Dragon Fuel


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.

I hear they use the same techniques that sword swallowers use ----- Oh wait, that wasn't dragons.
My favorite character in GoT, Joffrey, got whacked several years ago. But its still a good historical docudrama, and I'll definitely be watching it this evening.

The way they were able to build a wall in Westeros and it was able to keep out illegal White Walker immigrants impressed me. I hope that President Trump is watching tonight. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
4 months and counting not watching television (Thank god)

agreed; I watch maybe 1 hour (at most) of TV a week, on average.

the majority of AmeriKKKa is fucking brain dead because of the baby sitting device formerly known as a cathode ray tube .........
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.
read some tales about Dragons and your questions will be answered.....
4 months and counting not watching television (Thank god)

agreed; I watch maybe 1 hour (at most) of TV a week, on average.

the majority of AmeriKKKa is fucking brain dead because of the baby sitting device formerly known as a cathode ray tube .........

Most TV is trash but occasionally there are gems. GOT is definitely one of the gems. One of the rare times when the TV adaptation is as good or better than the books. The production has been great. Fantastic story that created a rich alternate fantasy world.

Now we know that Cersei Lannister will not send her army North to battle the zombies with Queen D - not that it would make any difference anyway. Will Jon Snow, whose real name we now know is "Aegon Targaryen," continue to jump the bones of Daenaris, or end it all by 'splainin' to her that HE is the real heir to the excruciatingly uncomfortable throne? Can't wait to find out. Pussy or Power? Which is the stronger motivator?

Will Sam Tarley do anything with his anger at Queen D and Jon/Aegon for not showing any mercy to his father and brother? And how pissed will he be when he finds out exactly HOW Queen D had them offed?

Did the dragons sense Jon's DNA when they allowed him to mount one of them? Is he, in effect the "Father of Dragons?"The dragons seem to have a sixth sense about such things, eh?

Would it be unkind to note that Eddard Stark had a couple of seriously homely daughters? And all the makeup in the world can't hide it.
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.
Dragons have a furnace inside their bodies. They eat.....they shoot flame out from stomach acid. In every case Dragons have a nearly inpenetrable hide with scales like thick armor. That's why I didn't buy the easy takedown by the Night king. I guess the author needed a way for the undead army to bring down the wall. So he allowed it to happen. But normally that spear would have just bounced off and those Dragons would have fried those zombies into ashes.
4 months and counting not watching television (Thank god)

agreed; I watch maybe 1 hour (at most) of TV a week, on average.

the majority of AmeriKKKa is fucking brain dead because of the baby sitting device formerly known as a cathode ray tube .........

Most TV is trash but occasionally there are gems. GOT is definitely one of the gems. One of the rare times when the TV adaptation is as good or better than the books. The production has been great. Fantastic story that created a rich alternate fantasy world.
I cringe a bit from watching it because of the violence, and it's like the Sopranos, somebody you like is gonna get whacked any minute.
4 months and counting not watching television (Thank god)

agreed; I watch maybe 1 hour (at most) of TV a week, on average.

the majority of AmeriKKKa is fucking brain dead because of the baby sitting device formerly known as a cathode ray tube .........

Most TV is trash but occasionally there are gems. GOT is definitely one of the gems. One of the rare times when the TV adaptation is as good or better than the books. The production has been great. Fantastic story that created a rich alternate fantasy world.
I cringe a bit from watching it because of the violence, and it's like the Sopranos, somebody you like is gonna get whacked any minute.

Good chance everybody you cared about watching this series for eight years is going to die.

Martin likes to kill off the main characters big time.

The season opener laid out several foreshadowing of conflict and potential deaths.
Anybody want to take a bet that the weapon Arya commissioned to be made will be the one that kills the Night King?
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.
Dragons have a furnace inside their bodies. They eat.....they shoot flame out from stomach acid. In every case Dragons have a nearly inpenetrable hide with scales like thick armor. That's why I didn't buy the easy takedown by the Night king. I guess the author needed a way for the undead army to bring down the wall. So he allowed it to happen. But normally that spear would have just bounced off and those Dragons would have fried those zombies into ashes.

Why couldn't you accept that the Night King took down a dragon? I mean, it's pretty obvious that the Night King has a whole lot of magic, because he was able to break through the magic shielding around the First Tree, as well as the fact that every dead thing that he touches comes back as a zombie.
Game of Thrones. Dragons. Got it?

So maybe I can believe in a flying reptile that is as big as a 727. Hatched from an egg that's a hundred years old. Maybe I can believe that they obey voice commands from some 112 pound blonde cutie - even telepathic commands. I'll buy all that.

But it seems to me that once the dragon has shot his wad, so to speak, it should take him a while to re-charge the flame thrower. He can't incinerate an army now, and come back around in 15 seconds and do it again. And why doesn't his own throat get burnt?

I find this very troubling.

And that doesn't even begin to match my skepticism about an army of zombies.
Dragons have a furnace inside their bodies. They eat.....they shoot flame out from stomach acid. In every case Dragons have a nearly inpenetrable hide with scales like thick armor. That's why I didn't buy the easy takedown by the Night king. I guess the author needed a way for the undead army to bring down the wall. So he allowed it to happen. But normally that spear would have just bounced off and those Dragons would have fried those zombies into ashes.

Why couldn't you accept that the Night King took down a dragon? I mean, it's pretty obvious that the Night King has a whole lot of magic, because he was able to break through the magic shielding around the First Tree, as well as the fact that every dead thing that he touches comes back as a zombie.
Dragons have magic too.....and armor.
Interesting little factoid about last nights premier. Seems that HBO didn't want any spoilers, so they decided to air it world wide at the same time. And, since when it aired here it was Sunday night, but when it aired in Australia, it came on at 11 am Monday. With that being said, I wonder how many people missed work because of the GOT premier?

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