Duke Scandal: Coordinating Journalism?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Our TrumpUSA society is so darn media-focused that you have to wonder if various 21st Century (new millennium) media scandals such as the well-publicized Duke University men's lacrosse team rape case/scandal induces panic in Americans trying to understand/appreciate the role modern media plays in helping politicians and citizens coordinate democracy with marketing/etiquette.

Here's a mock/hypothetical discussion about the media-symbolism of the Duke lacrosse scandal between two fictional A.I. alien-robots,
Menasor and Bruticus (from Hasbro's popular A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers), who want to evaluate TrumpUSA capitalism/ethos in terms of 'media metrics.'

Is TrumpUSA basically a 'media microphone'? Are we 'dependent' on media deliberators and journalism?

What do you think?



MENASOR: You and I are visiting Earth from Cybertron to see 'TrumpUSA.'
BRUTICUS: Yes, our A.I. (robotic) planet of Cybertron is in flux.
MENASOR: The Cybertron council wants us to analyze capitalism on Earth.
BRUTICUS: Yes, TrumpUSA capitalism is symbolic of civilization flexibility!
MENASOR: Perhaps Cybertron wants us to colonize human civilization...
BRUTICUS: We're on Earth's moon, spying on TrumpUSA to see if it's warranted.
MENASOR: We can determine if colonization is warranted if TrumpUSA is frail!
BRUTICUS: Well, TrumpUSA is all about commerce, traffic, and media.
MENASOR: Yes, 21st Century capitalism on Earth is all about globalization.
BRUTICUS: Without media and journalism, capitalism in this age is vulnerable.
MENASOR: Yes, the trauma of 9/11 showed humanity that journalism is vital!
BRUTICUS: Well, what do TrumpUSA citizens make of this new millennium?
MENASOR: It would seem that TrumpUSA folks think of media intrigue and education.
BRUTICUS: Well, in that case, the 2006 Duke lacrosse team rape case/scandal is ideal!
MENASOR: Yes, 10 years before Trump becomes president, a prominent school is scarred.
BRUTICUS: Duke University is known for basketball, but the lacrosse scandal is publicized.
MENASOR: There are other various American college sports team scandals of note.
BRUTICUS: Yes, there's Florida State and Penn State football...
MENASOR: Let's examine the Duke lacrosse rape case/scandal, since Duke is 'iconic.
BRUTICUS: Yes, Duke is one of those 'non-Ivy' League prestige-schools such as Stanford.
MENASOR: The Duke lacrosse rape case involved the male athletes accused of rape.
BRUTICUS: Yes, three Duke lacrosse players/athletes raped one African-American woman.
MENASOR: Crystal Mangum (the woman), a stripper, claims the 3 Duke athletes raped her!
BRUTICUS: The scandal/case made national headlines, and various media officials were called.
MENASOR: It was a blight upon the face of American academics and modern-day journalism!
BRUTICUS: Right; no one wanted the rape to be true, since Duke is so prestigious.
MENASOR: TrumpUSA citizens might consider why such a scandal symbolizes social panic.
BRUTICUS: Panic in the media caused by scandal deters Americans from creating social order!
MENASOR: Without media/journalism engaged social order, TrumpUSA capitalism if frail.
BRUTICUS: If American media can be 'hygienic,' we have no reason to colonize Earth.


{Menasor & Bruticus}

Anyone 'dependent' on MSM reporting, is entirely uninformed and possibly a dupe of the State.

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