Dropbox Left User Accounts Unlocked for 4 Hours Sunday


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
At a time when hackers are on a tear looting information willy-nilly from insecure sites on the Web, Dropbox did the unthinkable Sunday — it allowed anyone in the world to access any one of its 25 million customers’ online storage lockers — simply by typing in any password.

Dropbox, one of the most popular ways to share and sync files online, says the accounts became unlocked at 1:54pm Pacific time Sunday when a programming change introduced a bug. The company closed the hole a little less than 4 hours later.

The bug was reported on Dropbox forums and on Pastebin (via security researcher Christopher Soghoian).

Dropbox Left User Accounts Unlocked for 4 Hours Sunday | Threat Level | Wired.com

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