Drilling in Anwar


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
You know, I seriously thought McCain's torture bill was a waste of time and it was rather aggrivating that he had the balls to attatch it to the appropriations bill so people couldnt vote against it without denyig the troops what they wanted.

But then i guess that technique isnt so bad since Anwar is now open for drilling because the Alaskan Senator got so mad about McCains bill that he added the Anwar bill to it also. So lets celebrate for the opportunity to search for our own oil source.

The democrats wanted the torture bill so they could appear to be against torture. Fine. they got it but in doing so they ended up supporting anwar drilling. Got to love irony.
attachments, how the hell is that legal? Just a side topic. Can someone point out to me where it says that bills can be latched onto other bills that have zero resemblance to one another?

Also of note, the Dems and McCain are now crying foul over the Alaskan Sen.'s tactics. How dare he attach that drilling bill to the military funding is the cry. Look for an attempt to have that part removed from it.
Yeah...I am in support of drilling in ANWAR, and I thought that the torture bill was unnecessary posturing...but I felt that what the Repubs did with this ANWAR bill was total bull.

Until we stop the people in power from playing stupid little politcal games (haha...now you can't vote against something you dont believe in or we'll tell everyone you voted against sending support to the troops!!!!)...then we will never people able to fix the problems that are sinking this system.

Both parties should be ashamed for this type of blatant partisan bullsh*t.
Well I say bully for Sen. Stevens for throwing McCain's shit right back at him. Let's get real. Aside from the sun going nova, I see nothing in sight that will EVER stop "partisan political games". So we might as well get some enjoyment from watching them squeel about having their own tactics used against them.
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theim said:
Well I say bully for Sen. Stevens for throwing McCain's shit right back at him. Let's get real. Aside from the sun going nova, I see nothing in sight that will EVER stop "partisan political games". So we might as well get some enjoyment from watching them squeel about having their own tactics used against them.

I agree. besides drilling in anwar is going to do alot more to help the war on terror then McCain's bill. The less our nation depends on foreign sources of oil the better.
Sometimes it seems like trying to figure out who are the good guys in politics is the real torture....

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