Dude, I found my second term agenda! Too little, too late.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Obama thought he could sell himself simply by attacking Romney. Until the debates, when it became obvious that Romney comes across as more presidential than the current prez.

So now he trots out his agenda. Finally. Shabbily.

"People will rightly ask why Obama waited until 14 days out from the election to bother to make a positive case for a second term — and come to the proper conclusion that Obama’s arrogance led him to believe he’d never have to make that case to voters at all. He figured he was owed a second term."

He was wrong. Bye bye Obama.

New Obama ad: Dude, I found my second-term agenda! « Hot Air
Obama's second term agenda
-Another trillion dollars in welfare
-complete his health care plan
-Give amnesty to all of Mexico
-Transfer wealth from white areas to black areas
-Bow to islam
-Drop our competitiveness under the top 10
-Make abortion free
-Free birth control
-Ban guns
-more centralized control over your eating habits
-Cap in trade
-Wind mills and solar for all
-Cut nukes down to zero as the rest of the world builds theirs
-Raise taxes for all
A new plan, now? 2 weeks before the election? :lol:

This is campaign ineptitude writ large. Cute slogans and soaring rhetoric only work once....then you get a record. This guy thinks he's still a blank canvas that everyone can paint their hopes and dreams upon....:rofl:

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