Drugs are the root of most evils

unheard ofwhen I was growingup ing the 50s and60s

I believe that too. Addiction or dependency upon any drug, alcohol or other central nervous system stimulant, has contributed to the demise of many relationships and this would include, workaholism.
unheard ofwhen I was growingup ing the 50s and60s

I believe that too. Addiction or dependency upon any drug, alcohol or other central nervous system stimulant, has contributed to the demise of many relationships and this would include, workaholism.

Is it the "addiction or dependancy" you don't like or is it the usage you don't like?
unheard ofwhen I was growingup ing the 50s and60s

I believe that too. Addiction or dependency upon any drug, alcohol or other central nervous system stimulant, has contributed to the demise of many relationships and this would include, workaholism.

Is it the "addiction or dependancy" you don't like or is it the usage you don't like?

It is the change in behavior that results from the usage, which then alters the dynamics of a drug-free relationship, that I think destroys the value of a friendship or love.
I was born 1953 - now going on 58

Around the mid 60s heard ofmarujuana - then afterthat
the hard stuf - cocaine , heroin etc

destroyeorof lives

alcohol - don't go there

I don;t even drive after one beer
You people are idiots. Much like the "it's not the gun it's the shooter" argument, it really is the imbiber rather than the substance that causes havoc.

smoke weed every day!
When i was growingup in the 50s and 60 - things were hunky-dorky -

Marijuana was on the fringe

Then in the late 60sand early 70s designer drugs came into the fore.................
It would be all perspective how can you say one way to live is better or worse than another.
1950s were a safer era.

And a better one I might add.

Been there /done that
no one did any drinking in the 1950s? yes. alchohol is a drug.

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