
Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Much has been said here about the cost of cutting emissions. What is the cost of failing to?

Yale Environment 360: Calculating the True Cost<br /> Of Global Climate Change

Calculating the True Cost
Of Global Climate Change
Researchers disagree about what the economic costs of climate change will be over the coming decades. But the answer to that question is fundamental in deciding how urgent it is to take action to reduce emissions.
by john carey

When climate legislation died last summer in Congress, one cause was the powerful drumbeat of claims that the bill would bring economic disaster. The legislation would amount to a massive tax hike, devastating an already crippled economy and throwing more people out of work, charged Senator James Inhofe (R-Ok) and Glenn Beck. It would be “the final nail in the coffin of the American middle class,” proclaimed an ad from the Conservative Society of America. Despite supporters’ protests that the price tag of greenhouse gas curbs would be modest, voters’ fear of hits to their pocketbooks forced even many Democrats to backpedal.

The heated argument about economic costs, however, barely touched one vitally important issue: the costs of NOT taking action on climate. What if last summer’s Russian heat wave and drought, which destroyed one third of the country’s wheat crop, or the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and China, or category 5 hurricanes like Katrina are just glimpses of future havoc from warming left unchecked? As Kevin Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, observes, “Certain events would have been extremely unlikely to have occurred without global warming, and that includes the Russian heat wave and wild fires, and the Pakistan, Chinese, and Indian floods.”

The economic costs of such disasters could make even inflated estimates of the legislation’s price tag look small, says University of California, Berkeley, economist Michael Hanemann. Yet Congress didn’t seem to care. “The question of damages from climate change never penetrated the debate in There’s a deeply rooted perception in the U.S. that the economy will suffer little damage from climate change.Washington,” Hanemann says.
Why Socialism?

&#8220;I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.&#8221;

Who's wrote this statement of genius?

Einstein, or in german, one stone (these guys love their rocks and mountains, stone also means &#8216;family&#8217;)

Dont forget folks.........when the environmental k00ks spout off about "science", its a cover for their real agenda: total government control of energy and ultimately, government control of everything and the complete redistribution of wealth. Einstein was a fraud, just like the k00ks, and stole alot of his stuff..........worked in a patent office for Christsakes.

Our economy is on the brink and the k00ks want to take a turn that will cost 2.3 million jobs and double the cost of electricity.............all based upon a hail mary pass guess.

Chances of it happening?

ZERO............the ruling class knows that at a certain point, revolution by the masses can turn their world upside down. We will go this road..........but only decades from now when we actually have 21st century technology. But by then............this last 15 years will be looked upon as a total scam, a fad...........the green special interests ultimately blown to shit.

EDIT>>>> Note the above reference by Rocks comes from of the most progressive/liberal universities in the world. Virtually ALL of its facualty are true believers in socialism. Kind of important to note<<<<<EDIT
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It's time for the Warmers Favorite Fake Science Game






* Also known as "Global Warming, Manmade Global Warming, Global Cooling, Global WarmerCoolering, Global CoolerWarmering, Climate Disruption, The Great Climactic Googly Moogly"
Old Rock still cannot point to one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 will cause flooding in Australia.

Pointing to a weather condition and saying, "LOOK! Global Warming!" is NOT science, its a joke.

Thanks for the laughs OR
Folks..........Old Rocks is a boosom buddy of Van Jones........uncerimoniously 86'd from the Obama administration about a year ago. Van Jones was placed in a position of speical advisor for transforming our energy sources to all green.

Just take a gandor and check this communist out...............

Van Jones - KeyWiki

This guy Old Rocks is a carbon copy ( no pun intended) of Van Jones!!!


Hey I have this uncanny ability to blow your shit up OR WHAT?????????:fu::lmao::fu:
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Sure, and just continue laughing as you get the bill for your groceries. There are going to be a lot of people right here in this nation that are going to find the continued increase in the cost of food due to extreme weather events no laughing matter.

Yo know why me, West, Ian and Frank dominate this forum? Because we're always laughing, having fun and sometimes, experienceing this forum as being a real hoot. ALL far lefties.........have a mental meltdown any time somebody challenges your religious stats. You get misearble. So............who looks like they have zero credibility? I suppose there might be one or two viewers to this forum who see you consistently explode with responses of misery...........might think you have credibility. But to most in society.................looks like you're hiding the truth!!!!!!:lol: Thats just the way it is s0n.......and why peoiple have gotten so suspicious about why Al Gore never wants to debate anybody on the "science" = says very loudly.......CONTRIVED bs.
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Old Rock still cannot point to one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 will cause flooding in Australia.

Pointing to a weather condition and saying, "LOOK! Global Warming!" is NOT science, its a joke.

Thanks for the laughs OR

Speaking of laughs?

If you can explain to us how any weather event anywhere on earth is NOT the result of the overall climatic conditions, get back to us.
Old Rock still cannot point to one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 will cause flooding in Australia.

Pointing to a weather condition and saying, "LOOK! Global Warming!" is NOT science, its a joke.

Thanks for the laughs OR

Speaking of laughs?

If you can explain to us how any weather event anywhere on earth is NOT the result of the overall climatic conditions, get back to us.

That's the whole point ain't it?

