Economy do not cause disabilities


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

FAUXNEWS O’Reilly lies again. FAUXNEWS commentators are chronic liars and their listeners take it as fact without checking. O’Reilly said millions of people have left looking for jobs and went on disability. Unemployment does not qualify one for disability payments? He lied and lied by omission for failure to tell us that Bush Iraqi and Afghanistan wars cause injuries that led to thousands of physical and mental disabilities and suicides.When the Radical Right Wing Extremists and media try to make Obama look bad they usually end up making themselves look worse. Romney looks like a Village Idiot accusing Obama of lying, revealed his own lies.
O’Reilly is lying and need to go to confession. If he can find a priest not stalking a child. The economy does not cause disabilities.
Dispite empirical evidence here to the contrary, the economy does not cause poor grammer.
The OP is correct in that the rising number of people going on disability has nothing to do with the recession. Or Obama, for that matter.

A 2006 report: The Growth in the Social Security Disability Rolls: A Fiscal Crisis Unfolding

In 1985, 2.2 percent of individuals between the ages of 25 and 64 were receiving DI benefits, but by 2005 this fraction had risen to 4.1 percent. If recent entry and exit rates continue in the years ahead, then more than 6 percent of the nonelderly adult population will soon be receiving DI benefits.

The rapid expansion of the beneficiary population has three main causes.
First, a set of congressional reforms in 1984 to Disability Insurance screening led to rapid growth in the share of recipients suffering from back pain and mental illness. Because these disorders have comparatively low mortality, the average duration of disability spells—and hence the size of the recipient population—has increased. Second, a rise in the after-tax DI income replacement rate—that is, the ratio of disability income to former labor earnings—strengthened the incentives for workers to seek benefits. Third, a rapid increase in female labor force participation expanded the pool of insured workers. The aging of the baby boom generation has contributed little to the rise of receipt of disability benefits, while improvements in population health have likely reduced the incidence of disabling medical disorders.
I'd be checking for a CO2 leak. Perhaps your "one-shot meth lab" has backed up and the fumes are over-powering you? Either way, your rants are incoherent...
I think more and more people ARE doing this.

No - unemployment doesn't CAUSE disabilities. But i know of some people myself that have been unemployed, and if they have ANY problem at all they find a Dr. that will help them get disability for whatever their "symptoms" are. Some get it, some don't. But there are lazy asses out there that know how to screw the system and they make more money on disability than they do unemployment. So they're doing whatever they can to get it. So Oreilly really didn't lie....

Also.......I'd really like to see a link PLEASE. NOT that i don't trust you to tell the whole story! Lol!

FAUXNEWS O’Reilly lies again. FAUXNEWS commentators are chronic liars and their listeners take it as fact without checking. O’Reilly said millions of people have left looking for jobs and went on disability. Unemployment does not qualify one for disability payments? He lied and lied by omission for failure to tell us that Bush Iraqi and Afghanistan wars cause injuries that led to thousands of physical and mental disabilities and suicides.When the Radical Right Wing Extremists and media try to make Obama look bad they usually end up making themselves look worse. Romney looks like a Village Idiot accusing Obama of lying, revealed his own lies.
O’Reilly is lying and need to go to confession. If he can find a priest not stalking a child. The economy does not cause disabilities.

No he didn't. O'Reilly said that 80,000 filed for unemployment and 85,000 went on disability,not millions.
He also said that it has become easier to file for disability.

FAUXNEWS O’Reilly lies again. FAUXNEWS commentators are chronic liars and their listeners take it as fact without checking. O’Reilly said millions of people have left looking for jobs and went on disability. Unemployment does not qualify one for disability payments? He lied and lied by omission for failure to tell us that Bush Iraqi and Afghanistan wars cause injuries that led to thousands of physical and mental disabilities and suicides.When the Radical Right Wing Extremists and media try to make Obama look bad they usually end up making themselves look worse. Romney looks like a Village Idiot accusing Obama of lying, revealed his own lies.
O’Reilly is lying and need to go to confession. If he can find a priest not stalking a child. The economy does not cause disabilities.

Attention stupid.

That is what the numbers indicate. You are just not bright enough to know why!!!!
Just before I retired from the military, I was sent to a two week class which was supposed to orient us to civilian life. We had the usual resume writing classes, and a class about how to dress and tie a tie. I already knew how to tie a tie. In fact, you see more military people wearing ties than you do civilians.

But there was one class that blew my mind. A guy came in and told us how to game the disability system. He said since we were all 20 years older than when we joined, it was a sure thing our eyesight and hearing were not as good as when we were 18. Therefore, we could make a case that the military had partially destroyed our sight and hearing, even though we all knew it was just a part of the aging process.

He gave other examples of how to game the system to get a partial disability check for the rest of our lives.

I could not believe the military was actively promoting this kind of fraud. It made me sick to my stomach.

But quite a few people filled out the forms on the spot.

Now, in the military our bodies were certainly subjected to a lot of abuse that is not normal. And I know quite a few guys who were partially disabled due to things we went through. But this was fucking bullshit, and it is unbelievably offensive in light of those who were truly injured and disabled for valid reasons.

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