Elvis (the 'King') was shocked and wondered where the NSA (National Security Agency) was and where 'Gray Goblin' was from and if the First Lady and representatives of the DNP were already present in Hawaii for the Pro-Bowl. Reporters called into news-stations, declaring the Gray Goblin to be a 'Pro-Bowl terrorist'.


Apparently, Gray Goblin was actually the mild-mannered genomics-scientist Thomas Osborn working for the Salk Institute and the NSA on a special project involving the mutation and strength-enhancement of American army soldiers. Osborn ingested some of the mutation-serum himself and became a deformed ghoul and called himself 'Gray Goblin.' He fashioned himself a jet-glider with metal parts and rocket-fuel and headed to Hawaii, intending to kidnap the First Lady (Melania Trump) and hold her for ransom. Gray Goblin (Osborn) believed he was the incarnation of the AntiChrist. Meanwhile, First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Hawaii and was expecting to join the Pro-Bowl festivities at the football stadium when her security advisors informed her of this new threat to national security.


ELVIS: Oh, man, you won't believe what I saw, doc!
DR. EARL: How was the Pro-Bowl in Hawaii, Elvis?
ELVIS: It was something else...a mutant terrorist subverted everything.
DR. EARL: What?
ELVIS: Yeah, he was a 'mad scientist' who wanted to kidnap the First Lady.
DR. EARL: Melania Trump?
ELVIS: Yeah, doc! Fortunately, American soldiers shot the menace down.
DR. EARL: Did they kill the poor fool?
ELVIS: No, they just shot his jet-glider and then hauled him off to an insane-asylum.
DR. EARL: What did this menace/terrorist want at the Pro-Bowl in the year 2019, Elvis?
ELVIS: He was 'Gray Goblin' and he believed terrorism was the 'cure' to capitalism.
DR. EARL: So your time-travel experience was a lesson in 'terrorism psychology.'
ELVIS: I think so; but I also met nice people/athletes at the Pro-Bowl.
DR. EARL: Did the game end up being played?
ELVIS: Yes, it was delayed but played, and the National Football Conference won!
DR. EARL: Wow, so now we know which conference will win the Pro-Bowl in 2019.
ELVIS: This is no time for sports-gambling jokes; I say we tell people about future terrorists!
DR. EARL: That may be unwise, Elvis; after all, we don't want to cause a social panic...
ELVIS: True; however, I wonder if Gray Goblin's claim he was the 'AntiChrist' has merit.
DR. EARL: Merit?
ELVIS: Yeah, merit, doc; after all, is American tourism/hospitality undermined by terrorists?
DR. EARL: Don't worry so much; return to your music, Elvis; let the government worry...
ELVIS: What're you going to do with this time-machine, doc?
DR. EARL: I plan to destroy it; we don't want pre-cognition of terrorism/risk incidence.
ELVIS: Good idea; let the fates unfold naturally while we Americans embrace patriotism!
DR. EARL: Hail to the patriots...



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