Either way the MSM spins the debates to favor Obama


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It will NOT matter whether Romney confronts Obama with facts like these:

1) There have never been 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million counted were not citizens or 14 million ALREADY covered by Medicaid or 18 million already pay for their health services out of pocket and never want insurance.. NO even with the reality less then 8 million are truly uninsured.. the LIE will NOT be shown by the MSM!
or facts:

2) Romney asks Obama if HE EVER said he wanted to bankrupt utilities... Obama/MSM will spin that in some way

3) Romney asks Obama if Obama ever said he "wanted higher gas prices".. again Obama/MSM will spin that..

NO there is really NOTHING Romney can say or do to confront Obama with his destructive plans for America and while Carter led Reagan before debates and Reagan then won the debates and election... THAT won't happen again! That means Obama will continue to destroy America and I like many are making plans to hopefully find some other country that may be somewhat equal to what the USA was before Obama's destructive agenda!

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