DREAMers tell of ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Naturally, the story doesn't say what the "harvester" would do if the "voter" wanted to vote a different way...read on.

I must note that there are other ways of harvesting ballots, so don't feel comfortable that this scheme hasn't come to your state yet. In Wisconsin, they allowed 6 weeks of early voting in the liberal strongholds and only 2 weeks in the conservative areas. They also spiked up the turnout by including a non-binding marijuana referendum in the University areas and allowed early voting on Saturdays and Sundays. Needless to say, Republicans lost the election.

It was one of those heartstring-tugging, tear-jerking, carefully curated narratives about DREAMers we're supposed to read and then respond to with sympathy. But a story that ran in the Los Angeles Times yesterday accidentally did more to raise questions about the issue of ballot-harvesting in California than any raving right-wing warning tome could ever do.

The Times describes how California's famed ballot-harvestors, who flipped places such as Orange County blue in the last midterm, aren't actually citizens. They did it by "helping" voters fill out, and turn in, and continue to turn in, ballots from otherwise uncommitted voters until they got the result they wanted. Here's the DREAMers "helping" the voters vote the way they wanted, in action:

In California, Dreamers like Cruz phoned voters, walked precincts and protested outside Republican lawmakers’ offices, reaching people who had not been called or visited by either party. Their efforts helped boost turnout among Latinos in this year’s midterm election — 29 million nationwide were eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center — which is projected to surpass levels higher than in past presidential election years, political analysts said.

An analysis of data from eight states by the Latino Policy and Politics Initiative at UCLA found the Latino vote grew by an estimated 96% from 2014 to 2018, compared with 37% among non-Latinos. The surge, researchers said, helped move 20 House districts held by Republicans to Democratic control in California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, New Jersey and New York.

And here's how they actually did it: Half an hour later, she was helping Silva look up candidates as he filled out his ballot by the light of her phone. “I’m glad you guys came,” he said. “I was going to leave it in my drawer.”

Read more at americanthinker.com ..

I don’t see how lawsuits could not be brought...this is a national consequential event(s), and should be a DOJ item.

But we don’t have a DOJ...

if we were really still in charge, those harvesting would be in jail as well as their management.
I'm in Orange county. Harvesters went door to door offering to help people fill out ballots which they will kindly deliver. They just happened to have boxes of ballots ready to go.

I told the young man that I had already filled out and mailed mine in. No problem. The mail in probably got lost. I can fill out a new one and even change my mind.

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