Driven by the pro Israel fanaticism. American man brutally killed a six year old American boy.

When you have the proof trot it out.
We all know that if it existed he'd be in prison. You're engaging in n election interference, btw.
It's a crime.
Patience, grasshopper. Your orange loser is on his way. What the fuck do you think all the indictments and trials are about?

Are you usually this stupid or did we catch you on a bad day?
How odd that you missed the fact that I mentioned multiple lying narratives pushed by the negative eugenecists if the left, and then lied and said I was making it "about abortion".
We all know lying negative eugenecists endorse all forms of human rights abuses, as long as they target a hated group...abortion certainly isn't their only method.
Nice dog picture. I like it

Please pray for the family of the six year old American boy, who was brutally killed by a pro Israel criminal.
That's not very nice of you. It sounds like what you would tell a desperate young woman struggling with a difficult pregnancy... to convince her that she should kill her baby.
Muslims and Christians stand with you Jewish people …. We are all against abortion kosher girl
Patience, grasshopper. Your orange loser is on his way. What the fuck do you think all the indictments and trials are about?

Are you usually this stupid or did we catch you on a bad day?
You guys have been saying that forever. You're just liars and criminals.
That's not very nice of you. It sounds like what you would tell a desperate young woman struggling with a difficult pregnancy... to convince her that she should kill her baby.
I am telling you straight.

You are a sick, sociopath .

Get some help.
I don't need help. That's why your negative eugenics/coercion strategies don't work on me.

You sure know how to spell eugenics, but understand nothing about what you are hysterically screaming about.

Stay hysterical, it is fun to watch. :)
You have used the word “hysterical” six times since I used it on you👍
That is what you are.
Your posts show that you are.
It does not count to just call someone hysterical they have to show, as you always do, hysterical tendencies in what they say and how they say it.

Hysterical, that is your real user name.

Non Jewish, non Kosher girl.
That is what you are.
Your posts show that you are.
It does not count to just call someone hysterical they have to show, as you always do, hysterical tendencies in what they say and how they say it.

Hysterical, that is your real user name.

Non Jewish, non Kosher girl.
I think you must not know what it means :D

A 6 year old boy in Chicago was stabbed 26 times for being a palestinian muslim. Poor boy was doing nothing wrong other than being a muslim in Chicago. Due to all the hate toward muslims and the Israel-Hamas war someone stabbed him for being muslim. His mom couldn't go to funeral because she was stabbed too ... see what all the anti-muslim hate talk leads to! This is the kind of behavior conservatitives are promoting with their muslim hate speeches !
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