Ebola infection primer for the lay person.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Let's say that I'm on a subway train and it's crowded. So crowded that I'm standing less than a foot from Luddley and she has Ebola. She just got back from Liberia where she granted her life partner her last request before she died of Ebola; to get oral sex one more time.

So Luddley, has been back for 4 days. She has had a steadily worsening fever for the past 3 days. Last night she threw up her lunch and noticed it had blood in it. She wants to go to the hospital but she has Obamacare and cannot afford the Co-pay. All of a sudden Luddley violently sneezes and it gets all over me. She gives a begrudging "excuse me" and exits the train.

Now, a few tiny particles of Luddley saliva fly, unknown to me, into my mouth. Since Luddley is not highly contagious yet, there are only a few actual ebola viruses in there. The virus crosses my mucous membranes and into my bloodstream. Almost immediately, my immune system is set into motion. Meanwhile the virus is entering any cell it comes in contact with and begins to replicate. The two turn into four, then to 8, then to16. The virus multiplies intil it takes up all of the room in the cell and then the cell explodes. The viruses then go to the surrounding cells to repeat the process. At that point my body is going into defense mode. One of the results of this is an elevated temp. Soon, my normal 97.9 temp is 98.8, then 100. At this point the virus numbers are in the millions but it is still localized in the mouth and bloodstream. My saliva might or might not yet have ebola virus in it, nor will my sweat, or feces or urine.

I can still walk and talk, I just feel like shit and I have a low grade fever. over the next 24 to 48 hours my lungs begin to get affected and the membranes separating my vital organs begin to lose their integrity as the virus invades the body's cells and replicates until that cell explodes. I'm throwing up blood, I'm peeing blodd and bleeding begins from all of my orofices. I am at this point incapacitated. It has yet to get to the point where my whole body is infectious but my body is losing the battle.

Then I enter the final stages of the disease where every single secretion, and every single fluid is teeming with the virus. Then, finally, I go to the great beyond. Still, because the virus can live on for days, especially in a perfect host like the human body, my corpse is HIGHLY infectious and must be handled with the strictest of precaution.

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