Dozens Of Black Employees Said They Faced Racism At Planned Parenthood, An Internal Audit Found

Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
1. Ms. Sanger is my No. 1 hero(ine).

a. She gave women the right to decide if they wanted a child or not.

2. Regarding charges of alleged discrimination against employees of two certain ethnicities: NOT TO WORRY. Just be patient. Within a few more decades, nearly all of the employees at Planned Parenthood will be people from those two ethnicities.
1. Ms. Sanger is my No. 1 hero(ine).

a. She gave women the right to decide if they wanted a child or not.

2. Regarding charges of alleged discrimination against employees of two certain ethnicities: NOT TO WORRY. Just be patient. Within a few more decades, nearly all of the employees at Planned Parenthood will be people from those two ethnicities.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

I am shocked, i say..

Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

The article lists no examples and the accusations made, sound pretty weak. They even mention in the article that it smacks of "micro aggressions" which is code for, "lies".

ONE of the possible issues raised was confusing black names.

Sorry pal. You give your kid a made up name that looks like someone dropped a box of syllables down a flight of stairs and people get have trouble remembering it,

that not racism, that is you having a stupid name. Get over it. Blame your mommy.
Libs have always been huge racists. When Mrs.Clinton was a bigshot at Walmart, literally hundreds of accusations of racism were made against the corporation.
1. Ms. Sanger is my No. 1 hero(ine).

a. She gave women the right to decide if they wanted a child or not.

2. Regarding charges of alleged discrimination against employees of two certain ethnicities: NOT TO WORRY. Just be patient. Within a few more decades, nearly all of the employees at Planned Parenthood will be people from those two ethnicities.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
She believed in Eugenics------not racism. She and her family were PRO-BLACK and PRO-Woman--they were activists. It is a lie to call her a racist. She saw women trapped in bad marriages and poverty because they had a large number of children. SHE WAS RIGHT---

She believed the key to escaped abusive marriages and poverty (which lead to starvation of children) was to have FEWER children........hence her support of abortion. She again was right. She saw women trapped in abusive marriages unable to leave because they could not find work that would support themselves and large number of children. A woman with one or two kids would have a better chance of escaping a bad marriage, than a woman with 7, 8, or 9 etc. She was right.

She lived in a time when medical procedures were also limited-------and noted that primarily women who had an iq below 70 (retarded) would often have kids with iqs in this range......and that they really had no chance at a happy life in their time..She again was right. She saw women with mental problems have kids with mental problems----ergo not having kids would prevent these kids from suffering. She was right.

Many problems could have been avoided by not overbreeding and not allowing women with issues to have a large number of kids with issues. This is even a fact of today---------but especially then with their limited medical and social nets--this was especially true. She was trying to protect women and children--but the anti-abortion crowd is so wrapped up in their hate of abortions that they can't see the facts or the necessity.
1. Ms. Sanger is my No. 1 hero(ine).

a. She gave women the right to decide if they wanted a child or not.

2. Regarding charges of alleged discrimination against employees of two certain ethnicities: NOT TO WORRY. Just be patient. Within a few more decades, nearly all of the employees at Planned Parenthood will be people from those two ethnicities.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
She believed in Eugenics------not racism. She and her family were PRO-BLACK and PRO-Woman--they were activists. It is a lie to call her a racist. She saw women trapped in bad marriages and poverty because they had a large number of children. SHE WAS RIGHT---

She believed the key to escaped abusive marriages and poverty (which lead to starvation of children) was to have FEWER children........hence her support of abortion. She again was right. She saw women trapped in abusive marriages unable to leave because they could not find work that would support themselves and large number of children. A woman with one or two kids would have a better chance of escaping a bad marriage, than a woman with 7, 8, or 9 etc. She was right.

She lived in a time when medical procedures were also limited-------and noted that primarily women who had an iq below 70 (retarded) would often have kids with iqs in this range......and that they really had no chance at a happy life in their time..She again was right. She saw women with mental problems have kids with mental problems----ergo not having kids would prevent these kids from suffering. She was right.

Many problems could have been avoided by not overbreeding and not allowing women with issues to have a large number of kids with issues. This is even a fact of today---------but especially then with their limited medical and social nets--this was especially true. She was trying to protect women and children--but the anti-abortion crowd is so wrapped up in their hate of abortions that they can't see the facts or the necessity.
“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“They are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born. Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease…Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant.”

“Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race.”
Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

The article lists no examples and the accusations made, sound pretty weak. They even mention in the article that it smacks of "micro aggressions" which is code for, "lies".

ONE of the possible issues raised was confusing black names.

Sorry pal. You give your kid a made up name that looks like someone dropped a box of syllables down a flight of stairs and people get have trouble remembering it,

that not racism, that is you having a stupid name. Get over it. Blame your mommy.
But a cop shooting an armed man trying to kidnap children is cause for riots!

