Earth's magnetic poles shifting to Russia.....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Just saw this on the news today.........

Earth’s magnetic pole shifts, screws up runway at Florida airport
By Liz Goodwin

By Liz Goodwin liz Goodwin – Fri Jan 7, 4:45 pm ET

An airport in Tampa, Florida, has had to temporarily close its runways to keep up with Earth's magnetic north pole, which is drifting toward Russia at a rate of 40 miles per year.

Fox News reports that the international airport was forced to adjust the signs on its busiest runway Thursday because pilots depend on the magnetic fields to navigate. The runway will be closed until Jan. 13, and will re-open with new taxiway signs that indicate its new location on aviation charts, the Tampa Bay Tribune reports.

Paul Takemoto, a spokesman for the FAA, says the Earth's magnetic fields are constantly in flux -- but rarely so much so that runway signage needs to be changed. "You want to be absolutely precise in your compass heading," he told Fox. "To make sure the precision is there that we need, you have to make these changes."

Earth’s magnetic pole shifts, screws up runway at Florida airport - Yahoo! News

Now.......anyone know why it's so cold at both the north and south poles? That's right, it's where the least amount of shielding from the Van Allen belts is at. It's also been stated that there is a good chance of an aurora borealis showing up in Florida!

Anyone remember the last winter Olympics when in 2010 British Columbia had no snow, yet Washington DC and the east coast got slammed (as well as the fact that it's happening still)?

If you take the poles and move them towards Russia (which they're moving at about 40 miles/year), and compare that to the freaky weather patterns we've been getting all over the planet (remember that Europe is starting to have really ugly winters right now).

Personally? When I saw that BC didn't have snow, yet DC got slammed, I started to wonder about magnetic poles starting to shift, getting the planet ready for the Galactic Alignment that is due to happen in 2012 (Dec 21st to be exact).

What do the rest of you think about this? Interestingly enough, you're gonna have to start adjusting your compass bearings soon, otherwise, you'll never know what direction you're going unless you use the stars and the moon.

Imagine what would happen if a solar flare took out all our GPS satellites as well........
what do the mean, toward russia? It is up in greenland. Is it heading east or west? It would have been more useful to say toward Canada or toward Norway.

And why did a airport in florida have the issue. Magnetic north vs true north is mostly an issue in the Northeast.
The poles always move. That is nothing new. However we are do for a magnetic shift.
what do the mean, toward russia? It is up in greenland. Is it heading east or west? It would have been more useful to say toward Canada or toward Norway.

And why did a airport in florida have the issue. Magnetic north vs true north is mostly an issue in the Northeast.

...They've also learned what happens during a magnetic flip. Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish. "It just gets more complicated," says Glatzmaier. Magnetic lines of force near Earth's surface become twisted and tangled, and magnetic poles pop up in unaccustomed places. A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. Weird.
NASA - Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field

Could be an interesting time.
what do the mean, toward russia? It is up in greenland. Is it heading east or west? It would have been more useful to say toward Canada or toward Norway.

And why did a airport in florida have the issue. Magnetic north vs true north is mostly an issue in the Northeast.

I guess the most intuitive assumption would be that the poles are shifting back toward the mean or the true north pole.

it seems like the magnetic pole and true north pole are separated by about 600 miles and closing by 40 miles/year.

That is a significant pace of movement but why would that effect weather?
Just saw this on the news today.........

Earth’s magnetic pole shifts, screws up runway at Florida airport
By Liz Goodwin

By Liz Goodwin liz Goodwin – Fri Jan 7, 4:45 pm ET

An airport in Tampa, Florida, has had to temporarily close its runways to keep up with Earth's magnetic north pole, which is drifting toward Russia at a rate of 40 miles per year.

Fox News reports that the international airport was forced to adjust the signs on its busiest runway Thursday because pilots depend on the magnetic fields to navigate. The runway will be closed until Jan. 13, and will re-open with new taxiway signs that indicate its new location on aviation charts, the Tampa Bay Tribune reports.

Paul Takemoto, a spokesman for the FAA, says the Earth's magnetic fields are constantly in flux -- but rarely so much so that runway signage needs to be changed. "You want to be absolutely precise in your compass heading," he told Fox. "To make sure the precision is there that we need, you have to make these changes."

Earth’s magnetic pole shifts, screws up runway at Florida airport - Yahoo! News

Now.......anyone know why it's so cold at both the north and south poles? That's right, it's where the least amount of shielding from the Van Allen belts is at. It's also been stated that there is a good chance of an aurora borealis showing up in Florida!

