Dr. Thorn: Patriot Dreamscape


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'wartime-patriotism' covert lifestyle vignette inspired by the modern warfare disarray film Three Kings.

We could sure use Thomas Nast right about now...

Signing off,


"My name is Dr. Thorn, and I'm a military consultant as well as a medical officer for the U.S. government. For years now, I've worked with the special secret team of paramilitary crusaders (employed by the CIA) which I colloquially call 'G.I. Joes.' I gave myself the alias 'Snake-Eyes' (since I'm interested in animals and martial arts!). As 'Snake-Eyes,' I was entrusted to carry out various duties ensuring that the reign of a secret super-terrorist group (which we termed 'Cobra'), comprised of rogue members from the IRA, Hamas, Taliban, and ISIS, would be seriously challenged.

When the great 'underground war' (being waged in Syria, Turkey, British Columbia, and Russia) was over, members of the G.I. Joes and Cobra became 'bedfellows' (or political 'liaisons'). This tenable peace lasted for some time, until some of us started drinking, smoking marijuana, and using government funds to gamble in Vegas. I was so ashamed that I decided to drop out of the 'squad' entirely. Now, my patriotism is being questioned...

Two weeks ago, I'm sitting in a nice California movieplex watching a back-to-back rescreening of two 'iconic' (though offbeat) '90s classics, Total Eclipse (Leo DiCaprio) and Philadelphia (Tom Hanks). Both films are about homosexual males, and I was watching with my girlfriend who has political affiliations with the LGBT community (and lobby in DC!). Suddenly, two government men handcuffed me and carried me to a secret military base where I was questioned.

The gist of that interrogation is below. What I learned from my interrogation is that 'American patriotism' in this new age of 'dystopian terrorism' is nothing short of 'gypsy'...

THORN: What is the meaning of all this?
INTERROGATOR: You're our 'main man,' and now you're a no-good.
THORN: Excuse me? I want legal counsel...
INTERROGATOR: No lawyers or courtroom right now; we just want answers.
THORN: What're your questions?
INTERROGATOR: Is your girlfriend aware of your government-related work?
THORN: No, she has no reason to be a part of any of that!
INTERROGATOR: Good. Did you tell anyone else?
THORN: No. Why should I? What is this about?
INTERROGATOR: The G.I. Joes and Cobra are opening a casino in Saudi Arabia!
THORN: Oh, and I suppose you want me to 'join,' since I was 'Snake-Eyes.'
INTERROGATOR: Yes! Why would you be opposed to this notion/offer?
THORN: What if I refuse?
INTERROGATOR: Well, we can't force you, son, but consider the pageantry...
THORN: Nah, I just want to retire and live with my girlfriend (Shelbye).
INTERROGATOR: Alright (we understand), but remember our offer --- pure capitalism!

As you can see, this little 'interrogation' reinforces the notion that new age 'nationalism-mysticism' is somewhat confounded by terrorism-related sloth. God bless America!"



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