Driven by the pro Israel fanaticism. American man brutally killed a six year old American boy.

A 6 year old boy in Chicago was stabbed 26 times for being a palestinian muslim. Poor boy was doing nothing wrong other than being a muslim in Chicago. Due to all the hate toward muslims and the Israel-Hamas war someone stabbed him for being muslim. His mom couldn't go to funeral because she was stabbed too ... see what all the anti-muslim hate talk leads to! This is the kind of behavior conservatitives are promoting with their muslim hate speeches !

The old man stabbed the kid because he was brainwashed. Like 80% of Americans now, who think they have to choose a side on a subject that they have nothing more to do with than just an opinion.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

What do these Muslim animals like Hamas, ISIS and Al Queda have in them that causes them to commit such savage barbarism?

A 6 year old boy in Chicago was stabbed 26 times for being a palestinian muslim. Poor boy was doing nothing wrong other than being a muslim in Chicago. Due to all the hate toward muslims and the Israel-Hamas war someone stabbed him for being muslim. His mom couldn't go to funeral because she was stabbed too ... see what all the anti-muslim hate talk leads to! This is the kind of behavior conservatitives are promoting with their muslim hate speeches !

Well it is Chicago, all life is cheap there. BTW, you might want to turn your spell check on.

I know many Muslims. Have been very good friends with Muslims. I dated a muslim guy for awhile. Until he got too creepy. I've taken instruction at mosque. I became very active in helping young girls escape forced marriages. What a scam that is! I worked with a Muslim businessman and attorney. Of course doctors are Muslim. My insurance guy is Iranian. This is what I learned.

These are the nicest, kindest people you would ever meet. Until they aren't. They lie beautifully. It's actually part of the religion. I had a secretary from Pakistan for a long time. We became quite close. I went to her house many times. I went to her mother's wedding. I was so much a part of our Islamic community I wore the traditional sharwar khameeze. No matter how nice they will never overlook that you are an infidel.
Well no matter what you do you will always be an outsider or "infidel" to them because your not coming from their culture... which I totally get and understand and I see nothing wrong with that.

I am a Christian and try to go to church most Sundays, but I have even sworn I believe in Muhammad in front of muslim witnesses before and they still probably consider me an outsider. I have been friends with them, gone of vacations with them, gone to their house, visited their place of worship, had doctors who were muslim. I don't fault them for still considering me an outsider, I just was not brought up their culture so I understand.

I had friends who were Jewish and no matter how close I got to them, visited them at their place of worship, went to their house, went on vacations with them, did things with them... I was always seen as an outsider. I had one Jewish friend tell me that I would always been seen as an outsider to him and never considered one of the pack, which I understand. I regularly went to his house and went on vacations with him, he said that I would never be treated like I was one of them or the pack because we just come from different cultures.

Most muslims I have known are very good people and aren't the terrorists that people assume all muslims must be.
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The child is Muslim.
Apparently you decided to convert this child to Christianity.

The criminal is a Christian man. Against a little boy, Muslim. And the mother who survived.

How dare you turn this into some Christian good will leading this child to a Christian heaven?

Shame on you.
Shame on you.
Shame on you.
Be not amazed-----Islamo-nazi dogs are the spawn of Josef Goebbels. REALITY has nothing
to do with their "science" of "philosophy" Notice that Franklin has nothing to support his
outlandish claims
Not if the plan isn't

I'm a war veteran. I think I know what war is.

A matter of choice? Who was it who said, "Give me liberty or give me death" or "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees"? Could be your knowledge of history isn't as good as you think it is. :45:
Do you watch the news?

500 dead civilians at the Gaza hospital hit by a Hamas rocket or an Israeli bomb

THATS real war, not empty bold talk from a PX hero
Soil yourself, sonny boy. If you'd been where I've been your kees would still be twitching.
If you had been you would not be talking nonsense about war

The arabs have gotten nothing but misery by following your advice
Do you watch the news?

500 dead civilians at the Gaza hospital hit by a Hamas rocket or an Israeli bomb

THATS real war, not empty bold talk from a PX hero
None of which would have happened if Hamas had not launched a military assault on Israel civilians.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.


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