E-Verify is a joke.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yes........E-Verify is a Joke.......and has a Fatal Flaw........

The politicians who have been hammering down saying it's the solution have been lying to us again.

E-Verify is intended to detect workers without legal status. How do immigrants get around it?
Mississippi requires all private employers to use E-Verify, but the law is not followed uniformly. A recent study by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that fewer than half the people hired in the state in recent years were screened.

And even when employers utilize the system, it has a major weakness well known to those who work in the chicken factories: It does not detect when a job applicant is using somebody else’s identity.

“It would be hard to design a more ineffective system than E-Verify,” said Alex Nowrasteh, a director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Washington. “The system only checks the documents that you give it. It doesn’t check the worker. That’s the fatal flaw.”

keep reading.
Despite E-Verify, employers still able to hire undocumented workers

The Cato Institute’s Nowrasteh argues that E-Verify exists simply because it allows politicians to claim the U.S. is being tough on immigration without actually having to be tough.

“Nobody wants to shut down businesses. That’s expensive politically and economically,” he said. “It’s much easier to have a system that doesn’t work (but which) sounds like a silver bullet.”

Calls for “mandatory E-Verify” — particularly among immigration hardliners in the Republican Party — have been increasing in recent weeks as Congress wrestles with the “Dreamer” issue. And polls have shown that more than two-thirds of the American public believe the E-Verify should be mandatory.

Capitalizing on that sentiment, Rep. Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican who sits on the House Judiciary and Homeland Security committees, recently introduced a measure to require all employers to use the program. “By expanding the E-Verify system to all U.S. employers, this bill will ensure that jobs only go to legal workers,” Smith said.

Groups trying to put more restrictions of immigration say E-Verify isn’t as flawed as critics make it seem and have called on federal officials to expand the program.

The idea that somebody could put down a false or stolen Social Security number and get hired by an employer that uses E-Verify is “impossible” to believe, said Joe Guzzardi, spokesman for Progressives for Immigration Reform, an organization in Washington, D.C., that says it’s fighting for more immigration restrictions because it will benefit American workers. The group wants to make E-Verify mandatory.
What's a joke is employers not being held accountable for hiring immigrants not authorized to work in the US.

The illegals have forged ids..........forged SSN's..............and complete the I-9 forms.......even when they are caught with illegals.......they say their documents were in order.

And in the case of Mississippi they were using E-Verify through a hiring agency........they knew.......but proving they knew in court is a different thing.......

The E-Verify was supposed to be the Silver Bullet and it is failing the test because the data base simply can't determine fake ids...........LOL
What's a joke is employers not being held accountable for hiring immigrants not authorized to work in the US.

That's what all the lobbying is for. "Illegals" have always been here at the behest and cajoling of the "job creator" class. You people are expensive and uppity.
the entire planet is out to get those poor, helpless RW's - why not add evarify to the list.

poor babies - :cryhug_1_:
Interesting article that points out a difficult problem to resolve, how do you validate that an SSN really belongs to a person that's claiming it?

Do we tie Biometric data to each SSN ? Perhaps a passcode? Either of these would take significant effort and resources to implement and then there's the question of individual privacy, not to mention government systems being prone to error.

As it stands now it's far too easy to fraudulently use a name + SSN combination for identity fraud/fraudulent employment/etc.,
Illegal workers still have SS taxes taken out of their pay ... and they'll never claim benefits ...

sure they do - among other tax

RW idiots deny that because they are too f'n stupid to figure it out.
We should couple everify with facial recognition technology and use it for all employment, voting and government assistance. That's could be Trumpy's gift to Democrats for his second term.
Yes........E-Verify is a Joke.......and has a Fatal Flaw........

The politicians who have been hammering down saying it's the solution have been lying to us again.

E-Verify is intended to detect workers without legal status. How do immigrants get around it?
Mississippi requires all private employers to use E-Verify, but the law is not followed uniformly. A recent study by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that fewer than half the people hired in the state in recent years were screened.

And even when employers utilize the system, it has a major weakness well known to those who work in the chicken factories: It does not detect when a job applicant is using somebody else’s identity.

“It would be hard to design a more ineffective system than E-Verify,” said Alex Nowrasteh, a director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Washington. “The system only checks the documents that you give it. It doesn’t check the worker. That’s the fatal flaw.”

keep reading.
Took you long enough to get that story.
We should couple everify with facial recognition technology and use it for all employment, voting and government assistance. That's could be Trumpy's gift to Democrats for his second term.

Good idea but it's easier said than done, coupling Biomet data to SSN's would be a massive undertaking from an effort & resources standpoint, then you also have to address privacy and the propensity for the federal government to fuck up everything it touches when it comes to systems and system security.
Yes........E-Verify is a Joke.......and has a Fatal Flaw........

The politicians who have been hammering down saying it's the solution have been lying to us again.

E-Verify is intended to detect workers without legal status. How do immigrants get around it?
Mississippi requires all private employers to use E-Verify, but the law is not followed uniformly. A recent study by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that fewer than half the people hired in the state in recent years were screened.

And even when employers utilize the system, it has a major weakness well known to those who work in the chicken factories: It does not detect when a job applicant is using somebody else’s identity.

“It would be hard to design a more ineffective system than E-Verify,” said Alex Nowrasteh, a director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Washington. “The system only checks the documents that you give it. It doesn’t check the worker. That’s the fatal flaw.”

keep reading.

It is almost as if they did not want it to work...that way they are not forced to go after the people doing the hiring

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