Dress Codes Heading To The Supreme Court

You wouldn't also happen to be a libertarian would you, because I see this specific mental inadequacy quite frequently in people who profess libertarian ideals.

You mean logic and common sense?
Do you believe sharia law is compatible with our constitution?

Where in this country has Sharia Law been installed?
Dearbornistan, Michigan. You should go to YouTube and watch a few videos from Dearborn Arab Festivals. Muslim cab drivers refused to pick up fares at the airport in Minneapolis if they had a dog or alcohol. Is that being a bigot?
You wouldn't also happen to be a libertarian would you, because I see this specific mental inadequacy quite frequently in people who profess libertarian ideals.

You mean logic and common sense?
Do you believe sharia law is compatible with our constitution?

Where in this country has Sharia Law been installed?
Dearbornistan, Michigan.

The fact that A&F changed their dress code is reason enough for Me to never do business with them again. Not a difficult decision as their clothing is junk and way overpriced.

However, I won't do business with a business that bends to political correctness.

I go to Minneapolis for work quite a few times a year. Every time I go to the rental car counter at the airport one or more of the girls working there usually has a head scarf on. I had no idea all these years I was supposed to experience butt hurt over it. Learn something new every day.
Are you incapable of understanding or comprehending a sentence?

No where did I say I would stop doing business with a business that allowed women to wear head scarves or hijab or whatever they are called.

Comprehension is a friend, you should try it.
You wouldn't also happen to be a libertarian would you, because I see this specific mental inadequacy quite frequently in people who profess libertarian ideals.

You mean logic and common sense?
Do you believe sharia law is compatible with our constitution?

Where in this country has Sharia Law been installed?
Dearbornistan, Michigan.

Read my post again and follow instructions therein.
You wouldn't also happen to be a libertarian would you, because I see this specific mental inadequacy quite frequently in people who profess libertarian ideals.

You mean logic and common sense?

So I pegged you correctly. Thanks.

Yes, you correctly pegged me as someone who believes in individual freedom and liberty. That's an anathema to statists and authoritarians.
Yes, but you're too shallow-minded to realize that your appreciation of freedom and liberty is built on a cultural foundation. It doesn't work when the foundation is blasted away. Try to practice your libertarianism in Iran or Egypt or Turkey or Algeria or Botswana. You're like the homeowners who invest all their savings in granite countertops and marble bathrooms and glorious wood flooring while neglecting the crumbling foundation, the rotting structural supports of the house and the leaking roof. When the house collapses how much will you be able to enjoy those granite countertops?

Which non-Western cultures in the world can you point to where individual freedom and liberty are valued as highly as in the US and the rest of the West? When you erode the culture of the West then you erode the culture which sustains your practice of individual freedom and liberty. Libertarians can't figure this out because that would then put them into a position where they have to acknowledge the truth and then defend it and their principles would no longer be universal but very culture specific, and libertarians love to stroke themselves with their belief that their principles are universal. In this respect you guys are as divorced from reality as liberals, who also live in their own bubble universe divorced from reality.
Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.
Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.

You have to ask?
Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.

You have to ask?

I'd like just one liberal to answer, but they avoid the subject and bash Christians or Republicans instead.

I know Muslims attack when they don't like what someone said. But we shouldn't tiptoe around them and censor ourselves for fear we will offend them. They need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them and their archaic beliefs.

I am so sick of being called intolerant because I won't bend over to appease those who are intolerant of me.

Here we are again, allowing a judge to legislate from the bench and dictate what businesses can and can't do. Dress codes have been accepted for a long time and there is no need to change that. Businesses are losing control of how they run their own companies. Government decides who they must serve and now whether they can expect employees to adhere to a dress code. Government already banned smoking, even though non-smokers can easily avoid places where it's allowed. They won't stop until they are running every business.
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Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.

You have to ask?

Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.

The American flag stands for freedom, so why do some resent how people dress or worship?
Sounds like you're the intolerant one being against women wearing a hijab. Have you accepted women being able to vote yet? You probably rage inside when you see them at the voting booth.

What makes you believe that I have a problem with being intolerant? I'm simply pointing out that vacuous lefties should live true to the standards they profess.

Intolerance signals that a person has standards and is willing to live true to the standards. Tolerance means that one's one standards are downgraded in importance in order to make room for different standards.

Those who won't fight for their standards, or their culture, will soon find themselves living under the standards, or culture, of those who did fight for their standards. Muslims are fighting to change the standards here and to impose hijab into the realm of the acceptable. They're winning because Western culture is now too pussified by liberals to mount a defense against the hijab.

Flushing all that the West has achieved down the toilet for fear of being called a racist is a form of intellectual and moral cancer that has infected our society.

Exaggerate some? A hijab brings down western civilization!

Some Muslims and liberals here have complained that the Confederate flag stands for racism and the American flag offends Muslims.

I understand why some see the hijabs and instantly think of how Muslim women have no rights. Men can marry children, mutilate young girls genitals and oppress them in every way possible. That is offensive. When they bitch about patriotic clothing and other symbols that should be banned, maybe they should include their own garb that reminds us of how women can't make choices and are obligated to follow Sharia law or face dire consequences. At least the American flag stands for freedom. Maybe that is why so many Muslims find it offensive, since it includes women in the freedom.

Most Muslims haven't shown a willingness to tolerate the ways of their host country and it gets tiresome when demands are made, but there is no effort to meet us halfway.

Liberals tolerate the religion that treats women cruelly while bashing the religion that openly disagrees with the liberal agenda. The left is intolerant of dissenting views, but not the oppression and cruel treatment of women.

Muslims are slowly taking over Great Britain, one step at a time.

Why are countries so afraid of offending Muslims? It should always be the immigrants that assimilate and make changes to adapt to a country's laws. You don't go and bitch because things aren't done the way your country does them.

The American flag stands for freedom, so why do some resent how people dress or worship?
You almost gotta laugh. A boy can be kicked out of school for wearing a 2nd Amendment T-shirt but if he wears a dress he is protected from discrimination.
You wouldn't also happen to be a libertarian would you, because I see this specific mental inadequacy quite frequently in people who profess libertarian ideals.

You mean logic and common sense?
Do you believe sharia law is compatible with our constitution?

Where in this country has Sharia Law been installed?
Dearbornistan, Michigan. You should go to YouTube and watch a few videos from Dearborn Arab Festivals. Muslim cab drivers refused to pick up fares at the airport in Minneapolis if they had a dog or alcohol. Is that being a bigot?

Yes, it was in fact. They were also in violation of public accommodation laws and were ordered to accept the fares regardless of their beliefs. I remember folks cheering the ruling as a slap against "creeping Sharia." Ironically many of those same people got all hysterical when the same PA laws were applied to bakers refusing to bake cakes for gay couples. That was seen a violation of religious freedoms by them though. Hypocrites.

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