Anyone remember the last winter Olympics when in 2010 British Columbia had no snow, yet Washington DC and the east coast got slammed (as well as the fact that it's happening still)?

If you take the poles and move them towards Russia (which they're moving at about 40 miles/year), and compare that to the freaky weather patterns we've been getting all over the planet (remember that Europe is starting to have really ugly winters right now).

Personally? When I saw that BC didn't have snow, yet DC got slammed, I started to wonder about magnetic poles starting to shift, getting the planet ready for the Galactic Alignment that is due to happen in 2012 (Dec 21st to be exact).

What do the rest of you think about this? Interestingly enough, you're gonna have to start adjusting your compass bearings soon, otherwise, you'll never know what direction you're going unless you use the stars and the moon.

Imagine what would happen if a solar flare took out all our GPS satellites as well........

Phil Jones latest AGW formula

Earth's Atmosphere + 200PPM CO2= Santa's workshop moves to Moscow
Canada got the Winter Olympics, Why Can't Washington D.C. get Santa's Workshop.

It is an ex-KGB conspiracy, I tell you!! They are making the poles shift in their favor so that Russian boys and girls get first dibs on the toys!!

First Artic circle oil, and now this. Putin is just grabbing everything that is in Americas interest and no one is stopping him!!:eek:
is this what is killing mass deaths of animals? birds, fish? the go off of the magnetic poles, right?

does the magnetic pole shifting go in one direction? just wondering why birds die in thousands in Arkansa, then fish the next, then birds the next, then it went to sates away to kill it birds and then went the opposite directon to kill others, then it goes back and forth from england to the middle US.

and why is it not connecting from the top of the south pole to the north pole. it seems to only affect one area; for instance florida runways and not atlanta or new yorks (which I think have more traffic)
do I need to stop relying on my google maps for GPS? cause I don't want to turn onto atlanta drive when it is really atlanta airport. cause a plane would hit me, and that would be sad.....wait actually the plane would have to go to another spot. LOL

anyhow this is what caused 9/11 good job guys. no we can stop all the troops and bring them home and tell them it was all for nothing and that some lunatic osama took credit for the magnetic poles and then america went and adopted a president who had the name Osama as well. :lol:
what do the mean, toward russia? It is up in greenland. Is it heading east or west? It would have been more useful to say toward Canada or toward Norway.

And why did a airport in florida have the issue. Magnetic north vs true north is mostly an issue in the Northeast.

I guess the most intuitive assumption would be that the poles are shifting back toward the mean or the true north pole.

it seems like the magnetic pole and true north pole are separated by about 600 miles and closing by 40 miles/year.

That is a significant pace of movement but why would that effect weather?

Well, there are some that believe that the lack of a magnetic field will allow more cosmic radiation through the atmosphere. They state, in rather tenuous arguements, that this would lead to more cloud formation, and a cooling of the climate. Or a warming, depending on who you talk to. All the scenerious are based on data that is far less than robust.

We have evidence of how a polar reversal works from the basalts of the Steens Mountains. And from the geological evidence from the many eras in which there have been reversals, there is no detectable affect on the life of that period.
Gonna take a day or two to get here...
Enormous solar outburst could dazzle your weekend
January 21, 2012 - Auroras may dazzle more people than usual this weekend as Earth receives a glancing blow from an enormous solar outburst that erupted on Jan. 19.
Auroras may dazzle more people than usual this weekend as Earth receives a glancing blow from an enormous solar outburst that erupted on Jan. 19. The outburst, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), was detected by sun-watching satellites. Researchers at the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute predict that auroras should be visible from Seattle, Des Moines, Chicago, and Cleveland, to Boston and Halifax, Nova Scotia Saturday and Sunday nights, weather permitting.

Space-weather forecasters initially were concerned that Earth would take a direct hit, notes Joe Kunches, a space scientist at the National Weather Service's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo. "Indications at the time were that this could be a fairly energetic event," says Mr. Kunches, a former operations chief at the center. The solar flare that triggered the coronal mass ejection covered a relatively large patch of the sun and released a lot of energy. Where other flares during the week lasted an hour or two, the flare that launched the CME lasted roughly 18 hours. And the CME "was in the right spot," he adds. It emerged from just about the middle of the sun's disk.

It's the "just about," however, that led to the prediction of a glancing blow, rather than a direct hit. The CME emerged from a location just north of the sun's equator, so for the most part it will hurtle past Earth far above the North Pole. Space Weather Center forecasters say they expect the encounter to generate a weak geomagnetic disturbance beginning around 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Sunday Jan. 22 and lasting through Jan. 23. It could trigger weak fluctuations in electricity flowing through the long-distance transmissions lines and have a minor effect on satellites.

