Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about "Russia"'s interference in US-elections


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the western technologies broke Finally Cozy Bear neck. Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not?

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections

Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with crucial information about Russian interference with the American elections. For years, AIVD had access to the infamous Russian hacker group Cozy Bear. That's what de Volkskrant and Nieuwsuur have uncovered in their investigation.
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Tech - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns

"AIVD spooks monitored a team of around 10 Cozy Bear hackers who worked from a university building near Red Square, according to the investigation.

The hackers’ attempts to infiltrate a classified U.S. State Department network in November 2016 prompted the AIVD to alert a U.S. National Security Agency “liaison” based in The Hague, who reportedly passed the information to American intelligence services.

The AIVD intelligence on the Democratic Party hack served as “grounds for the FBI to start an investigation into the influence of the Russian interference on the election,” according to the joint investigation."
Dutch Spies Exposed Russian Hackers in U.S. Election Meddling — Report
the western technologies broke Finally Cozy Bear neck. Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not?

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections

Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with crucial information about Russian interference with the American elections. For years, AIVD had access to the infamous Russian hacker group Cozy Bear. That's what de Volkskrant and Nieuwsuur have uncovered in their investigation.
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Tech - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns

"AIVD spooks monitored a team of around 10 Cozy Bear hackers who worked from a university building near Red Square, according to the investigation.

The hackers’ attempts to infiltrate a classified U.S. State Department network in November 2016 prompted the AIVD to alert a U.S. National Security Agency “liaison” based in The Hague, who reportedly passed the information to American intelligence services.

The AIVD intelligence on the Democratic Party hack served as “grounds for the FBI to start an investigation into the influence of the Russian interference on the election,” according to the joint investigation."
Dutch Spies Exposed Russian Hackers in U.S. Election Meddling — Report

OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

He never would have said that, he would have said that Russia was trying to interfere.

If he would have said that Russia was trying to help Trump, Hillary would have won; but that is a pipe dream, because to say that, he would have had to have evidence. Here we are 14 months later, and still nothing.
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.
yyeeeaaaa, the Russians were probably hacking Hillary's illegal server that she was getting e-mails from that idiot Obama from.
Remember, Hillary is so stupid that she doesn't know what classified information is.

There is no collusion with Trump and the Russians

It's just another great example of how the left wingers are batcrapcrazy.
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.

the story does´t even mention Obama. Punia-Tump-AIVD and Cozy Bear . on which side are you my friend?
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections
yyeeeaaaa, the Russians were probably hacking Hillary's illegal server that she was getting e-mails from that idiot Obama from.
Remember, Hillary is so stupid that she doesn't know what classified information is.

There is no collusion with Trump and the Russians

It's just another great example of how the left wingers are batcrapcrazy.

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../putin-has-found-his-perfect... - Översätt den här sidan
17 maj 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump's meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The ...
Putin loves his 'useful idiots' — Trump included - Chicago Tribune
Översätt den här sidan
13 nov. 2017 - President Trump has shown he'll believe our enemies at the expensive of American values, security and interests.
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...
Översätt den här sidan
27 juli 2017 - I have been hearing a lot of comments lately from conservatives that Russia is not our enemy, that President Vladimir Putin is a great guy, a strong leader who loves his country and is simply standing up to the globalist European Union. Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ...
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.

Well, look at it this way--------->nobody on the left believes anything that the Trump team or people on the right are saying about this matter, do they?

So why would we believe Obama without proof?

A generic "Russia is trying to interfere," everyone would believe. But, without proof if he pointed one way or the other, nobody would have believed. That is why THIS evidence was gathered. I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to believe an opinion piece either, nor should you me. But, facts have no political leanings; facts are facts. It is exactly why this is all coming to a head, and as far as I am concerned, let the chips fall where they may.

If nothing else, win or lose on the facts, our intelligence agencies are going to be throttled back, as will the FISA courts when dealing with American citizens. That is win for all of us!
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.

the story does´t even mention Obama. Punia-Tump-AIVD and Cozy Bear . on which side are you my friend?
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections
So why do you have Trump down on his knees then
Obama went on the apology tour as well as president. Your post makes no sense except to a hack.
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.

Well, look at it this way--------->nobody on the left believes anything that the Trump team or people on the right are saying about this matter, do they?

So why would we believe Obama without proof?

A generic "Russia is trying to interfere," everyone would believe. But, without proof if he pointed one way or the other, nobody would have believed. That is why THIS evidence was gathered. I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to believe an opinion piece either, nor should you me. But, facts have no political leanings; facts are facts. It is exactly why this is all coming to a head, and as far as I am concerned, let the chips fall where they may.

If nothing else, win or lose on the facts, our intelligence agencies are going to be throttled back, as will the FISA courts when dealing with American citizens. That is win for all of us!

There is one thing I agree with...

Nobody on the left believes anything that the Trump team or people on the right are saying about this matter or any other matter.

Nobody on the right believes anything that the Obama/DNC/Fed Govt are saying about this matter or any other matter.

For way too many people truth is dictated by party line and not facts.
If Obama would have come out and said that the Dutch government caught Russia in the act, the Trump supporters would have gone absolutely APE SHIT saying that Obama was just trying to cheat the Republicans out of the election and it was all made up. It would have made ZERO difference.
OK, I believe it. So why didn't Obama do anything? I mean, your own link says 2016, and who was President?

There is no way you can blame Trump for this, not possible, lol.

Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

lets me ask you a question, what this story has to with B Obama?