You claim to have eliminated all variables except for a 200PPM increase in CO2 and all we're saying is:

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the recent flood in AUS is a perfect example. a (less than) 100 year event happens and rather than blame the govt who allowed it or the people who built in a flood plain, it will be easier to blame global warming. if a better flood plan had been in effect the results wouldnt have been so bad. it was just weather folks, worse has happened before, worse will happen in the future.

if we wreck global economy and trap the 3rd world in primative poverty by removing affordable energy the extreme weather events will still happen. the evidence for dangerous global warming is weak but the evidence for CO2 causing hurricanes floods droughts etc is non-existent.
I see. Those people building on the flood plain flooded the mines, the cattle ranches and the wheat fields.

And where do you get the less than 100 year event. Last I saw from the articles in the papers in Australia they said it is the worst flood in their history.

Queensland produces 1/3 of the worlds coking coal. It produces grains and cattle. In 2010, we have seen the Russian grain crop reduced by 40% by a weather event. That of the rest of Europe, by 10%. The agriculture of Pakistan just about wiped out. Many grain growing areas in China flooded at harvest time. Droughts in Argentina and Uraguay also affecting the harvests of grains, soybeans, and the number of cattle.

Commodity prices hit by weather events in 2010 | The Alternative Risk Transfer, Catastrophe Bond, Insurance-Linked Securities and Weather Risk Management Blog
The inclement global weather conditions experienced during 2010 have impacted many businesses and industries. One area that has been particularly badly hit was commodities. The prices that companies pay for commodities have been rising steadily and a lot of that rise has been due to the weather.

In the summer, Russian crops were hit by the heatwaves experienced across the country which pushed global wheat prices to highs from which they haven&#8217;t fully recovered. In Brazil, a lack of rain has limited the sugar cane yield of the worlds top producer. This winters extreme cold has impacted energy commodity prices across the UK and Europe. Frost damage (the extent of which is still unknown) in Florida will affect the price of orange juice due to crop damage from the colder than normal winter they have experienced. Finally, the recent flooding in Australia along with rains in Indonesia and Colombia, have seriously affected the worlds production of coal. In the case of Australia this has had a knock on impact to the steel producing industry as Queensland, Australia is the worlds biggest producer of the coking coal required to fire steel production plants.

If 2011 continues to throw unusual weather patterns at us then we could see a continuing trend for rising commodity prices and potential shortages of much needed coal. It will be interesting to see which industries have managed their risks properly and hedged the prices of these commodities or even hedged against the weather conditions that cause such shortages
I see. Those people building on the flood plain flooded the mines, the cattle ranches and the wheat fields.

And where do you get the less than 100 year event. Last I saw from the articles in the papers in Australia they said it is the worst flood in their history.

Queensland produces 1/3 of the worlds coking coal. It produces grains and cattle. In 2010, we have seen the Russian grain crop reduced by 40% by a weather event. That of the rest of Europe, by 10%. The agriculture of Pakistan just about wiped out. Many grain growing areas in China flooded at harvest time. Droughts in Argentina and Uraguay also affecting the harvests of grains, soybeans, and the number of cattle.

Commodity prices hit by weather events in 2010 | The Alternative Risk Transfer, Catastrophe Bond, Insurance-Linked Securities and Weather Risk Management Blog
The inclement global weather conditions experienced during 2010 have impacted many businesses and industries. One area that has been particularly badly hit was commodities. The prices that companies pay for commodities have been rising steadily and a lot of that rise has been due to the weather.

In the summer, Russian crops were hit by the heatwaves experienced across the country which pushed global wheat prices to highs from which they haven’t fully recovered. In Brazil, a lack of rain has limited the sugar cane yield of the worlds top producer. This winters extreme cold has impacted energy commodity prices across the UK and Europe. Frost damage (the extent of which is still unknown) in Florida will affect the price of orange juice due to crop damage from the colder than normal winter they have experienced. Finally, the recent flooding in Australia along with rains in Indonesia and Colombia, have seriously affected the worlds production of coal. In the case of Australia this has had a knock on impact to the steel producing industry as Queensland, Australia is the worlds biggest producer of the coking coal required to fire steel production plants.

If 2011 continues to throw unusual weather patterns at us then we could see a continuing trend for rising commodity prices and potential shortages of much needed coal. It will be interesting to see which industries have managed their risks properly and hedged the prices of these commodities or even hedged against the weather conditions that cause such shortages


4.46 M is big but nowhere near a record. a dam was built at some point, which has controlled the minor floods, but was not used to any effect in 2010 because it was left full.
Old Rock still cannot point to one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 will cause flooding in Australia.

Pointing to a weather condition and saying, "LOOK! Global Warming!" is NOT science, its a joke.

Thanks for the laughs OR

Speaking of laughs?

If you can explain to us how any weather event anywhere on earth is NOT the result of the overall climatic conditions, get back to us.

They fail to understand what GLOBAL means.
They think it is only in their area or something. LIke how can global warming exist we have snow in 49 states.
Researchers can't agree on climate change itself, and now they're arguing economics?

Gotta keep those paychecks rolling in.

No, the market is setting the economics. And you know full well that the commodities runup that is occurring right now is credited to weather in all of the reports on it. Not by climate scientists, but by commodity traders.

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