Drones raise distrust in our Government


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety | US National Headlines | Comcast

The prospect that thousands of drones could be patrolling U.S. skies by the end of this decade is raising the specter of a Big Brother government that peers into backyards and bedrooms.

The worries began mostly on the political margins, but there are signs that ordinary people are starting to fret that unmanned aircraft could soon be circling overhead.

Jeff Landry, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana's coastal bayou country, said constituents have stopped him while shopping at Walmart to talk about it.

"There is a distrust amongst the people who have come and discussed this issue with me about our government," Landry said. "It's raising an alarm with the American public."

The Left went ape shit with the Patriot Act under Bush and warrantless surveillaince taps on calls being made to terrorists. Now, they sit back passively silent....."bring in the drones."

Drones will only become a problem to the ACLU and the rest of the Left when a Democrats do not control them. Then, drones will be a threat.
Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety | US National Headlines | Comcast

The prospect that thousands of drones could be patrolling U.S. skies by the end of this decade is raising the specter of a Big Brother government that peers into backyards and bedrooms.

The worries began mostly on the political margins, but there are signs that ordinary people are starting to fret that unmanned aircraft could soon be circling overhead.

Jeff Landry, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana's coastal bayou country, said constituents have stopped him while shopping at Walmart to talk about it.

"There is a distrust amongst the people who have come and discussed this issue with me about our government," Landry said. "It's raising an alarm with the American public."

View attachment 19617

This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.
This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.

So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?
This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.

So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?

No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.

So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?

No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.

Look, I have no problems with non amrican citizens having it happend too, they are not under the Constitution, but american citizens should not have this crap happen to them.
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.

So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?

No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.

Drones can fly over vast areas of forest and farm area seeking out illegal marijuana growth. Are you trying to say this is somehow similar to our Government being able to listen in on our conversations any time they want?
So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?

No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.

Look, I have no problems with non amrican citizens having it happend too, they are not under the Constitution, but american citizens should not have this crap happen to them.

I agree with you. None of us should have to deal with government spying on us.
So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?

No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.

Drones can fly over vast areas of forest and farm area seeking out illegal marijuana growth. Are you trying to say this is somehow similar to our Government being able to listen in on our conversations any time they want?

As far as spying? Yes. Government has no right unless they obtain the proper warrants. You have no problem with government spying on us for whatever reason it deems?
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This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
Catching speeders is one thing, but these drones have already been used to spy on ranchers without warrants.

Also, the Defense Department wants 30,000 drones to fly in US Airspace. Contrast that with however many Police Helicopters are in operation right now.
So, using drones to catch the illegal growing of marijuana is NOT a good idea?
Yes, it's NOT a good idea. Ever heard of "Reasonable Expectation of Privacy"? Ever heard of the "4th Amendment"?

If the Police can't go before a Judge and show evidence of a crime being committed and get an actual search warrant then they need to stay the f*ck off a persons private property.
No, it's a horrible idea. It's the same kind of analogy that repubs were using during the wire taps of emails, phone etc......"well, if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry" type absurdity. That was equally wrong.

Look, I have no problems with non amrican citizens having it happend too, they are not under the Constitution, but american citizens should not have this crap happen to them.

I agree with you. None of us should have to deal with government spying on us.

Not unless they have just cause. But then look how this Government treats it's people? They can't trust the people...and I will add that by the same token that same government has sewn the seeds of distrust of the people.
Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety | US National Headlines | Comcast

The prospect that thousands of drones could be patrolling U.S. skies by the end of this decade is raising the specter of a Big Brother government that peers into backyards and bedrooms.

The worries began mostly on the political margins, but there are signs that ordinary people are starting to fret that unmanned aircraft could soon be circling overhead.

Jeff Landry, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana's coastal bayou country, said constituents have stopped him while shopping at Walmart to talk about it.

"There is a distrust amongst the people who have come and discussed this issue with me about our government," Landry said. "It's raising an alarm with the American public."

View attachment 19617

This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
One problem is that it won't be the typical full-sized aircraft that becomes the intrusion device. It will be miniature four-bladed helicopter drones that can be flown with great stealth and cunning into the smallest of places...even into buildings and up stairwells of same.

Micro-drones are just around the corner....small as a fly...fitted with cameras and microphones...able to pick up the sound of even the smallest poot in the men's room.

I'd be skeered if eyes y'all...but I ain't!:badgrin:
Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety | US National Headlines | Comcast

The prospect that thousands of drones could be patrolling U.S. skies by the end of this decade is raising the specter of a Big Brother government that peers into backyards and bedrooms.

The worries began mostly on the political margins, but there are signs that ordinary people are starting to fret that unmanned aircraft could soon be circling overhead.

Jeff Landry, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana's coastal bayou country, said constituents have stopped him while shopping at Walmart to talk about it.

"There is a distrust amongst the people who have come and discussed this issue with me about our government," Landry said. "It's raising an alarm with the American public."

View attachment 19617

This silly fear mongering was smacked down already. Our state police have been using manned aircraft (helo and fixed wing) to catch speeders on our intersates for more than 10 years. A drone would reduce the risk to human pilots as well as reduce the costs of such operations. With state budgets dwindling, and Mitt Romney wanting to cut the numbers of police, fire, EMS, teachers, etc., I would think this initiative would be embraced by the right?
One problem is that it won't be the typical full-sized aircraft that becomes the intrusion device. It will be miniature four-bladed helicopter drones that can be flown with great stealth and cunning into the smallest of places...even into buildings and up stairwells of same.

Micro-drones are just around the corner....small as a fly...fitted with cameras and microphones...able to pick up the sound of even the smallest poot in the men's room.

I'd be skeered if eyes y'all...but I ain't!:badgrin:

Would I lie to you?

Is that really just a fly? Swarms of cyborg insect drones are the future of military surveillance | Mail Online

They're EVERYWHERE! They're EVERYWHERE! Oh my gawd!!! They've probably seen me neckid!
Hitler had his Gestapo, Stalin had his KGB, Obama has his drones.
Close friend, mentor, confidante and all around 'Goombah' Bill Ayers remarked recently that every day "He wakes up and dreams this is the day he ends Capitalism" Barack has already done most of the legwork for him, handing GM and Chrysler over to the UAW, lock stock and barrel, while preparing to seize another 1/6th of the American economy with the ACA.
The drones are just another tool of the trade for Barry, enabling him to strip Americans of the Liberties and Rights they have managed to enjoy the last 236 years.
"I intend to take the 'Boom and the Bust' out of the Capitalist system (and make it permanently dead, of course)"
Safety and Liberty are inversely proportional to each other, the safest extreme being locked in a jail cell.
"Freedom is not free!"
Hitler had his Gestapo, Stalin had his KGB, Obama has his drones.
Close friend, mentor, confidante and all around 'Goombah' Bill Ayers remarked recently that every day "He wakes up and dreams this is the day he ends Capitalism" Barack has already done most of the legwork for him, handing GM and Chrysler over to the UAW, lock stock and barrel, while preparing to seize another 1/6th of the American economy with the ACA.
The drones are just another tool of the trade for Barry, enabling him to strip Americans of the Liberties and Rights they have managed to enjoy the last 236 years.
"I intend to take the 'Boom and the Bust' out of the Capitalist system (and make it permanently dead, of course)"
Safety and Liberty are inversely proportional to each other, the safest extreme being locked in a jail cell.
"Freedom is not free!"

What a tool you are. Thank you for the laugh. I am so glad I don't have to go through life being afraid of everything everyday the way you and your fellow rightwing fearmongers do. I see you learned nothing from the thumping you all received in 2008.

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