Coronal mass ejections represent the sudden release of a vast, searingly hot cloud containing up to 200 billion tons of electrons and protons, as well as heavy atomic nuclei forged in the sun's nuclear-fusion furnace. Hurtling from the sun at speeds of up to 2 million miles an hour, CMEs can generate intense disturbances in Earth's magnetic field that can trigger power and radio blackouts and disable satellites – as well as generate spectacular aurora over the North and South poles.


See also:

Northern lights: Huge solar flare may trigger Saturday night show
January 20, 2012 - Northern lights show this weekend? A big solar plasma wave is heading toward Earth, and may create Northern lights or aurora borealis display by Saturday night.
A powerful flare erupted from the sun Thursday (Jan. 19), unleashing a plasma wave that may supercharge the northern lights for skywatchers in high latitudes this weekend. The solar flare occurred at about 11:30 am EST (1600 GMT) and touched off a massive solar explosion — known as a coronal mass ejection — aimed at Earth, space weather experts and officials said. The charged particles from the sun explosion should reach Earth by Saturday night (Jan. 21), and could amp up northern lights displays when they hit the upper atmosphere.

"Forecasters say strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud arrives during the late hours of Jan. 21st. High-latitude (and possibly middle-latitude) sky watchers should be alert for auroras this weekend," the skywatching website announced in an alert. Several space telescopes recorded photos and video of the solar flare, including NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). [Photo and video of the solar flare] According to the Space Weather Prediction Center maintained by NOAA, Thursday's solar flare erupted from an active sunspot group called Region 1401. Another solar hotspot, called Region 1402, is also fired off a flare, the center reported.

Auroras occur when charged particles from the sun interact with Earth's upper atmosphere, releasing visible light in the process. The particles are funneled toward Earth's polar regions by the planet's magnetic field, with the northern auroral displays known as the aurora borealis, or northern lights. The southern counterpart is called the aurora australis, or southern lights. Thursday's solar flare rated as a powerful M2-class sun storm on the scale used by astronomers to measure flare strength. M-class storms are powerful, but mid-range, types of solar flares. They fall between the weaker C-class flares and the most powerful X-class solar storms, which can pose a threat to satellites and astronauts in orbit, cause widespread communications interference and damage infrastructure on Earth when aimed directly at the planet.

SDO mission scientists have said that sunspot group 1401 has been unleashing solar flares almost daily as the sun's rotation slowly turned the solar hotspot toward Earth in recent days. On Wednesday (Jan. 18), the region unleashed an M1.7-class solar flare, they said in a Twitter post. The sun is currently in the middle of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. The current sun storm cycle, called Solar Cycle 24, is expected to peak in 2013, NASA scientists have said.

Uncle Ferd wearin' his tin-foil hat an' aluminum shirt...
Solar storm's effects to lash Earth until Wednesday
24 January 2012 - A solar flare erupted from the Sun's northeastern hemisphere on Monday
Our planet is being bombarded by high-energy particles unleashed by the strongest solar storm since 2005, scientists say. The charged particles are mostly a concern for satellites - which they can disrupt - and astronauts. But they can also cause communication problems for aircraft travelling near the poles. The geomagnetic storm has been caused by a potent flare that erupted from the Sun at 0400 GMT on Monday. The effects are likely to be felt on Earth throughout Wednesday.

A more benign effect of the outpouring of particles is the ability to see aurorae, or "Northern lights", farther south than is usually possible. A spokesman for US space agency Nasa said that flight surgeons and solar scientists have modelled the flare's predicted effects. They decided that the six astronauts on the International Space Station do not have to take any action to protect themselves from the incoming stream of particles.


Solar flares are caused by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored in the Sun's atmosphere. In an event called a coronal mass ejection (CME), bursts of charged particles are released into space. Nasa's Goddard Space Weather Center predicted that the coronal mass ejection was moving at almost 2,200 km/s when it was due to reach Earth's magnetosphere - the magnetic envelope that surrounds our planet - on Tuesday at 1400 GMT (plus or minus 7 hours). This can interfere with technology on Earth, such as electrical power grids, communications systems and satellites - including satellite navigation (or sat-nav) signals.

In 1972, a geomagnetic storm provoked by a solar flare knocked out long-distance telephone communication across the US state of Illinois. And in 1989, another storm plunged six million people into darkness across the Canadian province of Quebec. But a spokesman for the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (Noaa) Space Weather Prediction Center said the effects of this solar eruption seem likely to be moderate.

BBC News - Solar storm's effects to lash Earth until Wednesday

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