Well, as it was pointed out he was the POTUS when it was all going on.

Well, look at it this way--------->nobody on the left believes anything that the Trump team or people on the right are saying about this matter, do they?

So why would we believe Obama without proof?

A generic "Russia is trying to interfere," everyone would believe. But, without proof if he pointed one way or the other, nobody would have believed. That is why THIS evidence was gathered. I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to believe an opinion piece either, nor should you me. But, facts have no political leanings; facts are facts. It is exactly why this is all coming to a head, and as far as I am concerned, let the chips fall where they may.

If nothing else, win or lose on the facts, our intelligence agencies are going to be throttled back, as will the FISA courts when dealing with American citizens. That is win for all of us!

There is one thing I agree with...

Nobody on the left believes anything that the Trump team or people on the right are saying about this matter or any other matter.

Nobody on the right believes anything that the Obama/DNC/Fed Govt are saying about this matter or any other matter.

For way too many people truth is dictated by party line and not facts.

See, we agree! No opinion pieces this time. If that is what the Republicans do without a paper trail, they have screwed themselves.

You see, the Democrats have been able to do it because it was a foreign power. It is harder to get evidence from across our borders; faaaaaaaaar across our borders.

The Republicans do not have that luxury, excuse, or reason. It is within our borders, there is a supposed paper trail, and Americans want to see it.

They better deliver enough goods to make it work, even as they have more. They must straddle the line of releasing enough to show it is true, but keep enough in reserve to bury the left in the midterms. A fine line, and lets see if they can straddle it-)
the western technologies broke Finally Cozy Bear neck. Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not?

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections

Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with crucial information about Russian interference with the American elections. For years, AIVD had access to the infamous Russian hacker group Cozy Bear. That's what de Volkskrant and Nieuwsuur have uncovered in their investigation.
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Tech - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns

"AIVD spooks monitored a team of around 10 Cozy Bear hackers who worked from a university building near Red Square, according to the investigation.

The hackers’ attempts to infiltrate a classified U.S. State Department network in November 2016 prompted the AIVD to alert a U.S. National Security Agency “liaison” based in The Hague, who reportedly passed the information to American intelligence services.

The AIVD intelligence on the Democratic Party hack served as “grounds for the FBI to start an investigation into the influence of the Russian interference on the election,” according to the joint investigation."
Dutch Spies Exposed Russian Hackers in U.S. Election Meddling — Report
Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about "Russia"'s interference in US-elections
That the Dutch had shared such information surely was, some months back, among the classified information that Congress members and U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) professionals had and that wasn't disclosed to the general public. It is all but certain that Trump's team was also privy to that information. Despite that, Trump attempted to discredit the assertions of the USIC that Russia had indeed meddled in the 2016 election process. Gradually, however, increasingly more information is released to the public and as it does, what was well known and repeatedly stated by Democrats and some Republicans is becoming clearer and clearer: the Russians actively co-opted the U.S. electoral process.

Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not?
I don't expect that he will publicly and unequivocally assert that Putin/Russia actively sought to influence the U.S. electoral process so as to effect a Trump victory. Trump won't make such an attestation because his entire life has been a repeated series of quests for legitimacy, and in his mind, such an acknowledgement necessarily impugns the legitimacy of his election win. By Trump's contorted calculus, his ego and how he appears in the eyes of others is more important than is the integrity and sanctity of the American electoral process and the institutions one which our democracy depends.
Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

Why must one have been of one or the other of those two minds? I suspect that a lot of folks may have been keen to believe both those things were true, and that one was true does not preclude the other from also having been true.

The reality of life, things, etc. is that a lot fewer things are "either-or" (mutually exclusive) matters than are concurrent matters. Why it is that people don't realize that is beyond me, but, judging by the nature of propositions I see and hear people present, it's clear that far too many people, IMO, do not realize it.
Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

Why must one have been of one or the other of those two minds? I suspect that a lot of folks may have been keen to believe both those things were true, and that one was true does not preclude the other from also having been true.

The reality of life, things, etc. is that a lot fewer things are "either-or" (mutually exclusive) matters than are concurrent matters. Why it is that people don't realize that is beyond me, but, judging by the nature of propositions I see and hear people present, it's clear that far too many people, IMO, do not realize it.

Right now I say about 60%-70% of the country is living in a black and white world where the validity of whatever it is in question is tied directly to how it affects their chosen political party.
Let me ask you a question, if Obama had come out in the summer of 2016 and said that there was concrete evidence that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, would you have believed him or would you have thought that he was just trying to interfere so that Hillary could win?

Why must one have been of one or the other of those two minds? I suspect that a lot of folks may have been keen to believe both those things were true, and that one was true does not preclude the other from also having been true.

The reality of life, things, etc. is that a lot fewer things are "either-or" (mutually exclusive) matters than are concurrent matters. Why it is that people don't realize that is beyond me, but, judging by the nature of propositions I see and hear people present, it's clear that far too many people, IMO, do not realize it.

Right now I say about 60%-70% of the country is living in a black and white world where the validity of whatever it is in question is tied directly to how it affects their chosen political party.
I think you're correct enough on that; however, I think the percentage you posit is no different now than it was fifty years ago. What's different is that while everyone who matters was always aware of those folk' existence and state of being, social media has made it possible for those people to discover the extent of their numbers, and bolstered by the speciousness of validity by dint of popularity -- "Bubba thinks the same thing I do; I must be right" - yet the notion they may both be mistaken/confused doesn't cross either of their minds -- they are more than willing to impose their irrationality on the rest of us.

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