Economy adds 431,000 jobs

Trump, 48 months, -2.6 million jobs, an average monthly loss of 54,167 jobs.

Biden, 14 months, 8 million jobs gained, an average monthly gain of 571,429 jobs.
Then why did you say that Biden sucks and is a liar? Obviously there is context behind those numbers. As well as why Biden’s approval rating is 33%.

Truth over Facts, Fido
Then why did you say that Biden sucks and is a liar? Obviously there is context behind those numbers. As well as why Biden’s approval rating is 33%.

Truth over Facts, Fido

Because Biden sucks and has lied. Is that too difficult a concept for you? Only he doesn't suck as much as Trump nor does he lie as much.
More lies and DementiacRat propaganda.

Are there more jobs?
Yes...there are more jobs.

Why are there more jobs?
Because companies refuse to pay for skill and knowledge, all they want is the cheapest slave they can get.
Wages have not changed since Obozo's era of Communist crime and corruption. In fact, wages have gone down, not up.
More and more companies refuse to pay the standard and only pay substandard wages.

So.........people just aren't accepting all of these jobs. Why work for a company that isn't going to pay you what you are worth? Or give you benefits you can actually use? Or give you a raise that isn't an insult?

The job list market is growing, but not because of lies they tell you it's growing.
Wages have changed in places where the GOP is not in charge like Oklahoma. Yet, I am making more than I did during Oblama.

Sure. :icon_rolleyes:

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

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