Pretty racist of you to blow off how blacks are poorly treated.
Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

The article lists no examples and the accusations made, sound pretty weak. They even mention in the article that it smacks of "micro aggressions" which is code for, "lies".

ONE of the possible issues raised was confusing black names.

Sorry pal. You give your kid a made up name that looks like someone dropped a box of syllables down a flight of stairs and people get have trouble remembering it,

that not racism, that is you having a stupid name. Get over it. Blame your mommy.
Learn to read.
“...that people of color, and especially Black people, were often stuck in lower-paying administrative roles, causing high turnover rates among staff of color and preventing nonwhite employees from rising to positions of power within the organizations.

The employees provided screenshots of emails, text messages, internal staff surveys, union proposals, and other internal documents to support these stories.”
Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

The article lists no examples and the accusations made, sound pretty weak. They even mention in the article that it smacks of "micro aggressions" which is code for, "lies".

ONE of the possible issues raised was confusing black names.

Sorry pal. You give your kid a made up name that looks like someone dropped a box of syllables down a flight of stairs and people get have trouble remembering it,

that not racism, that is you having a stupid name. Get over it. Blame your mommy.
Learn to read.
“...that people of color, and especially Black people, were often stuck in lower-paying administrative roles, causing high turnover rates among staff of color and preventing nonwhite employees from rising to positions of power within the organizations.

The employees provided screenshots of emails, text messages, internal staff surveys, union proposals, and other internal documents to support these stories.”

Christ, how deep was that buried?

And if they have real evidence backing real discrimination, then why the shit about names even being mentioned?

I don't know who to believe here. The accusations could be true. White libs are often very racist.

On the other hand, black lefties often make false accusations.
Margaret Sanger smiles knowing her work against blacks continues.

Nonsense. I read the WHOLE DAMNED article. It is
a waste of pixels. Not a single example of "racism" ---just perception on the part of black employees of
Planned Parenthood that non-black employees are
"RACIST" and that black employees do "more work"
There is an accusation that non-black employees use
"racist language" (???) LIKE WHAT? ~~~ nuthin'
1. Ms. Sanger is my No. 1 hero(ine).

a. She gave women the right to decide if they wanted a child or not.

2. Regarding charges of alleged discrimination against employees of two certain ethnicities: NOT TO WORRY. Just be patient. Within a few more decades, nearly all of the employees at Planned Parenthood will be people from those two ethnicities.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
She believed in Eugenics------not racism. She and her family were PRO-BLACK and PRO-Woman--they were activists. It is a lie to call her a racist. She saw women trapped in bad marriages and poverty because they had a large number of children. SHE WAS RIGHT---

She believed the key to escaped abusive marriages and poverty (which lead to starvation of children) was to have FEWER children........hence her support of abortion. She again was right. She saw women trapped in abusive marriages unable to leave because they could not find work that would support themselves and large number of children. A woman with one or two kids would have a better chance of escaping a bad marriage, than a woman with 7, 8, or 9 etc. She was right.

She lived in a time when medical procedures were also limited-------and noted that primarily women who had an iq below 70 (retarded) would often have kids with iqs in this range......and that they really had no chance at a happy life in their time..She again was right. She saw women with mental problems have kids with mental problems----ergo not having kids would prevent these kids from suffering. She was right.

Many problems could have been avoided by not overbreeding and not allowing women with issues to have a large number of kids with issues. This is even a fact of today---------but especially then with their limited medical and social nets--this was especially true. She was trying to protect women and children--but the anti-abortion crowd is so wrapped up in their hate of abortions that they can't see the facts or the necessity.
“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“They are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born. Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease…Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant.”

“Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race.”

"We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" was taken out of context...........

Much of the controversy stems from a 1939 letter in which Sanger outlined her plan to reach out to black leaders — specifically ministers — to help dispel community suspicions about the family planning clinics she was opening in the South.

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” she wrote. It was, as the Washington Post called it, an “inartfully written” sentence, but one that, in context, describes the sort of preposterous allegations she feared — not her actual mission. The irony is that it has been used to propagate those very allegations. Cruz’s letter to the director of the National Portrait Gallery, for example, quotes only the first half of the sentence.

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux klan."---Klansmen were known to be violent to their klans women while klans women like in all groups were known to be abused in some cases and leaders in others----of course she would want to talk to them to try to reason with them about limiting the number of children.

"They are human weeds...." Of course she felt this way about people over breeding. I just explained why---she felt that a large number of kids kept a woman tied down in an abusive relationship and poverty. It is reckless and selfish to have a huge number of kids that you can't care for-----burdens on society and charity that inevitably leads to the suffering of the kids. I feel the same way about todays welfare crowd---weeds producing offspring problems that should not be.

"Knowledge of ..............." A cleaner race----would mean selective breeding of all races would raise the average iq of everyone regardless of color and eliminate many of the mental health and birth defect problems for all races as well. No different in breeding dogs----------you select traits that you want and don't want----and avoid allowing those with traits like birth defects from breeding. Take for instance higher iq-------if you limit the number of lower iq in either dogs or humans from breeding, within a generation or two the average iq goes up and subsequently follows for each additional generation.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Okay, so you got the Right Wing Lies about Sanger down. I'm surprised you didn't post the doctored picture of her at the Klan Rally.

