Ebola is baaaack!!!

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
At least in this thread Ebola is back. Now about the charge that it was all mostly media hype:

Where is this Ebola now and is everybody all set to deal with the big threat that consumed so much of the media's time?

Did it spread out of control in the US. Did anyone catch it in the US outside of an infectious disease unit?
Ebola Eschmola. Obama's running things.

All those CDC Scientists that handle Ebola in a Level IV Facility are just pansies.
At least in this thread Ebola is back. Now about the charge that it was all mostly media hype:

Where is this Ebola now and is everybody all set to deal with the big threat that consumed so much of the media's time?

Did it spread out of control in the US. Did anyone catch it in the US outside of an infectious disease unit?
Maybe the RW can drum up some more fear before November 2016.
10 cases of bubonic plague last year in the US. Think we might be worrying about the wrong thing. :)

Remember when they blamed Obama for Ebola and then it was dealt with and disappeared? Did you ever hear them say Obama got rid of Ebola?
That's because Obama didn't get rid of Ebola, he caught it from one of those emergency health care workers and died. The guy they are currently showboating around and trying to pass off as Obama is actually a replacement, it's his clone. The real Obama died during the Ebola epidemic that killed MILLIONS. The press just covered it up. I lost my whole family. In fact, I'm suffering from Ebola right now. Thanks Obama. I'd say RIP, but we still have to deal with his clone and the mess he made.

Top Iranian Official Warns Obama Could Be a Clone
Top Iranian Official Warns Obama Could Be a Clone

Remember when they blamed Obama for Ebola and then it was dealt with and disappeared? Did you ever hear them say Obama got rid of Ebola?

And by "dealt with" you mean Obama tried to turn it into a bioterror attack

Wow! That was dumb....What a shitty bad guy, he tried to turn it into an attack and instead got rid of it completely
Remember when they blamed Obama for Ebola and then it was dealt with and disappeared? Did you ever hear them say Obama got rid of Ebola?

And by "dealt with" you mean Obama tried to turn it into a bioterror attack

Wow! That was dumb....What a shitty bad guy, he tried to turn it into an attack and instead got rid of it completely
10 cases of bubonic plague last year in the US. Think we might be worrying about the wrong thing. :)

You are just as guilty of spreading false dangers and paranoia. Why?


Currently, the plague still infects several thousand people every year around the world, though most patients recover if treated early enough with antibiotics. When they compared the strain of plague preserved in this medieval DNA with the strain that recently killed some 60 people in Madagascar, however, they found something surprising. The medieval strain was no stronger than the recent one; in fact, their genetic codes matched almost exactly.

Scientists at Public Health England in Porton Down, argue that for the Black Death to have spread so quickly and killed so many victims with such devastating speed, it would have to have been airborne. Therefore, rather than bubonic plague, which is transmitted to humans through bites from infected rat fleas, they concluded that this must have been a pneumatic plague that made its way into the lungs of the infected and spread through coughs and sneezes.

Analysis of wills registered in the medieval City of London has shown that 60 percent of Londoners were wiped out by the Black Death from the autumn of 1348 to spring of 1349. A comparable rate of destruction would today kill some 5 million people...

Medieval “Black Death” Was Airborne, Scientists Say - History in the Headlines
Remember when they blamed Obama for Ebola and then it was dealt with and disappeared? Did you ever hear them say Obama got rid of Ebola?

And by "dealt with" you mean Obama tried to turn it into a bioterror attack

Wow! That was dumb....What a shitty bad guy, he tried to turn it into an attack and instead got rid of it completely

And by "got rid of it completely" you mean he lucked out that Ebola didn't find a suitable American host. Right?
10 cases of bubonic plague last year in the US. Think we might be worrying about the wrong thing. :)

You are just as guilty of spreading false dangers and paranoia. Why?


Currently, the plague still infects several thousand people every year around the world, though most patients recover if treated early enough with antibiotics. When they compared the strain of plague preserved in this medieval DNA with the strain that recently killed some 60 people in Madagascar, however, they found something surprising. The medieval strain was no stronger than the recent one; in fact, their genetic codes matched almost exactly.

Scientists at Public Health England in Porton Down, argue that for the Black Death to have spread so quickly and killed so many victims with such devastating speed, it would have to have been airborne. Therefore, rather than bubonic plague, which is transmitted to humans through bites from infected rat fleas, they concluded that this must have been a pneumatic plague that made its way into the lungs of the infected and spread through coughs and sneezes.

Analysis of wills registered in the medieval City of London has shown that 60 percent of Londoners were wiped out by the Black Death from the autumn of 1348 to spring of 1349. A comparable rate of destruction would today kill some 5 million people...

Medieval “Black Death” Was Airborne, Scientists Say - History in the Headlines

Compared to the media manufactured threat of ebola, we should be more concerned about plague. Not overall but relative.

Only reason ebola made the news was blacks from Africa were coming here with it. Was entirely racially motivated.
10 cases of bubonic plague last year in the US. Think we might be worrying about the wrong thing. :)

You are just as guilty of spreading false dangers and paranoia. Why?


Currently, the plague still infects several thousand people every year around the world, though most patients recover if treated early enough with antibiotics. When they compared the strain of plague preserved in this medieval DNA with the strain that recently killed some 60 people in Madagascar, however, they found something surprising. The medieval strain was no stronger than the recent one; in fact, their genetic codes matched almost exactly.

Scientists at Public Health England in Porton Down, argue that for the Black Death to have spread so quickly and killed so many victims with such devastating speed, it would have to have been airborne. Therefore, rather than bubonic plague, which is transmitted to humans through bites from infected rat fleas, they concluded that this must have been a pneumatic plague that made its way into the lungs of the infected and spread through coughs and sneezes.

Analysis of wills registered in the medieval City of London has shown that 60 percent of Londoners were wiped out by the Black Death from the autumn of 1348 to spring of 1349. A comparable rate of destruction would today kill some 5 million people...

Medieval “Black Death” Was Airborne, Scientists Say - History in the Headlines

Compared to the media manufactured threat of ebola, we should be more concerned about plague. Not overall but relative.

Only reason ebola made the news was blacks from Africa were coming here with it. Was entirely racially motivated.
Ebola is very dangerous. Bubonic plague is not.

the media hyped the Ebola thing for sure, but...

your point regarding the plague was just plain ignorant because of what it implied
Ebola was very close to becoming a world-wide pandemic. Fortunately, the World Health Organization received a LOT of help (and money) from the US and others in just the nick of time. Had it not been for a multinational balls-out effort to stop the spread of the disease, most of us would very possibly not be posting today.

Thank your national media for keeping you blissfully ignorant of the true state of affairs. It was so much worse than they told you.

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