Einstein's predicted gravitational waves discovered.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
It seems an announcement will be made Thursday of the verification of Einstein's theory.
Creating, discovering and bettering humanity is what science is all about. Far better then making bombs and destroying.
Right, and you'd be goose stepping to some dictator and working in some sweat shop not knowing what the word freedom even means.
Creating, discovering and bettering humanity is what science is all about. Far better then making bombs and destroying.
Right, and you'd be goose stepping to some dictator and working in some sweat shop not knowing what the word freedom even means.

It isn't like some idiot like you would understand that word. People like you want to see the collapse of civilization.

Please don't tell me about freedom. Freedom is relative and in your little world freedom would allow rich people to own other people and do bad shit.
Creating, discovering and bettering humanity is what science is all about. Far better then making bombs and destroying.
Right, and you'd be goose stepping to some dictator and working in some sweat shop not knowing what the word freedom even means.
It isn't like some idiot like you would understand that word. People like you want to see the collapse of civilization.

Please don't tell me about freedom. Freedom is relative and in your little world freedom would allow rich people to own other people and do bad shit.
You completely missed the point.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.
Your tin foil cap isn't keeping the waves out. Maybe now you'll have a chance?
This announcement was known for weeks already. Interesting how a great scientist can create a theory that results in a model that suggests an outcome which is verifiable. Real science works that way.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.

Not weird at all. That has become expected from right wingers. Sad would better describe it.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.

Not weird at all. That has become expected from right wingers. Sad would better describe it.
Only retards think that. Hate and stupidity is all you have to offer.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.

Not weird at all. That has become expected from right wingers. Sad would better describe it.
Only retards think that. Hate and stupidity is all you have to offer.

Cuts, war and transfer of all wealth to the rich is all you have to offer. At least I want to cure diseases that make people suffer and advance humanity to be better then it currently is...Which is of course mostly a closed minded shill that is mostly owned by a small percentage of the population.
Weird how the worthless human being taliban like member doesn't like science and the discussion of such...

This is a huge discovery in physics and will help us develop knew technology and possibly even do things that we thought were impossible before. Of course, I can understand why someone that hates civilization would be down on this but they're a small minority thankfully.

Not weird at all. That has become expected from right wingers. Sad would better describe it.
Only retards think that. Hate and stupidity is all you have to offer.

Cuts, war and transfer of all wealth to the rich is all you have to offer. At least I want to cure diseases that make people suffer and advance humanity to be better then it currently is...Which is of course mostly a closed minded shill that is mostly owned by a small percentage of the population.
Physician, heal thyself first. Seriously. I never said anything like that but it's what you saw. Get some help, something is wrong.
Sounds like a Doppler effect of gravity. Just as Doppler radar helps study the atmosphere, gravitational wave measurement might help understand and predict/locate black holes and other gravity-oriented space phenomenon.
That's what it sounds like to me.
Another thread that shows how nimly twisted subjects instantly become. Mention gravity, and it brings up the Taliban, global warming and left/right polarization.

N'importe quoi!
Another thread that shows how nimly twisted subjects instantly become. Mention gravity, and it brings up the Taliban, global warming and left/right polarization.

N'importe quoi!
The guy that pretends to be the scientifically minded guru opened that door. Go figure.

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