Drugs, Gangs, Crime and Illegal Aliens.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Drugs, Gangs, Crime and Illegal Aliens.

All the 11 million people in this country are not all hard working, law abiding people doing jobs Americans will not do. It is impossible to separate the criminals from the non-criminals with Comp. Immg. Reform Amnesty. And the drug, gang and crime problem will only get worse.
We don’t have “millions of jobs waiting to be filled” like former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour claim. We have 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed including teenagers. That is the workforce we need put to work rebuilding the economy and paying taxes and putting money into the economy.

That is the latest Left and Right rhetoric “we need amnesty to fill the millions of jobs that need to be filled to fix the economy.” What the hell do these amnesty advocates get their brains? Don’t they know most of the workforce of the millions of Illegal Aliens are unskilled, uneducated and low wage earners that pay no income taxes at all but get refund credits? And wage increase will cause jobs loss for millions of unskilled Americans, especially teenagers?

Comp. immg. Reform Amnesty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction for Americans.
Drugs, Gangs, Crime and Illegal Aliens.

All the 11 million people in this country are not all hard working, law abiding people doing jobs Americans will not do. It is impossible to separate the criminals from the non-criminals with Comp. Immg. Reform Amnesty. And the drug, gang and crime problem will only get worse.
We don’t have “millions of jobs waiting to be filled” like former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour claim. We have 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed including teenagers. That is the workforce we need put to work rebuilding the economy and paying taxes and putting money into the economy.

That is the latest Left and Right rhetoric “we need amnesty to fill the millions of jobs that need to be filled to fix the economy.” What the hell do these amnesty advocates get their brains? Don’t they know most of the workforce of the millions of Illegal Aliens are unskilled, uneducated and low wage earners that pay no income taxes at all but get refund credits? And wage increase will cause jobs loss for millions of unskilled Americans, especially teenagers?

Comp. immg. Reform Amnesty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction for Americans.

Well stated. Providing false information to obtain a SS Card is a Federal Crime as well as obtaining a false one.

It is against the law to use someone else's Social Security number or to give false information when applying for a number. Also, it is illegal to alter, buy, or sell Social Security cards. Anyone convicted of these crimes is subject to stiff fines and/or imprisonment. It is also a Federal Crime to enter the US through illegal means.

Will those guilty of the above be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?
The Condiment King

I remember watching an episode of the popular 1990s comic book adapted animated television series "Batman: The Animated Series" (Fox TV) in which a nefarious anti-social Gotham City nemesis prophetically named the Condiment King terrorized an affluent socialite dinner party with home-made spray guns filled with mustard and ketchup (American fast food condiments) in an attempt to deliver a message about the need for Robin Hood vigilantes in the modern capitalist society.

The valiant caped crusader and defender of the peace Batman tackled the Condiment King and suggested to him that mayhem can not solve social problems.

Since the days of the development of America when immigration really took off, rival ethnic gangs (i.e., Irish and Italian) vied for dominion by staking claims in a developing but politically shaky terrain. Corrupt bosses would work unethically with gang leaders to win social power. This stage in American history gave rise to sentiments about self-government, street-justice, and vigilantism which culminated in the formation of the Hell's Angels vigilante street gang during the counter-culture movement.

Today, American society is preoccupied with consumerism and convenience living (i.e., eBay, eTrade, Burger King, etc.), and the persistence of Los Angeles and New York City gangs represents a continuing American focus on 'populism confetti.'

Perhaps the Condiment King from "Batman: The Animated Series" (Fox TV) reveals an American interest in using governance colloquialization symbols to characterize street fever.


The Gangs of New York book - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Condiment King - Batman Wiki

Drugs, Gangs, Crime and Illegal Aliens.

All the 11 million people in this country are not all hard working, law abiding people doing jobs Americans will not do. It is impossible to separate the criminals from the non-criminals with Comp. Immg. Reform Amnesty. And the drug, gang and crime problem will only get worse.
We don’t have “millions of jobs waiting to be filled” like former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour claim. We have 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed including teenagers. That is the workforce we need put to work rebuilding the economy and paying taxes and putting money into the economy.

That is the latest Left and Right rhetoric “we need amnesty to fill the millions of jobs that need to be filled to fix the economy.” What the hell do these amnesty advocates get their brains? Don’t they know most of the workforce of the millions of Illegal Aliens are unskilled, uneducated and low wage earners that pay no income taxes at all but get refund credits? And wage increase will cause jobs loss for millions of unskilled Americans, especially teenagers?

Comp. immg. Reform Amnesty is a Weapon of Mass Destruction for Americans.

Make all illicit drugs legal and you take the legs out from under gangs and organized crime. When ever something's made illegal, OC just steps in providing it getting more power. If going to make something illegal make darn sure it's necessary and OC can't just keep on providing it.

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