Eastern Mediteranean turning into Turkish lake


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Besides Turkey, there are 3 notable actors in Eastern Mediteranean:

- Egypt
- Israel
- Greece

Their GDP combined makes nominal output of Turkish economy, whilst Turkey is competing each year with China for the title of G-20's fastest growing economy.
Simple as that.
The Levant's direct northern neighbor (Turkey) has twice the nominal economic output of the Levant, which consists of

- Israel
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Palestine
- Syria

All whilst Turkey is competing each year with China for the title of G-20's fastest growing economy.
What does Wafa Sultan say about that JStone?
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Israel's per capita income is twice that of Turkey

Israel has 120 technology companies listed on NASDAQ. Turkey, not one.

Israel has produced 5 Nobel Prize winners for advances in science, mathematics and economics. Turkey, not one.

Israeli Teva is the world's largest generic pharmaceuticals company, market capitalization $40 billion.

Israel receives more venture capital invested in its economy, per person, than the US, Europe and Asia.

Important US technology companies such as Intel, AMD, Cisco, Microsoft, Motorola and IBM have established key R&D centers in Israel, often their first outside the US.

Israeli Iscar was the first company outside the US Warren Buffett purchased, for $3 billion. He has called Iscar the best-managed company in the world.
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Let's add Iran and Israel to the game...

- Israel
- Iran
- Lebanon
- Syria

combined are 11 Billion $ smaller than Turkey's nominal economic output.

The Turkish Armed Forces initiated a $160 billion (excluding the yearly military budget) modernization program in 1997. $45 billion is earmarked to go to the overhaul of the Turkish Air Force.
Turkish Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Each year passing the disparity in national power between Turkey and its neighbors is going to rise.
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CNBC: Israel, Big Business Success Story
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTie3fAf2so]Israel big biz success story 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Eastern Mediteranean turning into Turkish lake

It was in the past during the Ottoman's golden era.

Wouldn't entirely surprise me if Turkey once again became a major player.
Eastern Mediteranean turning into Turkish lake

It was in the past during the Ottoman's golden era.

Wouldn't entirely surprise me if Turkey once again became a major player.

That was the Ottoman Empire known as the sick man of Europe and that lost WW I and was responsible for the genocide of 1 million Armenians. :

Some things never change with the Turks

Good one, champ!
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I like Turkey's stance both inre: israel & Syria :)

Who cares, really, birdbrain?

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Stresses Importance of US--Israel Relationship
Terrific to spend time with General Ashkenazi discussing critical areas of mutual interest. It is the recognition of the importance of this relationship, the strength of the relationship, the criticality of the relationship, The need that we have as two militaries to meet challenges together has never been more important and I would reaffirm the strength of the friendship, the relationship, and the importance of the engagement. I always learn when I come to Israel. Israeli interests are also vital national interests of the United States. This relationship is as strong as it's ever been and will continue to grow
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Are you retarded or just stupid? Israel constitutes just 0.1% of the Middle East landmass, about the size of Vermont, 10,000 square miles.

Arabs and Muzzies control 99.9% of the Middle East and north Africa, twice the size of the US, 8 million square miles.

Were you intentionally dropped on your head as a child, dink? :lol:

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Israel Rules. Turkey sucks.:clap2:

The Daily Telegraph: Israel The Start Up Nation Taking On Silicon Valley. Israel's strong technology start up scene has correctly earned the tiny state its growing reputation as the world's second Silicon Valley
Israel, despite being the 100th smallest country in the world, which can fit into Europe 459 times, has the highest number of companies listed on the NASDAQ after America.
It also has highest number of high-tech start ups, estimated to be 3,500, ranging from internet companies to software solutions, outside of the US.

...many technology companies, including Google, Microsoft and Intel, choose to have their major research and development (R and D) centres inside this small state.

This prowess in technology has resulted in leaders and high profile figures from around the world to make regular visits to the small embattled state to see the start up nation in action. Earlier this month for instance, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Michael Bear, flew into Israel to promote the UK's capital as the best place for Israeli’s to list their companies and to find out about opportunities for UK based fund managers to invest in Israeli technology businesses.

Israel: The start up nation taking on Silicon Valley - Telegraph

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