Some points about Sanger.

First, yes, she believed in Eugenics at a time when Eugenics was still considered good science. Eugenics got a bad rap after Hitler, obviously, but before that, it was seriously believed that you could produce better people through selective breeding.

Second, her "Negro Project" was roundly supported by African American leaders at the time, as it was about getting family planning to black women that white women already had access to. Now, again, this is the 1920's. There weren't a whole lot of family planning options at the time. They were illegal in many states, but the laws were routinely ignored. White people could get these things, black people couldn't.

Third point- Sanger actually opposed legalized abortion. Again, this was the 1920's, and before antibiotics, getting an abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition.

So, yeah, I guess you could look at her the way you look at your 90 year old grandparents who say politically incorrect things because they are products of their time.
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Okay, so you got the Right Wing Lies about Sanger down. I'm surprised you didn't post the doctored picture of her at the Klan Rally.

Some points about Sanger.

First, yes, she believed in Eugenics at a time when Eugenics was still considered good science. Eugenics got a bad rap after Hitler, obviously, but before that, it was seriously believed that you could produce better people through selective breeding.

Second, her "Negro Project" was roundly supported by African American leaders at the time, as it was about getting family planning to black women that white women already had access to. Now, again, this is the 1920's. There weren't a whole lot of family planning options at the time. They were illegal in many states, but the laws were routinely ignored. White people could get these things, black people couldn't.

Third point- Sanger actually opposed legalized abortion. Again, this was the 1920's, and before antibiotics, getting an abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition.

So, yeah, I guess you could look at her the way you look at your 90 year old grandparents who say politically incorrect things because they are products of their time.
You Progs pick the way people lived in the past to your advantage part and parcel. You have destroyed the Founding Fathers as one example.
if you want to screw around and conflate Sanger's remarks about the negro (of course, I mean BLACK)
population as being "anti-black" ---then you can just
as correctly and EASILY conflate her remarks about
her own life as ANTI-IRISH/CATHOLIC
What’s your favorite thing about Sanger you like most? Her Negro Project to selectively breed blacks out of society or her working with the KKK to push for eugenics to promote breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Okay, so you got the Right Wing Lies about Sanger down. I'm surprised you didn't post the doctored picture of her at the Klan Rally.

Some points about Sanger.

First, yes, she believed in Eugenics at a time when Eugenics was still considered good science. Eugenics got a bad rap after Hitler, obviously, but before that, it was seriously believed that you could produce better people through selective breeding.

Second, her "Negro Project" was roundly supported by African American leaders at the time, as it was about getting family planning to black women that white women already had access to. Now, again, this is the 1920's. There weren't a whole lot of family planning options at the time. They were illegal in many states, but the laws were routinely ignored. White people could get these things, black people couldn't.

Third point- Sanger actually opposed legalized abortion. Again, this was the 1920's, and before antibiotics, getting an abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition.

So, yeah, I guess you could look at her the way you look at your 90 year old grandparents who say politically incorrect things because they are products of their time.
Figures you’d support extermination of people you deem ‘defective’. Hitler would be proud of you. And people like Stephan Hawking and Helen Keller would frown.
You Progs pick the way people lived in the past to your advantage part and parcel. You have destroyed the Founding Fathers as one example.

When did this happen. I checked my wallet, and it still has a bunch of pictures of Geo. Washington on it.

I don't denounce George Washington for believing bleeding was a good treatment for strep throat. That was the best scientific knowledge of his day.

I do denounce him for owning slaves, because on some level, he knew that was wrong.

So the argument against Sanger, the valid argument, is that she thought there was some validity to Eugenics. So did most other scientific minds of the day.
Figures you’d support extermination of people you deem ‘defective’. Hitler would be proud of you. And people like Stephan Hawking and Helen Keller would frown.

Which isn't what people who supported Positive Eugenics believed at all.

The reality is, we practice positive Eugenics to this very day, which is why people are genetically screened for diseases like Tay-Sachs and Cystic Fibrosis before they start having children.
You Progs pick the way people lived in the past to your advantage part and parcel. You have destroyed the Founding Fathers as one example.

When did this happen. I checked my wallet, and it still has a bunch of pictures of Geo. Washington on it.

I don't denounce George Washington for believing bleeding was a good treatment for strep throat. That was the best scientific knowledge of his day.

I do denounce him for owning slaves, because on some level, he knew that was wrong.

So the argument against Sanger, the valid argument, is that she thought there was some validity to Eugenics. So did most other scientific minds of the day.
You pick what you like and pleases you. We know there have been mini series and movies made about slavery. Truth in how it was? Someone or some entity is stirring people up today.

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