Election Inspector


Active Member
Oct 21, 2008
I'm actually quite nervous. I have to get up at 5:00 am to be an Election Inspector. I will be working from 5:30 until 9:30 but they say it may be nutso and I might be there much longer than expected.

I'm afraid of all the nuts that might start yelling if I ask for a photo ID and they don't have one. If they don't I have to give a provisional ballot but I have heard today that people are being told not to accept a provision ballot but that they should be persistant and make it known that they want to vote right then and there.

Here's hoping I make it though the day alive!

Anyone else here giving up a day in their life to do this?
No, just getting up and leaving earlier to go vote.

I admire you for what you are doing Gigi!

Drinks LOTS of strong coffee and eats LOTS of sugar! :)
I'm actually quite nervous. I have to get up at 5:00 am to be an Election Inspector. I will be working from 5:30 until 9:30 but they say it may be nutso and I might be there much longer than expected.

I'm afraid of all the nuts that might start yelling if I ask for a photo ID and they don't have one. If they don't I have to give a provisional ballot but I have heard today that people are being told not to accept a provision ballot but that they should be persistant and make it known that they want to vote right then and there.

Here's hoping I make it though the day alive!

Anyone else here giving up a day in their life to do this?

I wouldn't worry about it, they know if they go apeshit they goto jail and cant vote. You'll be fine and if anyone gives you any crap just choke them out, it only takes 5-15 seconds and works like a charm ;) I've had to do it three times on various apprehensions ive made :)
Good luck to you Gigi. Stand your ground. Hope you will have your pot of coffee with you to make it through the day. :)

honey hush you're gonna need at least a taser...i would consider a side arm...

good luck...i dont envy you but it is nice to see you doing your "civic" duty as they call it.
I'm back. That was the longest day in History. I gotta say the Republicans came all out to try and beat the great O but they just could'nt do it.

Oh well, my "Don't Blame Me I Voted for Ron Paul" bumper sticker is firmly adhered to my vehicle....
I'm back. That was the longest day in History. I gotta say the Republicans came all out to try and beat the great O but they just could'nt do it.

Oh well, my "Don't Blame Me I Voted for Ron Paul" bumper sticker is firmly adhered to my vehicle....

Any problems?
Not one problem the whole day...but then the firehouse where the voting took place is waterfront on the Harbor.....if you get my drift lol
Not one problem the whole day...but then the firehouse where the voting took place is waterfront on the Harbor.....if you get my drift lol

You threw all the dem votes in the lake? LOL :confused:

You had a nice view of a lighthouse? :eusa_eh:

The men were HOT? :D

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