Elena Kagan No Bueno...FROM THE LEFT


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
With a Shakespeare reference, no less!

Easily the best piece I've ever seen at HRPuffinstuffPost.
Supreme Court Nominee Could Coronate Obama

Depend upon it! If confirmed by the United States Senate, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will crown President Obama with "imperial" constitutional powers. Congress and Federal Courts will wither as checks against his presidential usurpations or abuses whenever war or other national security claims are bugled over Iran, North Korea, Yemen, international terrorism, economic adversity, or otherwise.


Kagan is a creature of the executive branch.


Kagan voiced no protest over President Clinton's initiation of wars in Bosnia and Serbia without statutory authorization from Congress. She expressed no public objection to President Clinton's claim of constitutional immunity from Paula Jones' sexual harassment suit. The Supreme Court, speaking unanimously through Justice Stevens in Clinton v. Jones, repudiated the argument. Kagan endorsed line-item veto power for the President that was held unconstitutional in another opinion authored by Justice Stevens in Clinton v. New York. As Solicitor General, Kagan has defended President Obama's assertion of a "state secrets" privilege to shield government officials guilty of constitutional wrongdoing from damage judgments.


Most alarming, Kagan has voiced no qualms against President Obama's claim of unilateral authority to kill American citizens abroad if he believes they pose an imminent danger to the national security of the United States anywhere on the planet. Currently targeted for death is Anwar al-Awlaki. If the President errs, the homicide will be advertised as collateral damage in the perpetual global war against international terrorism. Better that the innocent be rubbed out by predator drones and that due process of law be lacerated than that the United States accept a one-millionth of one percent risk of a terrorist attempt launched from a desert cave thousands of miles away from American shores. But President Obama is an honorable man, and his Cabinet is all honorable men and women.

Bruce Fein: Supreme Court Nominee Could Coronate Obama
Kagan was a lawyer in the service of the President. She was not a judge or law professor. IMO, her POV is not known as her duty was to sally forth and advance the interests and objectives of her client.

Try again, Dude.
How can this person be qualified to be on the SCOTUS? Zero experience, but if you're in the Marxist circle of jerks then you magically are qualified.
The have been justices who didnt have law degrees in the past.

The left does not wlak in locked step like cons do.
On Jan 21, 2013, President Ron Paul will use these executive powers to eliminate the Federal Reserve and repeal the 16th Amendment.
Experience needed? The long history of nonjudge justices. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

"Who is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court is a determination made on a nominee by nominee basis by at least 51 US senators. There are no set rules for qualification. Although every past justice has been a lawyer, 41 of the 109 justices had no prior judicial experience......."
The piece in the OP isn't about experience, but about a track record of being a pushover for executive power, and being on the wrong side of issues ruled on by justices who lean heavily toward her side of the political spectrum.
Fein claims to have been employed as a lawyer for the US Attorney General, and mebbe he was. He writes well and throws around very alarming ideas, but the fact is, he is wrong Dude. A lawyer employed by a client has an ethical duty to advance that client's objectives. Policy making is not the lawyer's role.

You have any objections to Kagan other than this piece?

From where I am sitting, Kagan reminds me of Holden (US Attorney General). Prior to their appointments, they both have had remarkably blank slates a la POVs. I wonder where Obama finds such never-opiniated people, especially in the legal profession.

For all we know, Kagan is a firm believer in little green men from Mars. Be nice to see some evidence of it before we accuse her, though, donca think?
My bad! I have a radio on my desk tuned to talk radio all the time. All the talkers are following their talking points memo concerning her lack of experience. I was multi-tasking and posted without paying close enough attention. Being the nice, kindly gentleman you are, I know you will forgive me.
Experience needed? The long history of nonjudge justices. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

"Who is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court is a determination made on a nominee by nominee basis by at least 51 US senators. There are no set rules for qualification. Although every past justice has been a lawyer, 41 of the 109 justices had no prior judicial experience......."

Exactly, and since we have a majority Dem Congress, that means her being in the Marxist Club with the Hussein is qualifications enough....at least for this Congress.
Depend upon it! If confirmed by the United States Senate, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will crown President Obama with "imperial" constitutional powers. Congress and Federal Courts will wither as checks against his presidential usurpations or abuses whenever war or other national security claims are bugled over Iran, North Korea, Yemen, international terrorism, economic adversity, or otherwise...."

Oh brother. Talk about Chicken-little-the-sky-is-fallling-hyperbole.
Depend upon it! If confirmed by the United States Senate, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will crown President Obama with "imperial" constitutional powers. Congress and Federal Courts will wither as checks against his presidential usurpations or abuses whenever war or other national security claims are bugled over Iran, North Korea, Yemen, international terrorism, economic adversity, or otherwise...."

Oh brother. Talk about Chicken-little-the-sky-is-fallling-hyperbole.
Well, I did point out that the piece was from HRPuffinstuffPost, after all. :lol:

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